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Lahore Karachi motorway most expensive in world

Building Infrastructures are vital to keep the economy moving otherwise from where the govt will get the money to spend on health and education. Better infrastructure means better economy with a lot of jobs opportunities and more development projects in Heath, education and in other sectors.
Well that would be applicable were the roads not built to fade away with the first rainy season.
Would be applicable were the roads linking places and not just villages of those sitting in parliament
Would be applicable if the roads were not built in competition to hit genuineness book of world records

THIS is different and what a change should smell like: AAP ka flyover: Arvind Kejriwal completes project at Rs 100 crore below cost; Union minister Venkaiah Naidu praises effort | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com

These are the Short-Term to Medium Term Projects including CPEC and Non CPEC

Nuclear Plants like K-2 and K-3 will be 5-7 cents

Hydropower Projects like N-J, Dasu, Gulpur, Suki Kinari, Karot etc will be between 5-7 cents

Coal projects in Faisalabad, Lahore, Sahiwal, Rahim Yar, Thar, Gwadar will be between 7-9 cents

LNG terminal has been built at Port Qasim. The import from Qatar and Russia will be between 8-10 cents

CASA 1000 (Electricity import from Tajikistan) will be 9.5 cents to be exact.

Electricity import from Iran will be 8-11 cents

Solar and Wind like in Bahawalpur and Thatta are perhaps between 10-14 cents
Are these estimates the same like finishing nandipur will uplift Pakistan and send it to the moon type?

India is probably the poorest country in the world but they are building like 10 Metros in their cities. Transport is a fundamental right like Education and Health Care. If rich people can get subsidies on Petrol for their cars, why can't poor people get subsidies for their transport ?
yea and how is it turning out for them?

AAP ka flyover: Arvind Kejriwal completes project at Rs 100 crore below cost; Union minister Venkaiah Naidu praises effort | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com
Now compare that to nandipur....and tell me how can the poorest country save while super dupper rich Pakistani intelligible ministers are INCAPABLE of saving even a penny but ALWAYS overspend as compared to estimates?!

Everyone knew it was Election Slogan nothing else....
Yes likewise everyone ALSO knows the next election slogan is the same! When you start "slogan" with a lie....How or why should we trust them afterwards?
Are these estimates the same like finishing nandipur will uplift Pakistan and send it to the moon type?

Nandipur was government owned and since it didn't go well they have decided to privatize it. It will be fine in the long run. Most of these projects I have listed are invested and managed by Chinese companies and will be sold to electric companies at the agreed rate.

the uncle in video said 4 Crore per Km

convert all the currencies in Pkr it'll be much much greater then 4 crore per km :P

Plus they don't mention in addition to per km, the amount of lanes they will be building. These newsmen are only here to generalize.
Yes likewise everyone ALSO knows the next election slogan is the same! When you start "slogan" with a lie....How or why should we trust them afterwards?

see their performance just like we all saw PPP performance and it's not present in punjab
if PML N did not perform bye bye to them too...

there are many power projects underway under CPEC and Chinese will complete them on time they are not fools investing 46 $ billions
Nandipur was government owned and since it didn't go well they have decided to privatize it. It will be fine. Most of these projects I have listed are invested by Chinese companies and will be sold to electric companies at the agreed rate.
I dont trust news...We will still have to pay for the costs so when it is expensive project we suffer our next generation suffers ...3 generations down the road your very on descendents will be calling Noon league the same as you blame Zia :) Because during Zia's era your very forefathers were endorsing his doings!

Plus they don't mention in addition to per km is the amount of lanes they will be building. These newsmen are only here to generalize.
Well lets wait and see MOSTLY we know Noon league wastes money there have never saved a penny

see their performance just like we all saw PPP performance and it's not present in punjab
if PML N did not perform bye bye to them too...

there are many power projects underway under CPEC wand Chinese will complete them on time they are not fools investing 46 $ billions
1) you comparing noon with PPP then why dont you support PPP too? If they are the same?

As for Noon performance has always been to get the pockets of the aam aadmi empty by hook or by crook...I am still waiting model town justice, rape case justice, auditing of nandipur still missing .....just few to remind you if you really do want to compare :)

2) Chinese are not fools what is there to say we wont be charged with interest?
Whats to say the material is good stuff and wont fall? any warranty or like the chipping off the metro, flooding of the metro (from the top of my head) it will be a blame game from China to noon and back?

the uncle in video said 4 Crore per Km

convert all the currencies in Pkr it'll be much much greater then 4 crore per km :P
we will see :)
Nandipur was government owned and since it didn't go well they have decided to privatize it. It will be fine
So when will PIA (nations pride once upon a time) will be privitized? What about railways? What about all of Pakistan? Coz as per this logica anything they cant make work will be privitized and where is the money going?
I dont trust news...We will still have to pay for the costs so when it is expensive project we suffer our next generation suffers ...3 generations down the road your very on descendents will be calling Noon league the same as you blame Zia :) Because during Zia's era your very forefathers were endorsing his doings!

Well lets wait and see MOSTLY we know Noon league wastes money there have never saved a penny

Ok so what would be your ideal world or your ideal plan ?

Its natural for people to hate governments but you won't find 100% of them doing what you are doing now.

Would you rather have Musharraf and Zardari who did absolutely nothing or would you rather have someone at least getting work done and may find way to help some people.
Be realistic, All Pakistani money is belongs to Politicians & Armed Forces. Any thing made which can be beneficial for people of Pakistan is blessing.
why? are they gods?

It is this mentality that forbids change in either the country or the people's mentality!
Be realistic, All Pakistani money is belongs to Politicians & Armed Forces. Any thing made which can be beneficial for people of Pakistan is blessing. These politicians are by any mean gonna take that money. Atleast this time they are giving some thing in return too.
Ok so what would be your ideal world or your ideal plan ?
1st we need to uproot the feudal system... too many feudals doing too much shit which the basic courts dont solve and cause enough stress in our lives
2ndly we need to get rid of anyone above the age of 65 he should immediately be kicked out of the system (politics) coz anyone older than this age cant modernize nor think ahead on a different level than he is tuned into and the corrupt level he is stuck he will remain stuck!
3rdly, a fine for EVERYONE in a ministry which is not profiting the people as a whole not a province should either be fired or fined 2 mths salary and the next salary decreased by 50% might encourage them to think of how to make sure their next plan works and show proper priorities instead of sitting in cold a/c room and signing papers with technical terms they dont understand!
4thly, new generation who have studied abroad be given the chance to train / teach the new generation while lazy teachers sacked and the education system be reformed top to bottom...meaning any shit sitting on shafarish (in any ministry or any position) be sacked immediately and if he has brought even 1 penny worth of harm to the people or the country should pay back over his lifetime!
5thly, VIP jails should be shut down
6thly, no safarish (benefits if you get in trouble) for the higher your govt grade! why coz the higher up you are the more responsible you should be or you shouldnt be up there!
7thly, cut 60% of the benefits for the govt worker esp politicians ...this way people who come in politics for kickbacks would be discouraged and ONLY people who want to change the nation with hard work would apply for such positions!
8thly, ONLY people who have degree in a field can run that ministry...everyone in that ministry should have the degree of that field...no B.Com should run electrical dept!
I dont trust news...We will still have to pay for the costs so when it is expensive project we suffer our next generation suffers ...3 generations down the road your very on descendents will be calling Noon league the same as you blame Zia :) Because during Zia's era your very forefathers were endorsing his doings!

Well lets wait and see MOSTLY we know Noon league wastes money there have never saved a penny

1) you comparing noon with PPP then why dont you support PPP too? If they are the same?

As for Noon performance has always been to get the pockets of the aam aadmi empty by hook or by crook...I am still waiting model town justice, rape case justice, auditing of nandipur still missing .....just few to remind you if you really do want to compare :)

2) Chinese are not fools what is there to say we wont be charged with interest?
Whats to say the material is good stuff and wont fall? any warranty or like the chipping off the metro, flooding of the metro (from the top of my head) it will be a blame game from China to noon and back?

we will see :)

So when will PIA (nations pride once upon a time) will be privitized? What about railways? What about all of Pakistan? Coz as per this logica anything they cant make work will be privitized and where is the money going?

i don't support PPP cause they did nothing pure nothing everything was going down down down weather it's Railways or Power Plants did they even tried to make any power plants ??? all they did was renting Power plants from different Countries

but now you can see many pictures of works being done.... weather it's Road network Railways or Power plants

Railways won't be privatized as you can see the Railways performance id getting better and better everyday the Freight trains are operational new coaches and Engines are coming in the Chinese are over hauling tracks Main lines 1 and 2 the Stations will be upgraded soon the income of railway moved to 35 billion rupees in 2015 which was 12 billion in 2013

PIA is going to be privatized and so will many other institutions but you can't say that their performance is not improved there were 21 planes in PIA in 2013 now it has 37 + 7 on order what PPP did was gave 000's of people jobs in railways and PIA etc etc but their performance did not improved and most of the budget that was allocated to them was going in salaries

auditing of Nandipur is being done by NAB PM ordered auditing of Nandipur couple of month back
Justice of Model town if anyone have proof of CM or PM ordering police killing the people they can go to High Court

obviously we will be charge of interest nothing comes free but if it was not Chinese was any other country in world ready to Invest in Pakistan in 2013???? there are many projects that are B.O.T base chinese are building it will operate it get the money they invested and then transfer it to Pakistan
Its natural for people to hate governments but you won't find 100% of them doing what you are doing now.
It is not natural...Canadians love their new govt coz it has 50-50% women and men
coz it has people in positions where they have educational (theory and practical) experiences
also coz they dont care what race you are, you are welcome to run the dept if you can!

Would you rather have Musharraf and Zardari who did absolutely nothing or would you rather have someone at least getting work done and may find way to help some people
I would rather have a new UNTRIED govt coz we have tried noon...last time they were kicked out was ALSO coz of corruption...and I believe it was your very own father/ chacha/ mamu who agreed with the kicking out no one came to back them!
So when will PIA (nations pride once upon a time) will be privitized? What about railways? What about all of Pakistan? Coz as per this logica anything they cant make work will be privitized and where is the money going?

Railways is totally turned around. It won't be privatized.

i'm hearing PIA won't be privatized but will instead sell 25% shares and find a strategic partner to take over its management.

There are some external things which affect business performance. PIA needs to get rid of political interference and I'm hearing government is trying its best to move base from Karachi to Islamabad. At present they started doing that with CAA . Its a hard task but will require significant time.

It is not natural...Canadians love their new govt

No they don't. Liberal Government won with just 39 %. Rest were split. Conservatives 31% and NDP 19%
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Oh Sorry

2014-15 me Development Budget 168 billion
2015-16 me development budget 162 billion sb barha rhy hain yeh kam kr rhy hain

Q K sindh ab ba-qaeda EU ka part hai :D Taraq'qi ki zarorat hi nahi rahi :D
i don't support PPP cause they did nothing pure nothing everything was going down down down weather it's Railways or Power Plants did they even tried to make any power plants ??? all they did was renting Power plants from different Countries
I hate them and I also hate the very fact that this raja rental screwed the whole power industry!

But coz I know my country has awesome people I wont settle for Noon...I wont settle for anyone who doesnt know what it means to have lived at least 1 day without a single meal!

but now you can see many pictures of works being done.... weather it's Road network Railways or Power plants
they are pictures of inaugurations which we saw of nandipur as well! but we all saw the ending of that film!

Railways won't be privatized as you can see the Railways performance id getting better and better everyday the Freight trains are operational new coaches and Engines are coming in the Chinese are over hauling tracks Main lines 1 and 2 the Stations will be upgraded soon the income of railway moved to 35 billion rupees in 2015 which was 12 billion in 2014
do you also know how much was pumped into railways to get them to what you are talking about?

I personally know that the railway lines we have are from British Raj! So I am sorry if I am not fainting from being impressed by what you quoted!

PIA is going to be privatized and so will many other institutions but you can't say that their performance is not improved there were 21 planes in PIA in 2013 now it has 37 + 7 on order what PPP did was gave 000's of people jobs in railways and PIA etc etc but their performance did not improved and most of the budget that was allocated to them was going in salaries
Exactly, our pride PIA was trashed! Had the railways been fixed 10 yrs ago we would not have needed METRO in every city had that money (wasted money) been used efficiently we would not have been cheering for every metro but have been cheering for every hospital which becomes good enough for SS to go in to get his cough checked which he doesnt in any hospital in the country!

auditing of Nandipur is being done by NAB PM ordered auditing of Nandipur couple of month back
Justice of Model town if anyone have proof of CM or PM ordering police killing the people they can go to High Court
1) in few months everyone even a chaprasi can find a sheep to take the fall
why do you need few mths for auditing isnt there a law that you audit as soon as the project is finished? that is what normal countries do ....it is to show proper management of accounts no one gives a few mths unless they want to change some figures and adjust some accounts! Ask ANY accountant about ANY project!

2) High court as we have seen can never say a thing to noons...When was the last time they did say something to any noon even for the child molesting cases!! I mean god forbid if it was their child who was molested/ abused?!

obviously we will be charge of interest nothing comes free but if it was not Chinese was any other country in world ready to Invest in Pakistan in 2013????
Investing for a reason is far farsightedness...When will PM invest in Pakistan to yield for the future instead of instant kickbacks?

there are many projects that are B.O.T base chinese are building it will operate it get the money they invested and then transfer it to Pakistan
So basically it is contractors? So how will we know what material is being put in, do we have quality check or is it going to be like flooded metro? As a citizen it is my right to be worried and ask!

You're arguing with a twist minded woman,,,,remember that.
You mean a woman who dares to question your king? Sure slave :enjoy: Now behave! :coffee:
why? are they gods?

It is this mentality that forbids change in either the country or the people's mentality!

You got me wrong bro. May be i am bad in using words. Anyway In my view they are not gods but its more like VOLUNTARY SLAVE - MASTER Relationship.
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