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Lahore's school makes wearing niqab (veil) mandatory for female students

Mujahid Memon

Apr 24, 2012
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A Private School in Islamabad Denies Entry to a Niqab-Wearing Student​

It is a single private school - not a law

perfectly fine. private institutions should be able to do such especially in an islamic country. plus Lahore could seriously do with some Islam :rofl:
It's discrimination. This is the same logic used by europeans.


A Private School in Islamabad Denies Entry to a Niqab-Wearing Student​

Nice bait and switch.
No issue as long as it's
A- not a law
B- a private school

Although imo if you wear a hijab you shouldn't be banned from anywhere nor should you be banned if you don't wear a hijab

Both are wrong thaught processes and oppressive
In other countries universities are focusing on innovation, science, Research & development etc.. Meanwhile we are discussing what to wear? Wtf...
We are like 800 years behind socially...need time, first need to remove mullahs from the hierarchy
what is discrimination?
You missed the spoiler (your mistake). "Islamabad school bans hijab-wearing student". I thought you read that and meant that it's okay for them to ban her since it's a private schools. (my mistake). So, I replied that it's still discrimination based on her appearance and not her merits as a student.
@jamahir probably thought I was supporting the school banning the hijab and liked my post (his mistake. )

You see what happens when you don't check the spoilers? :lol:
Instead of making it mandatory

Why don't they teach female students why it is important for women to cover her head?
In this way those girls will learn and wear hijab by their own choice instead of being forced

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