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Lower Middle Class Politicians cannot stand at their own feet

That grass can easily be trampled by mafioso aka Altaf.
So you started this thread to trash Altaf? Are you not satisfied with countless other threads where Altaf is being trashed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and year around? Why did you choose to give his example in this particular case? Other party leaders are any better when it comes to nurture politicians from lower or lower middle class? Could you not give example of Nawaz who does not believe in politicians other than his own and very close relatives and then those who belong to his Kashmiri biradri? What about Zardari?

But Razor bhai,

Politicians even in Western countries are mostly upper class.

Even if they were from middle class somewhere in their earlier life, they no longer are during their active political life.

What say you
Why singling out politicians? Anybody who once had started out his career at lower social stature continues to climb through as the time goes by. Is this not very natural and logical?
instead of so negative that you are, you better think of how things can work out. for instance LG is essential part to create leaderships, student unions in universities is another platform where leaders emerge, so we can make environment peaceful for them to thrive, that is the job of establishments.
Off course. LG is important

And perhaps a good mayor has a better chance to be a good CM later on. .

And a good CM has a chance to be an excelllent PM.

Howevver such transitions are not possible for lower middle class politicians.

Mustafa kamal example shows that such powerless people without any family support, are easilty sidelined or worse killed.

So many MQM leaders today are behaving as bheegi billi (wet pussies) in the face of tirades from the mad man Tafu.


None of these MQM middle class politicians have balls or family support to stand up to the mafia boss

On the other hand, Immi Khan is being challenged right and left by the powerful politicians within the party.


Those challenging Immi Khan are powerful from family or wealth or both.

Hope you understand.

So you started this thread to trash Altaf? Are you not satisfied with countless other threads where Altaf is being trashed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and year around? Why did you choose to give his example in this particular case? Other party leaders are any better when it comes to nurture politicians from lower or lower middle class? Could you not give example of Nawaz who does not believe in politicians other than his own and very close relatives and then those who belong to his Kashmiri biradri? What about Zardari?

Why singling out politicians? Anybody who once had started out his career at lower social stature continues to climb through as the time goes by. Is this not very natural and logical?

This is true in many institutions. army in Pakistan is a prime example. So is bureaucracy, professor ship, medical profession or engineering.

However in Politics, forces at work are much much much more powerful.

And lower middle class politicians with few exceptions cannot face those powerful forces, and thus easily trampled upon, swept aside.

This almost like putting a 75 pound boxer being put in the ring with 300 pound heavy weight boxer.

Hope you understand.
It is true that Middle Class cant win Elections upon himself as Election Campaigns Requires lot of Money hence its impossible for a Middle Class to Contest Election on his own but when a Platform comes to Equation that problem is Reduced as Platform would Support the person if they OWN him to be their Candidate and this is what we have Lacked in Pakistan so far. Either we arent able to develop any Platform or they didnt Earn much support from Mainstream. This is why Politics of Three of our Provinces are Totally stuck in Lotacracy and Electable Interests rather then Public Interests. If we want to end Lotacracy and also bring Good Middle Class Candidates to Politics then we have to Introduce a Platform in Mainstream that is not Dependent on Candidates rather dependent on their own Vote Bank like in USA Democrats and Republican otherwise there wont be any place for Middle Class in Pakistani Politics.
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