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Lal "khooni" masjid: Why Mush failed so miserably

i think anyone who kills this B.C. would have their sins washed away
Its the job of state, and they should do it, breaking state law amounts to fitna.
Zardari has not only given him clean chit, but also declared Musharraf guilty in the case of lal masjid raid, which has been further cemented via media that lal masjid was victim of dictator.
Imagine, how complicated it is on technical grounds, for the present govt. to declare Abdul Aziz guilty of what ever he was doing.
That would not only be a U turn but rather, a collective defeat of Zardari, Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Iftikhar Chodary. & GEO vs Pervez Musharraf and would lead to their own conviction.
Recent statement from Zardari, that military courts would lead to his own and Nawaz Sharif behind bars reflect their hidden insecurities.
the operation was apologetic and the possibility of gaining anything from the outcome of the operation was handed over to the anti Musharraf group
first the lawyers and Nawaz league put their weight in favor of the Lal Masjid thugs and then the general population feasted on the false propaganda from Lal Masjid administration as if it was wedding food.

if he had conducted the operation like the Saudis conducted the Grand Mosque operation then this Burqa molvi would have been dead for years now and wont have been mocking and bullying the state of Pakistan

but that was then and its now. its been how many years? over 4 years now. we have had time to dismantle this terror den and put the thugs behind bars who made Osama library who make videos announcing their allegiance to ISIS, who threaten the state of Pakistan with 500 female suicide bombers, who have sectarian terrorists as their supporting crowd.

former chief and current chief also have been reluctant and afraid due to the backlash.
the cause was half arsed attempt originally and and NONE at all till to date by the military and civilian leadership
The girls from the institution later gave interviews and gave false information. The media happily showed it to all, which changed public opinion. One show, Hamir mir's Capital talk, the girls (after saying Musharraf was doing all this because of America and F-16s), called the leader of the mosque and said "We lied, is that not a sin?" The leader said "If you lie for the sake of Islam, it is forgiven." Little did they know that their conversations were being heard by ISI.

Here is the interview:

They were weeping behind veils (were they, or acting? No one saw faces.) and telling all sorts of lies.
Its the job of state, and they should do it, breaking state law amounts to fitna.
Zardari has not only given him clean chit, but also declared Musharraf guilty in the case of lal masjid raid, which has been further cemented via media that lal masjid was victim of dictator.
Imagine, how complicated it is on technical grounds, for the present govt. to declare Abdul Aziz guilty of what ever he was doing.
That would not only be a U turn but rather, a collective defeat of Zardari, Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Iftikhar Chodary. & GEO vs Pervez Musharraf and would lead to their own conviction.
Recent statement from Zardari, that military courts would lead to his own and Nawaz Sharif behind bars reflect their hidden insecurities.
With this post ,
its an outstanding prof of how the politicians & anti-musharaf forces used the Lal mosque & its emotional clerks to their advantage ?
But some where something is missing ?
Role of then ISI chief & their closed eyes towards lal mosque ?
Why he hadn't pre-empted the whole incident?
How come he havnt got any information of the terrorists conning to lal mosque?
& what he did to stop that?
Genrl kiyani has to answer these questions?
In the end he, zardari, nawaz & former CJ are the beneficiaries with the help of the propaganda factory called GEO?
But in a country like Pakistan no one would ask these questions cause they have the scape goat called musharaf already .

The girls from the institution later gave interviews and gave false information. The media happily showed it to all, which changed public opinion. One show, Hamir mir's Capital talk, the girls (after saying Musharraf was doing all this because of America and F-16s), called the leader of the mosque and said "We lied, is that not a sin?" The leader said "If you lie for the sake of Islam, it is forgiven." Little did they know that their conversations were being heard by ISI.

Here is the interview:

They were weeping behind veils (were they, or acting? No one saw faces.) and telling all sorts of lies.
Sir ,
What ISI has done to prevent that bloody incident?
After all its chief then , was patronising the anti-musharaf forces ?
The lawyers movement , then the sudden political activation of parties?
It wasnt all a inside job?
Just because USA never wanted a strong Pakistani govt in power?
With this post ,
its an outstanding prof of how the politicians & anti-musharaf forces used the Lal mosque & its emotional clerks to their advantage ?
But some where something is missing ?
Role of then ISI chief & their closed eyes towards lal mosque ?
Why he hadn't pre-empted the whole incident?
How come he havnt got any information of the terrorists conning to lal mosque?
& what he did to stop that?
Genrl kiyani has to answer these questions?
In the end he, zardari, nawaz & former CJ are the beneficiaries with the help of the propaganda factory called GEO?
But in a country like Pakistan no one would ask these questions cause they have the scape goat called musharaf already .

Sir ,
What ISI has done to prevent that bloody incident?
After all its chief then , was patronising the anti-musharaf forces ?
The lawyers movement , then the sudden political activation of parties?
It wasnt all a inside job?
Just because USA never wanted a strong Pakistani govt in power?
I don't know what you're talking about. I just said that ISI has recording of the conversation between the girls and the guilty.
Its the job of state, and they should do it, breaking state law amounts to fitna.
Zardari has not only given him clean chit, but also declared Musharraf guilty in the case of lal masjid raid, which has been further cemented via media that lal masjid was victim of dictator.
Imagine, how complicated it is on technical grounds, for the present govt. to declare Abdul Aziz guilty of what ever he was doing.
That would not only be a U turn but rather, a collective defeat of Zardari, Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Iftikhar Chodary. & GEO vs Pervez Musharraf and would lead to their own conviction.
Recent statement from Zardari, that military courts would lead to his own and Nawaz Sharif behind bars reflect their hidden insecurities.

the man is a terrorist
I don't know what you're talking about. I just said that ISI has recording of the conversation between the girls and the guilty.
It shows ISI had the full knowledge of what's going in down there ?
Then why they let it happened?
Kiyani as the head of ISI truned a blind eye on the intell, weeks before even he knew some thing is cooking?
the man is a terrorist

No doubt, he is the most hated person and should face justice, but if every one in street start delivering justice, than it will be a kiosk, exactly what Pakistan's enemies wish.
You have no idea, how many gull but Nawaz Sharif have and how many Sikandar's PPP have and how many faithful mullas have.
Actually, we should treat what is rotten, and leave the job to doctor.
In our case, the rotten part is judiciary and politicians.... far more than any terrorist.
Why.... because they are educated, knows right from wrong, and take salaries to serve us but are not only working as foreign agents but also are responsible for strategic decisions, which have favored the terrorists on mass scale.

I like to quote case of Adnan Rashid, who was captured during Musharraf era, was responsible for attack on Musharraf... and was terrorists beyond doubt, did Musharraf punished him? No.. he was handed over to judiciary, however corrupt.

i do not even agree to let our soldiers, kill any terrorist in cold blood in the heat of action, rest aside supporting public lynching!
Our soldiers should carryout operations, with cool head and in professional manner and we should only press politicians to equip them with right tools, otherwise demand their impeachment.... same should be done with judiciary, all corrupt judges should be publicly beheaded and this i promote.

Whereas, i do not approve killing as punishment, i'm intelligent enough to improvise and to bring positive out of all terrorists.
As Musharraf said they are all perpetrators and i not only agree but also believe, that they are only the distraction, real deal is some thing else.
If the target is to get rid of perpetrators, than we need attack/transport helis, which are totally missing from the scene!!!!
keeping that piece of shit alive is not intelligent.....hanging him and deleting his existence is smart

and anyone like him should follow same fate

and buddy - i can name several combat & non-combat ESSENTIAL items which were only made available b/c of the army's RELATIVE budgetary self-sufficiency....not b/c soldiers "pressed politicians" to equip them
keeping that piece of shit alive is not intelligent.....hanging him and deleting his existence is smart

and anyone like him should follow same fate

and buddy - i can name several combat & non-combat ESSENTIAL items which were only made available b/c of the army's RELATIVE budgetary self-sufficiency....not b/c soldiers "pressed politicians" to equip them

Yes hang him, behead him or what ever but the decision should come from the courts, who not only take salaries for doing this job but are also bound by constitution to deliver justice.
Whereas on the other hand he is alive and free ... which reflect some thing is seriously wrong in our setup, all i say, why hesitate to show the real cancer to Pakistani public? Pointing fingers at wrong leg is like misleading and would lead to the death of diseased body.
Again, i like to see the judges and politicians beheaded before him, who actually declared him victim and only weeks ago, have issued arrest warrants of ex CoAS vs Maulana Abdul Aziz, now come to the reality, which judge would like to issue him death penalty? unless we have new team of judges and all politicians are in already in hell!
I personally, will never be part of any public lynching, however i can offer all possible support for martial law.
id pay money to see him skinned alive by public

This is a free country.......... if people can announce head money for Pakistan's ex CoAS than why not for him (mulla AA).... let's see who come out with practical steps.
This is a free country.......... if people can announce head money for Pakistan's ex CoAS than why not for him (mulla AA).... let's see who come out with practical steps.

one is a nationalist who fought for the betterment of Pakistan, the other is a traitor who brought weapons into what was supposed to be a sacred place....

one worse an army uniform, the other one tried hiding in womans clothes

anyone who juxtaposes the 2 and puts them on level platform is a fucking idiot
anyone who juxtaposes the 2 and puts them on level platform is a fucking idiot

State of Pakistan has already insulted ex CoAS and honored Mull Abdul Aziz... i believe, its the state which deserves your title more than any one else.
Thereof, strengthening my notion of being source of sickness... however, thus far.... there has been no volunteers to announce head money on Mull Abdul Aziz as compare to what Talal Bugti announced on ex CoAS.
Who will provide the guarantee.... that our soldiers will not face prosecution, public (media/NGO/liberals/politicians/lawyers) and legal (judicial/parliamentary impeachment) if they leave an injured criminal terrorist to die, instead of handing him over to judiciary? let alone shooting a captive extra judicially!!
If they do.. its just matter of time, some of them will be trialed by non other than military courts!
After all, appointed CoAS has to be subservient to honorable parliament and must support democracy, at ALL costs.

As far public lynching is concerned..... i do not support it any level. I think no shame can be equivalent in participating or advocating such act.
We have already seen few cases in Pakistan... and i declare participants as worst than animals.
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Yes hang him, behead him or what ever but the decision should come from the courts, who not only take salaries for doing this job but are also bound by constitution to deliver justice.
Whereas on the other hand he is alive and free ... which reflect some thing is seriously wrong in our setup, all i say, why hesitate to show the real cancer to Pakistani public? Pointing fingers at wrong leg is like misleading and would lead to the death of diseased body.
Again, i like to see the judges and politicians beheaded before him, who actually declared him victim and only weeks ago, have issued arrest warrants of ex CoAS vs Maulana Abdul Aziz, now come to the reality, which judge would like to issue him death penalty? unless we have new team of judges and all politicians are in already in hell!
I personally, will never be part of any public lynching, however i can offer all possible support for martial law.
I guess it needs courage to deal with terror & frankly in don't see that in Pakistani judiciary or in politicians who were the god fathers saving the privates of ALQAEADA & TTP?
RULLING PMLn , JUI f,JUI s, & JI has given them the needed shelter & aid to go against musharaf?
That's not the secret at all.
So the politicians & their beloved judiciary can't decide ananything at the terrorists .
So what is the choice left for peoples of Pakistan ?
Keep to be slaughtered by the terrorists & when that happens distribute sweets .
I think ttime has come for Pakistani.nation to stop thinking ifs & buts & eliminate the terrorism from Pakistan forever.
Peoples of Pakistan not care about how hounrable the Parliament is by never passing any clever law on public safety or against terrorists .
So its become irrelevant , its just super rich club which can be brought by sufficient cash & relationships ?
What you think terrorists can't give the same justification against the croupt politicians that they never got any sentences even though proven guilty.
Bringing insane logics to give terrorists a living space is not any option .
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So the politicians & their beloved judiciary can't decide ananything at the terrorists .
So what is the choice left for peoples of Pakistan ?

This is exactly where the problem is and we need to work ON.
The are the source of disease , annex them along with their hiring authorities.
Now, some hypocrites do not want to question judiciary, because they took part in long march to reinstate corrupt judges.

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