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L-39NG vs L-159 ALCA for the upcoming Middle East Airforce

What jet trainer/light attack aircraft is the best for the post-revolution Syrian Airforce?

  • L-39NG

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • L-159

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • M-346 Master

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • BAe Hawk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IA 63 Pampa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other - please specify (First planes that came into mind, no Rus/Chin jets most likely for Syria)

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters


Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Syrian Arab Republic
United States
So, recently Aero Vodochody unveiled their new L-39NG jet. It is a massive upgrade to the L-39. The new jet however isn't compared to the successors of its predecessor (the L-59 and L-159.) Anyone have any infofrmation? Specifications? How does the L-39NG go up against the L-159 in the COIN role? 2nd line air defence? Light ground attack? It would be much appreciated if anyone had any information.
L39-ng.cz - L-39NG Next generation (Official site of the L-39NG from Aero Vodochody.)
Aircraft like this would be perfect for Syria after the revolution (hence why I posted it in Mid-East and Africa). Light, cheap, and effective aircraft like this are going to be the first to come in into the newly formed air force. So please, discuss specifications, effectiveness of this aircraft, etc. for a country that would be coming out of 5-6 years of civil war. However, please try to stick to discussing the aircraft itself, and not so much the politics behind it.
So, recently Aero Vodochody unveiled their new L-39NG jet. It is a massive upgrade to the L-39. The new jet however isn't compared to the successors of its predecessor (the L-59 and L-159.) Anyone have any infofrmation? Specifications? How does the L-39NG go up against the L-159 in the COIN role? 2nd line air defence? Light ground attack? It would be much appreciated if anyone had any information.
L39-ng.cz - L-39NG Next generation (Official site of the L-39NG from Aero Vodochody.)
Aircraft like this would be perfect for Syria after the revolution (hence why I posted it in Mid-East and Africa). Light, cheap, and effective aircraft like this are going to be the first to come in into the newly formed air force. So please, discuss specifications, effectiveness of this aircraft, etc. for a country that would be coming out of 5-6 years of civil war. However, please try to stick to discussing the aircraft itself, and not so much the politics behind it.

Habibi the Arab milktary section is in the Arab army affairs sections in this forum, this is a political sub-forum so you will not get a military orientated replies but mud slinging.
Habibi the Arab milktary section is in the Arab army affairs sections in this forum, this is a political sub-forum so you will not get a military orientated replies but mud slinging.
Sorry. How can I switch the post?
This thread is going to morph into a heated arguement about Syria for sure.:D
I like the JF-17 as a plane, but it won't be good for Syria. Uses a Russian engine and Chinese avionics. Syria won't deal with those countries for obvious reasons.

First, you will require a basic and primary trainer. However, when or if the future Syrian state orders aircraft and begins a restructuring of its forces it should aim for commonality between its hardware and its allies.

Simply put, it will be Syria's allies that provide training, maintenance, and support for its future forces, so with that in mind I would chose the Super Mushshaaq (Pakistan) as a basic training which is operated by the RSAF. The BAe Hawk (UK) would probably the best choice for an advanced trainer, since the RSAF and UAEAF as well as other Gulf nations fly it.
First, you will require a basic and primary trainer. However, when or if the future Syrian state orders aircraft and begins a restructuring of its forces it should aim for commonality between its hardware and its allies.

Simply put, it will be Syria's allies that provide training, maintenance, and support for its future forces, so with that in mind I would chose the Super Mushshaaq (Pakistan) as a basic training which is operated by the RSAF. The BAe Hawk (UK) would probably the best choice for an advanced trainer, since the RSAF and UAEAF as well as other Gulf nations fly it.
Syria would probably be more aligned towards Turkey. The new TAI Hurkus is very appealing, it has precision strike capabilities and is a basic trainer. Cheap while at it too.
BAe Hawk is a good choice too (it has the capabilities to be a second-line air defence). However, Syria already operates L-39s, and Aero Vodochody is offering an overhaul of those airplanes to the L-39NG standard IIRC, which would be cheaper than buying brand new BAe Hawks. They are still a competitor though.
Syria would probably be more aligned towards Turkey. The new TAI Hurkus is very appealing, it has precision strike capabilities and is a basic trainer. Cheap while at it too.

Basic trainers aren't too important, however, I would still go with something an ally is operating. The TAI Hurkus may just be the best fit, however, I think you will be sticking with Arab allies a lot more than with Turkey.

BAe Hawk is a good choice too (it has the capabilities to be a second-line air defence). However, Syria already operates L-39s, and Aero Vodochody is offering an overhaul of those airplanes to the L-39NG standard IIRC, which would be cheaper than buying brand new BAe Hawks. They are still a competitor though.

As far as I'm aware there are only 4 (or thereabouts) L-39s left in service. Whether they will still be flying after the civil war is over is questionable as is their current condition. You should really have at least a squadron of advanced trainers.
This is a dilemma. Syria's sunnis will not deal with Russia because of it's unwavering support for asshead.They are split between the West and could become another Pakistan where stupid nationalists have fantasies of freeing Palestine but we use TOW missiles and F-16's.

Best solution is make up with China. At the end of the day they did support Asshead vocally and slightly with weapons but they are the most practical defense partner. Offer them some rebuilding contracts in war torn parts of Syria.
Biggest advantage is even if government is slightly Islamist then they won't sanction you to kingdom and come and leave you looking like a half dead dog in front of Israel. Same couldn't be said about others.
I don't know. China are notorious for supporting dictatorships *North Korea*, and oppress Uighurs...and still do give support for Assad. They also suppress any dissenters. I wouldn't really support China...
Turkey probably wouldn't leave us in the dust as long as Erdogan keeps Islamising it (which is a good thing.) Turkey and Ukraine currently have a booming arms industry, and neither of those countries are really pressured by the west - Ukraine feels left out to the dogs -err, russians, while Turkey remained firm in their decision that they won't fight IS until there is a promise that Assad will go. Sweden and Austria have some good weapons too (Saab and Steyr - their weapons are amazing), while they probably would give in to Western support. Same goes to France. Switzerland's neutral and also has a decent arms industry.
There are many more countries. If it were my choice, I would buy most of the arms from Europe. Europe is currently becoming more anti-Israel, and is becoming more self-reliant. They would be much better choices than China. Plus, Europe screwed up the MidEast in the first place, might as well help rebuild it.

Basic trainers aren't too important, however, I would still go with something an ally is operating. The TAI Hurkus may just be the best fit, however, I think you will be sticking with Arab allies a lot more than with Turkey.

As far as I'm aware there are only 4 (or thereabouts) L-39s left in service. Whether they will still be flying after the civil war is over is questionable as is their current condition. You should really have at least a squadron of advanced trainers.
Jaish Al-Islam tried to get two L-39s operational from Taftanaz (with a few others stationed there, along with some old MiG-21s). L-39 hulks are widespread around Syria. We still have some spare parts. But I do agree, a Jet trainer like the BAe Hawk is a good choice.
However, the M-346 Master comes to mind because Russia is sending Yak-130s to Assad currently, and the M-346 is basically the Italian Yak-130.
You see, this is a really difficult choice...
Alright. The thread is in the right section now. Discuss?

Why are you asking these garbage people? They consider half of your opposition as terrorists. They will never support an opposition that is anti-Israel. You will never get weapons from them. They will only use some portions of opposition and after that assist Israel in attacking the half they don't like. Arabs(Saudi's/Sisi worshippers/UAE) despise Muslims. They don't want any Muslims to succeed. Only because they hate Iran are they supporting opposition. But with very little, because they are currently working with Israel/PA/Egypt to try destroying Hamas for Israel's sake.

Logistically speaking, you are better off doing political solution with Iran. They are more reliable partner than these Arab shit for brain Godless belly dancer-worshipping morons.

Nothing will change unless Islamic movements forcefully make change or until God sends earthquake to take them out.
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Why are you asking these garbage people? They consider half of your opposition as terrorists. They will never support an opposition that is anti-Israel. You will never get weapons from them. They will only use some portions of opposition and after that assist Israel in attacking the half they don't like. Arabs(Saudi's/Sisi worshippers/UAE) despise Muslims. They don't want any Muslims to succeed. Only because they hate Iran are they supporting opposition. But with very little, because they are currently working with Israel/PA/Egypt to try destroying Hamas for Israel's sake.

Logistically speaking, you are better off doing political solution with Iran. They are more reliable partner than these Arab shit for brain Godless belly dancer-worshipping morons.

Nothing will change unless Islamic movements forcefully make change or until God sends earthquake to take them out.
While I understand your point, I made it very clear that Turkey would be our main partner. I personally hate the GCC gov'ts, (especially the UAE, may those kuffar burn in hell), but that's not the point of this discussion. I'm trying to stay out of the politics brother. Just seeing the opinions of some of the people here (so far, no pro-assadists, so that's good.)
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