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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

This thread is going all ballistic , however to my Indian friends here please stop shedding your crocodile tears for us, this is hardly the time and we don't appreciate either. Interior minister was quoted saying an out side is involved, the only problem is when will the *** hole name one. Seriously if we want to save Pakistan, we will have to get rid of this incompetent and corrupt tola of morans first. For GOD sake how many attacks have we witnessed within this one year and Rehman Malik is still there, there is no one not a single person/opposition to stand up and question his capability as an interior minister.
This kind of attitude has left us on the path to destruction and will continue to do so in the coming months. We have seen what these terrorists can do, GOD for bid what if next time their target is something higher, something of a strategic importance to Pakistan, US is already waiting for an excuse to move in and grab our nuclear assets.

Whoa!! Why don't you ask the mods to ban participation of indian members in PDF altogether? That'll surely help you not to come across any crocodile tears from us. Also, when I condoled the incident, i didn't do it for appreciation from anyone, specially not at this distressed and emotional time. For rest, refer my reply to roadrunner at post no #205.
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Whoa!! Why don't you ask the mods to ban participation of indian members in PDF altogether? That'll surely help you not to come across any crocodile tears from us. Also, when I condoled the incident, i didn't do it for appreciation from anyone, specially not at this distressed and emotional time. For rest, refer my reply to roadrunner.

hey were all sad about it.
Whoa!! Why don't you ask the mods to ban participation of indian members in PDF altogether? That'll surely help you not to come across any crocodile tears from us. Also, when I condoled the incident, i didn't do it for appreciation from anyone, specially not at this distressed and emotional time. For rest, refer my reply to roadrunner.

Hembo i share your point of view, But may be such times people loose their thinking hats, thats why such comment from him. I forgive him for he know not what he is saying.
I agree- you, me or most Indians wont gain nothing from shedding croc tears. Thats the idea of such forum- you post what you really want to say. nothing superficial.
They say that 2 attackers have been killed and that they did infact have intelligence that this attack was going to happen.
another security lapse i guess.
Whoa!! Why don't you ask the mods to ban participation of indian members in PDF altogether? That'll surely help you not to come across any crocodile tears from us. Also, when I condoled the incident, i didn't do it for appreciation from anyone, specially not at this distressed and emotional time. For rest, refer my reply to roadrunner.

Forget it yaar ......they are all too emotional now to be rational.Hope they don't mean it. The anger & fustration is understandable.

We can only control what we say but how can you control what other think about you.Hope as truth dawns better sense will prevail.
I've no doubt Pakistanis are involved in this attack. That is simply being realistic. You don't bring a load of Afghanis across the border and live in the capital near to a police station, and no suspicion is aroused.
What the F is goin on , when will our media get matured this bloody ary is mentioning about the strategy adopted by commandos hos could they even mentioned on the tv, basturds doesnt know a **** about reporting.

Very true. In the race of becoming first one to report they are unknowingly (?) giving advantage to the terrorists. Even during Mumbai attack this was the case with Indian Media.
A lot of these attacks can be prevented with good community policing. People should know who their neighbors are and report suspicious people to the police.

Here in the US, we have neighborhood watch, so any outsider in the community is spotted and he gets some attention.

That's important because these terrorists usually do a stakeout at their target, to get info.
A small HINT.
This is NOT USA so it is best advised to as the saying goes, "when in Rome do as the Romans"

Sympathy to all those who have suffered in this case of deplorable violence.
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