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Lahore's school makes wearing niqab (veil) mandatory for female students

You probably have him on Ignore. He's in this thread, in all his glory.
Oh I forgot I have put him in his place long time ago


@jamahir sb

What has come over you? You are far too intelligent and articulate poster to be resorting to abuse like this!


Petition to make drug and Alcohol test mandatory for Jamahir before posting!! This communist babble is beyond comprehension. These people are jobless and worthless, they just want hard-working people like us to gift them all our money in the name of "Social Justice". Women are a prime target for them.
Pakistan should be very careful about rise of communists in Pakistan, especially considering how influential China is in Pakistan. Once the communists dig their heels in, Pakistan will never be able to recover. Afghanistan's collapse started with a Communist govt. in 1979. Pakistan could be facing similar situation. India has been battling Communist Party of India(Maoist) aka Naxalites for decades. Maoists are followers of Chairman Mao of China and have direct Chinese backing and funding. The commies have also tried to make inroads within Pakistan as well.
The protests at Faiz Festival in 2020 were not organic, they were clearly funded and directed by CPC agents in China. The language used was clearly Maoist. Communism and Islam can't go hand in hand, Pakistan must make a hard choice here. Friendship with China should not come at the price of slavery.
What has come over you? You are far too intelligent and articulate poster to be resorting to abuse like this!
starvation, anger and general frustration, probably

and no, he's neither intelligent, and is far from being "articulate"

you eating well, bro, or are you also down to 2 eggs a week DPRK diet like bhikari @jamahir ?
@jamahir sb

What has come over you? You are far too intelligent and articulate poster to be resorting to abuse like this!


As I said to my old friend @Mentee, I was replying to these subhumans as to what they are. However, I promised to Mentee in 'Whatever' that at least I will no longer start my posts with "Abay gaa..." etc. :)

Afghanistan's collapse started with a Communist govt. in 1979.

Really ? What happened ?

The Prophet's wives wore the Niqaab. So can they do as they wish in a private school. Their rules.

Liberals who hate the Prophet's wives dress code can complain to Allah.

Have you communicated with Allah ever to know Allah's daily commands for humanity ? Over cell phone maybe ? Email ? WhatsApp ?

What does Allah say about Mahsa and Nika in Iran getting murdered by the ghey mullahs for not wearing the "hijaab" properly ? About the Taliban too ? What about those mullahs and burqis stoning the Aurat March in Pakistan ?

fine, I read your post 18.. usme keh ra BC "Read my post 7" :laugh:

Read the post again. Read.

I was invited there.

Does that take away the fact that you were there ? As you definitely in other threads involving Angry Indian Burqa Girl ?
@-=virus=- bro

and no, he's neither intelligent, and is far from being "articulate"

I seldom agree with him. But someone not agreeing with me doesnt make someone unintelligent or inarticulate. He has his theories and makes his arguments well.

@-=virus=- bro

and no, he's neither intelligent, and is far from being "articulate"

I seldom agree with him. But someone not agreeing with me doesnt make someone unintelligent or inarticulate. He has his theories and makes his arguments well.

he is severely intellectually.. lacking, shall we say ?

not very articulate either, far from.. your bar really that low ?

his theories are weak sauce.. weak and watered down even

my theory about @jamahir bhikari is that because of his very very bad slummy starving socio economic situation, guy's brain doesn't get the required nourishment.

regards to you as well 🤝
Does that take away the fact that you were there ? As you definitely in other threads involving Angry Indian Burqa Girl ?

I wasn't there on my accord as previously mentioned. It's impossible to ignore threads about violence against women. There were attempts to have a sticky thread for it. I propose that India is developing but long way to go thread to be used for all related news and developments.
Have you communicated with Allah ever to know Allah's daily commands for humanity ? Over cell phone maybe ? Email ? WhatsApp ?

I was just staying that the Prophet's wives wore the Niqaab. Does that burn you?... Why you so angry at the Prophet's wives???
Good news

It's not a news Chaudhry, instead a bait. The original news from 2018 is about a private school denying entry to a female Hijab wearing student / participant.

Though I don't consider the modern abaya worn by women in Pakistan modest, but I would always prefer if they could wear modest loose clothing in work places. Any male who disagrees with this is either low on testosterone or a pervert.
It's not a news Chaudhry, instead a bait. The original news from 2018 is about a private school denying entry to a female Hijab wearing student / participant.

Though I don't consider the modern abaya worn by women in Pakistan modest, but I would always prefer if they could wear modest loose clothing in work places. Any male who disagrees with this is either low on testosterone or a pervert.

I don’t think there should be distractions at schools or universities. Having girls do fashion places priority of guys elsewhere.

And please sir, don’t call me Chaudhry anymore. I’m sick of all these chaudhries, saits, wadheras, sardars, and whatever else kanjars there are that have ruined our nation.
And please sir, don’t call me Chaudhry anymore. I’m sick of all these chaudhries, saits, wadheras, sardars, and whatever else kanjars there are that have ruined our nation.

My sincere apologies, sir, noted for future.

I don’t think there should be distractions at schools or universities. Having girls do fashion places priority of guys elsewhere.

Females have this inherent inbuilt desire to accouter, there is no harm in that, and they should. However, it can be fashion but still remain decent and modest.
I wasn't there on my accord as previously mentioned. It's impossible to ignore threads about violence against women. There were attempts to have a sticky thread for it. I propose that India is developing but long way to go thread to be used for all related news and developments.

What you say makes no sense.

I was just staying that the Prophet's wives wore the Niqaab. Does that burn you?... Why you so angry at the Prophet's wives???

How does Hazrat Muhammad's wives' supposed situational wearing of the naqaab apply to other women in the world ? Do you allow your sister / cousin / daughter to choose their man ? Do you allow your widowed / divorced mother to remarry ? Because these two things are important parts of Islam.

It's not a news Chaudhry, instead a bait. The original news from 2018 is about a private school denying entry to a female Hijab wearing student / participant.

A bait to get sawaali people like me banned.

Though I don't consider the modern abaya worn by women in Pakistan modest

Examples please.

but I would always prefer if they could wear modest loose clothing in work places. Any male who disagrees with this is either low on testosterone or a pervert.

A burqa or "hijaab" are not modest at all, they are arrogant clothing where the wearer declares that she is superior to other women because she is hiding the face and form that Nature gave to her. I am not the pervert to want to see women without the burqa or "hijaab", it is the women who wear the burqa and "hijaab" who are the perverts. If they are so ashamed of they being female they should just do sex change operation to become male and become the bum boi of some mullah.

I don’t think there should be distractions at schools or universities. Having girls do fashion places priority of guys elsewhere.

Really ? So I presume you with your language and manners don't have much of female co-workers and you may have gone to a boy school, so what have you achieved in life and what contributions have you given to humanity ?

And please sir, don’t call me Chaudhry anymore. I’m sick of all these chaudhries, saits, wadheras, sardars, and whatever else kanjars there are that have ruined our nation.

This "Kanjar" and "Kanjari" are two words that I will propose to be included in the list of banned words.
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