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Lahore Blasts

The answer is, there's no quick fix solution to all these problems. All stakeholders in pakistan must play a constructive role in rebuilding your country.
Absolutely, and while the social/cultural/ideological aspects of these problems require long term solutions, there are immediate steps that can be taken at the Federal and Provincial level to start to counter these issues, and foremost among them IMO are police reforms and making the FIA, NAB and IB autonomous and neutral agencies and increasing their budgets and training/interaction with Western LEA's and intel agencies.

Not only would reforms in these agencies hopefully put an end to certain powerful individuals protecting extremists, but also increase the faith of the population in the law enforcement and justice system, which is bound to play a longer term role in changing attitudes, when people have confidence that LEA's will hold the rich and poor equally accountable for their actions.
Today is a sad day indeed. I give my heartfelt condolences to the victims. Theirs is loss that cannot be compensated. I hope Pakistan rids itself of this menace in good time, ensh'allah.


The Last Messenger ('s) said, "do not hurt even a rabid dog!"

It is sad what state we find ourselves and that too in the name of His creed.
^^ The saddest part of all of this is that these Godforsaken devils chose this day, the 21st of Ramzan, the shahadat of Hazrat Ali (as) for their despicable attack. They chose to spill blood on the day that all muslims celebrate their love for the Fateh-e-Khaibar, the unparalleled Hero of Islamic history who tore the doors of Khaibar apart, whose legendary Zulfiqar defended the Prophet (pbuh), who laid his life on the line to secure the Prophet's hijrat, and who is the fountain of spiritualism and of all sufi orders. This is that esteemed prince of heaven for whom our Prophet (pbuh) said: "He whose master am I, his master is Ali" - Man kunto maula, fahaza Ali un maula.

Allah is watching and He is the ultimate judge. Let us see what he does with these modern-day Yazidis.

Think about it. These are people who would attack houses of God, places built to venerate the Household of the Prophet (pbuh). These people are the worst scum ever to have defiled the face of the earth. God knows best, but I wonder how the rope He extends can possibly be so long. Where are the Ababeels?
I have argued this before, and while some may accuse me of using this tragedy to advance an 'agenda', I'll argue it again - so long as people find it justifiable to advocate open discrimination and denial of rights to Ahmadi's, and treat people like Amir Liaquat (Ahmadi's are Wajib-e-Qatl) with even a semblance of courtesy, a descent into the kind of extremism that vilifies and targets Shia, Agha Khani's, Barelvis, Sufi's etc. will remain just a thought process away.

As Pakistanis and Muslims we either learn to respect and tolerate everyone's beliefs and faith, and let them practice it as they see fit and grant them all equal rights, or we will always be susceptible to extremist ideology that targets first one group (Ahmadi's) that most are in agreement on, before moving on to the next group (Shia, Sufi, Hindu, Sikh, Christian etc.) that fewer may be in agreement on.

This is not a multiple choice question - you either have respect and tolerance for all humans regardless of their faith, as Islam mandates, or you do not.
and Thanks God nothing happened in Karachi, only eight persons injured when firing occurred near Empress market...
Absolutely, and while the social/cultural/ideological aspects of these problems require long term solutions, there are immediate steps that can be taken at the Federal and Provincial level to start to counter these issues, and foremost among them IMO are police reforms and making the FIA, NAB and IB autonomous and neutral agencies and increasing their budgets and training/interaction with Western LEA's and intel agencies.

Not only would reforms in these agencies hopefully put an end to certain powerful individuals protecting extremists, but also increase the faith of the population in the law enforcement and justice system, which is bound to play a longer term role in changing attitudes, when people have confidence that LEA's will hold the rich and poor equally accountable for their actions.

I beg to differ my friend. What pakistan is witnessing today is well documented in history.

In short,

Whenever and wherever religion has been mixed with poilitics, the result has been devastating. I'll give a few examples to make my point.

1. For many centuries, the Church was actively involved in politics and strangulated progress by its dogmatic views. It was people like DaVinci who ushered in a fresh thought into the system and ended the dark ages and then came the renaissance and human civilization moved forward since then. Consequently, the church lost its grip on the populace. Im not, by any means, implying that it was christianity's fault. NO. It was the fault of those who took christianity to the people namely, the church.

2. For many centuries in hinduism, many malpractices such as sati etc. were followed rigirously. Then came the british and a process of change in Hindu society began. Today, things like sati are almost non-existent while caste, which is a deeply ingrained phenomenon in Indian psyche, is on decline. It will take time of course since such old things do not die instantly but it is on decline. The fault was never of hinduism, but of those who took the religion the public, namely the higher castes, the pandits etc.

3. In the same way my friends, Pakistan must also work towards keeping religion at least two feet away from politics. Religion is a great thing as long as it is followed at an individual level. But the day, one mixes religion with politics is the day when all this decay declines.

That's exactly what Zia did. Pakistan's foundation was based on islam no doubt. But Zia gave political space to those whose job it was to take Islam to the people, namely the mullahs. as a result, these mullahs exploited Islam to their own benefit and to suppress the common man under their own grip.

This is as you can see, a very clear pattern of religion being misused throughout human history.

So my friends, the solution lies in undoing things as an impact of which this problem arose in the first place.

Stop mullahs, madrassas or whatever they are, from misusing religion and this problem will be solved. this is the only and sureshot solution.

it has worked in in past in strikingly similar circumstance in civilizations across the world, there's no reason why it wouldn't work in Pakistan.

I didn't want to hurt anyone but if anybody is hurt, then I apologise in advance but I stand on my point.

An honest view from a common Indian.

What exactly in my post are you differing with?

I believe the topmost priority should be as follows:

1. Education reforms (first and foremost women and children's rights)
2. Political reforms
3. Security establishment reforms (in army, police etc.)
4. Economic reforms
5. Population reforms (pakistan simply cannot support the population growth rate it has at present)
May Allah rest the dead in Peace , lost the words to condemn this !
I believe the topmost priority should be as follows:

1. Education reforms (first and foremost women and children's rights)
2. Political reforms
3. Security establishment reforms (in army, police etc.)
4. Economic reforms
5. Population reforms (pakistan simply cannot support the population growth rate it has at present)
Almost everything aside from security establishment reforms will have an impact over the long term. And I did not dismiss any of the suggested long term reforms, I pointed out that in the short term security establishment reforms can have a significant impact and are possibly the easiest to enact and implement, relatively speaking.

Political reforms will not only take longer to enact (given the desire of the current political players to protect their interests as much as possible, resulting in protracted political battles) but their impact will not be visible until possibly another election cycle or two, if enacted before the next elections.

Education reforms are the easiest IMO, because it is not so much what needs to be taken out of the curriculum, as it is what needs to be inserted - civics, human rights etc. - that is missing and therefore leaves a vacuum.
Almost everything aside from security establishment reforms will have an impact over the long term. And I did not dismiss any of the suggested long term reforms, I pointed out that in the short term security establishment reforms can have a significant impact and are possibly the easiest to enact and implement, relatively speaking.

Political reforms will not only take longer to enact (given the desire of the current political players to protect their interests as much as possible, resulting in protracted political battles) but their impact will not be visible until possibly another election cycle or two, if enacted before the next elections.

Education reforms are the easiest IMO, because it is not so much what needs to be taken out of the curriculum, as it is what needs to be inserted - civics, human rights etc. - that is missing and therefore leaves a vacuum.

It's great! At least we agree on a majority of stuff.

Now the big question, who will do it and when and what will happen till then?
just read it on express the sucide d*gs strategy as how to do maximum damage ,

According to reports on Express News, there were three suicide bombers who attacked the procession. The first suicide bomber took a route from Ghaznavi Steet, Urdu Bazaar and tried to attack the centre of the procession, while the second suicide bomber tried to attack the front and the third the tail of the procession

this is whats most likely going to happen , RAW CIA and MOSAD will be blamed the sharifs will stay in denial mode and wil take no action few months or days AND unfortunatly the bitter truth is another incident of the same nature wil take place and this like 100's of day light murders inrecent times wil be history and forgotten!
RIP to the innocents

death to the traitors and cowards

God protect this great nation from further disturbance and unrest :pakistan:

it's very disheartening
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