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Land of the impure

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well im refering to the same year issue, same year diff opinions

pakistan is infact being badly screwed by these media propagandas, these people dont even know we were growing with 8% till 2007

The GDP real growth rate of Pakistan in 2007 was 6.6%

Article was written by an Indian.

How d you know that it was written by an Indian? I tried looking for the name of the author couldn't find it, not even in the print version. Just because it slags off Pakistan it must be written by an Indian?


Looks like Dominic Zeigler (The columnist at Banyan, The Economist, is an Indian after all). :disagree:

In Afghanistan and Pakistan Mahmud is celebrated as a hero and a great patron of the arts, architecture, literature, and Persian revivalism as well as a vanguard of Islam and a paragon of virtue and piety who established the standard of Islam in India. The military of Pakistan has named its short-range ballistic missile in the honour of Mahmud of Ghazni, the Ghaznavi Missile.

In modern Pakistan he is hailed as a conquering hero who established the standard of Islam upon heathen land, while in India he may be depicted as raiding iconoclastic invader, bent upon the loot and plunder of a peaceful Hindu population. Conversion to Islam of the native population has also become a controversial topic with the versions of sword enforced mass conversions vs. inspirational missionary activity. Over the past century with the rise of Hindutva and the partition of India, a lot more attention has been focused on casualties, temple destructions, slavery and forced conversions to Islam than before. This controversy has been further stoked by the depictions of the historical Mahmud as either a hero or a villain by the polarization of nationalist or ideological orientations.

In India, Mahmud is therefore seen as a ruthless invader who plundered the temples of India and caused long lasting damage. His attacks on Mathura and Somnath are seen as decisive events in the history of North India and a sign of its subjugation to Islamic invasions. The fact that Mahmud never tried consolidating his conquests choosing instead to target a different region and different temples on each of his invasions is seen as evidence that he was interested in loot.

Iranians remember him as an Orthodox Sunni who was responsible for the revival of the Persian culture by commissioning and appointing Persians to high offices in his administration as ministers, viziers and generals. In addition Iranians remember him for the promotion and preference of Persian language instead of Turkish and patronage of great nationalist poets and scholars such as Ferdowsi, Al-Biruni and Ferishta as well as his Lion and Sun flag which is still a national symbol in the modern state of Iran.

source: wikipedia
^ what you are talking about?

Look at his post #153 mate. This is exactly what the article was talking about. Look at the bs that is fed to some pakistanis about other religions. Brain washed to the point of no return.
Its pathetic to see how many of my countrymen have become sadists.

Very true.

Pakistan, and Muslim, bashing has become the favorite pasttime of the intellectually bankrupt 'elite' in Pakistan. They have lost the distinction between meaningful introspection and ritualistic self-flagellation.

The article illustrates the ideological extremes which dominate political debate in Pakistan. Most moderate Pakistanis acknowledge that we have had a rich pre-Islamic history, but that need not take anything away from our Islamic heritage. We can reclaim our full history without having to chose sides.

The idiotic nonsense about rape and pillage shows a complete ignorance of historical context. As many have pointed out, that was the norm back then and it is unfair to hold people accountable by modern standards. (Plenty of rape and pillage happens in modern war zones also, but that's another discussion.)

Churchil was an unavowed racist and bigot -- especially against blacks and south Asians -- but you don't see the Brits distancing themselves from him.
And for the record.. most of the south Asian Muslims are sissy converts who'd rather give up their land, family and Dharam. To save their .

Yeah seen the light my .

Bangladeshis were converted by saints like Khan Jahan Ali , Hazrat ShahJALAL ,Bayezid Bostami .. they faced oppression from Hindu Zaminders after converting. . . .
@ Marwari and roy_gourav

Tell me one thing.the things that i have written is not they are in your believe and is not they are your practices?
if yes then shut up.if no then come and argue.

2nd option.
you should not comment on our internal matters and we will not comment on yours.end of the story.

Are u fking kidding me? They might be your practices not ours. And if you have issues with our presence here go take it up with Webmaster.

One more word and I ll start writing unsubstantiated bs about your religion too. And trust me its not that hard to find dirt on that topic.
Very true.

Pakistan, and Muslim, bashing has become the favorite pasttime of the intellectually bankrupt 'elite' in Pakistan. They have lost the distinction between meaningful introspection and ritualistic self-flagellation.

The article illustrates the ideological extremes which dominate political debate in Pakistan. Most moderate Pakistanis acknowledge that we have had a rich pre-Islamic history, but that need not take anything away from our Islamic heritage. We can reclaim our full history without having to chose sides.

The idiotic nonsense about rape and pillage shows a complete ignorance of historical context. As many have pointed out, that was the norm back then and it is unfair to hold people accountable by modern standards. (Plenty of rape and pillage happens in modern war zones also, but that's another discussion.)

But would you go to the other extreme and call those people heroes who did that to your ancestors! That is what this article is about.

Your argument holds if they were your people and indulged in those atrocities on others.

Churchil was an unavowed racist and bigot -- especially against blacks and south Asians -- but you don't see the Brits distancing themselves from him.

Yes, and we people from the subcontinent should treat him as such, as an uncivilized brute, a megalomaniac, a racist scum.

He had a low opinion of all colored people and we need to make sure our history treats him accordingly.

he was the cause of millions of death in Bangal from starvation when ships full of grain were passing by India. Most of these deaths were in East Bengal when Muslim league was rulin the state and the league leaders were very close to him, he was advising them on how to partition India.

I have seen many Pakistanis quote him on India being like the equator. Almost every freshly minted quotes him on that.

They shouid read up on his views about islam (expressed in "the river war") and they will never quote him in life. I silenced one of them by quoting those views. That guy used to faithfully quote Churchill every other day. I have never seen him do that later. ;)
Are u fking kidding me? They might be your practices not ours. And if you have issues with our presence here go take it up with Webmaster.

One more word and I ll start writing unsubstantiated bs about your religion too. And trust me its not that hard to find dirt on that topic.

who is stopping you from that?
listen kiddo.
what i am asking you you people should not comment on our internal affairs.you people are here to defend india right?
but who talk about india?
again same thing.you should not comment on our internal affairs and we will not comment on yours.case closed.
you should learn some facts about battles of that era. . . . rape was common in every battle. . . If you don't allow your soldiers to loot or rape . . Surely you will not get them in the next battle. . They were not pious Jihadis led by khalid bin walid. . They were common soldiers. . . So you can't call Sultan Mahmoud rapist. . Everyone did it. . .. . Try to read about their life history. . Even Babur faced rebellion from his local tribes after not allowing them to loot samarkhand...

So they were as much fil.th as everyone else?

But were they not sypposed to represent Allah's mercy, the final and the perfect?

Why are they Islamic heroes to you if all they were doing was rape and pillage?
who is stopping you from that?
listen kiddo.
what i am asking you you people should not comment on our internal affairs.you people are here to defend india right?
but who talk about india?
again same thing.you should not comment on our internal affairs and we will not comment on yours.case closed.

So am guessing there are no Hindus in Pakistan who ll be getting offended at all the bs you are writing here? Am not going to post anything cause am not a bigot like you. I respect the religion which is followed by 1.5 Billion people and you should have the decency to respect a religion which is followed by 1 Billion people.

Its people like you why this article was written in the first place. And I guess the article was spot on, looking at all the bigots that this thread has attracted.
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