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Lahore Blasts

It's great! At least we agree on a majority of stuff.

Now the big question, who will do it and when and what will happen till then?
When the President of Pakistan, the chairperson of the party in power and the largest elected party in Pakistan utters drivel such as the following:

Words of wis-dumb – The Express Tribune

... then I have little hope of the current government doing anythign constructive.

I liked the PM Gillani in the beginning, with his constant refrain of 'move ahead with consensus' was refreshing in that it illustrated a desire to take on-board all political actors to guide Pakistan through an extremely tough economic and security climate. But that refrain of 'consensus' is starting to grate, because it is increasingly becoming clear that it is more political speak for 'inability to take tough decisions and take leadership and ownership', than it is actual 'consensus building'.

I don't trust Nawaz and the PML-N any more, so that leaves little choice, but for either a covert or overt intervention in some fashion to remove Zardari and his coterie from the scene so that perhaps more decisive and untainted leadership can rise up from the PPP.

In terms of political philosophy and vision for Pakistan the PPP is IMO the best option, but the current leadership of the PPP certainly has not done any justice to that vision, nor does it look remotely capable of doing so.
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When the President of Pakistan, the chairperson of the party in power and the largest elected party in Pakistan utters drivel such as the following:

Words of wis-dumb – The Express Tribune

... then I have little hope of the current government doing anythign constructive.

I liked the PM Gillani in the beginning, with his constant refrain of 'move ahead with consensus' was refreshing in that it illustrated a desire to take on-board all political actors to guide Pakistan through an extremely tough economic and security climate. But that refrain of 'consensus' is starting to grate, because it is increasingly becoming clear that it is more political speak for 'inability to take tough decisions and take leadership and ownership', than it is actual 'consensus building'.

I don't trust Nawaz and the PML-N any more, so that leaves little choice, but for either a covert or overt intervention in some fashion to remove Zardari and his coterie from the scene so that perhaps more decisive and untainted leadership can rise up from the PPP.

In terms of political philosophy and vision for Pakistan the PPP is IMO the best option, but the current leadership of the PPP certainly has not done any justice to that vision, nor does it look remotely capable of doing so.

Which brings us back to the same question...WHAT NOW!

Well why doesn't the educated Pakistani diaspora take the lead, form a political party and offer a ray of hope to the common man? If they are the only Pakistanis left who could put their country on track then why not?

You guys could help.
I have argued this before, and while some may accuse me of using this tragedy to advance an 'agenda', I'll argue it again - so long as people find it justifiable to advocate open discrimination and denial of rights to Ahmadi's, and treat people like Amir Liaquat (Ahmadi's are Wajib-e-Qatl) with even a semblance of courtesy, a descent into the kind of extremism that vilifies and targets Shia, Agha Khani's, Barelvis, Sufi's etc. will remain just a thought process away.

As Pakistanis and Muslims we either learn to respect and tolerate everyone's beliefs and faith, and let them practice it as they see fit and grant them all equal rights, or we will always be susceptible to extremist ideology that targets first one group (Ahmadi's) that most are in agreement on, before moving on to the next group (Shia, Sufi, Hindu, Sikh, Christian etc.) that fewer may be in agreement on.

This is not a multiple choice question - you either have respect and tolerance for all humans regardless of their faith, as Islam mandates, or you do not.

This is what the Munir-Kiyani Report concluded with after the 1953 Lahore agitations. It said that if they were to give in to the demands of those who wanted the mentioned to occur, it would not be long before some one else becomes the target. As all the different religious leaders questioned differed on what constitutes a Muslim, the report stated no two sects shared similar views and it would be a matter of time before one tries to impose their view on others and if that does not work, Jihad will be used.

I present one such view:

Maulana Shafi Deobandi said that if he were the head of state of an Islamic Government, he would “exclude those who have pronounced Deobandis as kafirs from the pale of Islam and inflict on them the death penalty if they come within the definition of murtadd, namely, if they have changed and not inherited their religious views”.
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This is what the Munir-Kiyani Report concluded with after the 1953 Lahore agitations. It said that if they were to give in to the demands of those who wanted the mentioned to occur, it would not be long before some one else becomes the target. As all the different religious leaders questioned differed on what constitutes a Muslim, the report stated no two sects shared similar views and it would be a matter of time before one tries to impose their view on others and if that does not work, Jihad will be used.

I present one such view:

Maulana Shafi Deobandi said that if he were the head of state of an Islamic Government, he would “exclude those who have pronounced Deobandis as kafirs from the pale of Islam and inflict on them the death penalty if they come within the definition of murtadd, namely, if they have changed and not inherited their religious views”.

does other sects pronounced deobandis as kafir???
when such statement was made???
did that made when Data darbar was attacked????
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makes one wonder whats stoping the authorities and lawenforcement at clamping down on thugs bases in southern punjab just this year it was Ahmedis , than Data Darbar now a shia procesion !!?
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I would propose that Pakistan's War section not be accesible to people with this indian flag in their profiles since obviously, no constructive or meaningful posts come from these inept nincompoops during incidents like these

as for who was responsible, i am hearing reports that 2 teengage suicide bombers were dispatched; as is almost always the case....pawns brainwashed by their handlers and financiers inside and outside of the country. To do this during Iftar time especially is most deplorable act.

may the victims, their family and the entire nation be comforted.....

انّا للہ و انّا الیه راجعون
I liked the PM Gillani in the beginning, with his constant refrain of 'move ahead with consensus' was refreshing in that it illustrated a desire to take on-board all political actors to guide Pakistan through an extremely tough economic and security climate. But that refrain of 'consensus' is starting to grate, because it is increasingly becoming clear that it is more political speak for 'inability to take tough decisions and take leadership and ownership', than it is actual 'consensus building'.
Don't you get it? Consensus-based approaches are almost always marked by the 'inability to take tough decisions and take leadership and ownership.' Tough decisions can't be taken because they will offend important people who can cry "Consensus!" to block it; leadership and ownership can't be established because everyone jostles for credit for the whole.

It is the consensus-based approach itself which generally produces paralysis or the "success" of pulling everyone down to the lowest common denominator. Partisan-based democracy offers superior flexibility and is thus usually more successful, with the added bonus that its participants are usually more tolerant of political differences. (Your political enemies of today may become your political allies next month on a different issue, so it makes sense to treat them decently.)
Ok i didnt read the whole thread...but i have a suggestion about Pakistan's anti terror measures...
It is understood that foreign hands are always involved and active to destabilize Pakistan,and yet we survive the worst...We may be limited in resources..poor...scattered but one of the most resilient nations on the planet...

Why dont the government create a full fledged DNA database for the whole of the coutry? Our NADRA cards are semu biometric already..with our finger prints,can they include our DNA records aswell?

That way,those rotten terrorists can be traced down to their roots...In all suicide bombing cases..parts of the Zombie are always found..which can be used to take DNA samples..If we have a DNA sample of whole of the country..The person can be identified,and not only that..Their families,tribes,clans can be identified,and then interrogated and questioned..
That may be the only way forward to tackle this menace of terrorism we are facing.
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