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Hot deals for LIFT planes in the Middle East, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Well saudis dont really care
Thats why their negotiations dont last long
if anyone has noticed.. all the Saudi fighter planes are twin engine ones..the US had proposed the F-16s before the F-15s and the offer was rejected.. and up till today KSA still makes some F-16 components locally for export..

India's First 'Production' TEJAS MK-1A Made A Secret Maiden Flight: Report
Saturday, July 09, 2022 by Indian Defence News

NEW DELHI — Indian authorities have announced that the first prototype of the TEJAS MK-1A, which is actually the planned mass-production version of the TEJAS and the basis for all others, has secretly made its maiden flight. The Indian Ministry of Defence reported that Hindustan Aeronautics Limited [HAL] conducted the test flight in an area near their production facility reports an international internet defence platform.

HAL first upgraded the aircraft with serial production number SP-25 to MK-1A level which was at the level of TEJAS MK-1. The SP-25 will act as a test platform for the entire production line of the MK-1A version and will undergo certification tests over the next 30 months.

After completion of tests, deliveries of the TEJAS MK-1A will begin from March 2024. The delivery of 83 aircraft ordered for the Indian Air Force is scheduled to be completed in 2029.

TEJAS MK-1A is the best-developed version of TEJAS MK-1 which reached full operational capability [FOC] in 2020. MK-1A is equipped with Israeli Elta EL/M-2052 AESA radar or Indian Uttam AESA radar, a self-defence system, radar receiver warning, and an external muting unit. The MK-1A will have a lower weight compared to the MK-1. One of the most important changes made compared to the MK-1 is that the Indian-made Astra 1 and Astra-2 Beyond Visual Range Air-Air Missiles [AAM] will be used in the MK-1A. Currently, only MK-1 FOCs can fire Derby Oversight Air-Air Missiles.

The Export Potential of TEJAS

India bought single-engine TEJAS fighter jets totalling $4,5B

India takes major steps in exporting TEJAS aircraft. India’s largest export customer is expected to be Egypt. According to Indian sources, India has recently submitted a proposal to Egypt to open a mass production facility for Dhruv and LCH helicopters in Egypt, along with TEJAS MK-1A aircraft.

In line with this offer, the Egyptian authorities are expected to visit HAL’s facilities soon. Egyptian authorities announced plans to purchase 70 TEJAS MK-1A aircraft at the 2021 Dubai Air Show.

The TEJAS is also competing with the TAI-developed HURJET [Turkey] in the Malaysian LIFT/LCA tender. India, which is offering TEJAS MK-1A aircraft to Malaysia, allows Malaysia only “depot-level support”. However, Malaysia wants the 18 light attack aircraft to be manufactured with at least 30% Malaysian parts.


That's a great shot. I'm looking for your write-up on the UTAM AESA radar. I haven't looked back in this thread but will now. Do you remember if you posted it here, or in another thread? Not sure if maybe it was even @The SC who did the write-up, anyway.
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Cooperation and partnership agreement‎
‎Between the Arab Organization for Industrialization and Korea Aerospace Industries‎
‎Ali localization of advanced training aircraft manufacturing technology‎
‎Major General A. H. Engineer "Mokhtar Abdel Latif", Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, stressed the importance of cooperation and partnership with international expertise, in implementation of the directives of President "Abdel Fattah El-Sisi" on the importance of localizing technology and increasing the proportions of the local component and added value in various defense industries.‎
‎This came‎‎during the signing of the cooperation agreement between the Arab Organization for Industrialization and the Korea Aerospace and Aerospace Industries Corporation (KAAI), which is one of the largest South Korean companies specialized in aerospace manufacturing technology.‎
‎In this regard, the President of the Arab Organization for Industrialization expressed his pride in the importance of this cooperation and partnership with the company ((KAI), pointing out that it was agreed to localize the technology of manufacturing an advanced training aircraft to meet the needs of the armed forces, and export to African and Arab countries, by taking advantage of the advanced production capacities in the aircraft factory of the Arab Organization for Industrialization.‎
‎He added that the areas of cooperation include the exchange of experiences and the training of human cadres in the authority on manufacturing and maintenance work according to the latest digital manufacturing systems, expressing the aspiration of the Arab Organization for Industrialization to open new areas of cooperation in various advanced defense industries, through a coordinating committee between the two sides to follow up the implementation of joint projects.‎
‎For his part, Mr. Kang Wong Sik, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Korea Aerospace and Aerospace Industries Company, expressed his pride in the importance of cooperation with the Arab Organization for Industrialization, the industrial backer of the Egyptian state and its expertise in various manufacturing and human capabilities in accordance with international quality systems in various industries, stressing that the Egyptian market is attractive for investments and promising and constitutes a strategic importance for the countries of the African and Arab region.‎
‎He added that KAI is looking forward to strengthening aspects of partnership with Arab Industrialization in many other defense industries.‎


This news is a general framework for an agreement, not an agreement or Korea winning the tender for the Egyptian advanced training aircraft. Rather, it is a prelude in the event that the Korean T-50 plane wins.
Therefore, the same agreement will be signed with the Indian company HAL in favor of the LCA-MK1A aircraft


Also, the agreement is related to another additional training aircraft, perhaps an upgraded version of the Korean KT-1 plane, or even the new Korean design for an electric motor-powered plane.


We come to the most important points related to the LCA TEJAS aircraft

The news inside India talks about providing alternatives to the Israeli radar and the American engine, which it is believed that there is no problem with Egypt obtaining it from the Indian point of view, but from the Egyptian side, the problem may be the desire to obtain the quantities that Egypt requires without restrictions, as well as copies that can be developed, away from American pressures and restrictions We will present the Indian point of view and the most prominent development in these points


According to recent media reports India has invited Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi a military General turned politician as Chief Guest for the 2023 Republic Day parade, this would be the first time an Egyptian President would be the chief guest at India's Republic Day Parade.

New Delhi has extended this invitation to Cairo as it wishes to expand upon Indo-Egyptian economic and defense ties and is exploring a sale of 70 Tejas Mk1A Light Combat Aircraft to Cairo as the latter is looking for a replacement for its aging fleet of Mirage F5s with a focus on local manufacturing and technology transfer and the Republic day parade would be a great opportunity for the Indian military-industrial complex to showcase its abilities in front of the Egyptian leader.

Tejas Mk1A is a single-engine tailless compound delta wing light multi-role fighter designed by the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) intended as a replacement for India's aging fleet of Mig-21s.
It has a Length of 13.2 m, a Wingspan of 8.2 m, and a Height of 4.4 m with an empty weight of 6560 kg and a maximum takeoff weight of 13500 kg.
Powered by a single General Electric F404-GE-IN20 afterburning turbofan Engine it can fly at a maximum speed of Mach 1.6 and can carry a total weight of 5300 kg on its 8 external hard points and with an internal fuel capacity of 2500 kg, it has an effective combat range of nearly 750 km.

Cairo has tried to diversify its portfolio of aircraft to prevent its air force from being rendered useless in case it ever gets hit by western sanctions. This sentiment has only grown stronger after the partial arms embargo imposed by the EU and USA after the 2013 coup.
It is for this reason that EAF is so adamant about an aircraft with no strings attached, local manufacturing, and some degree of technology transfer so that its aircraft can keep on flying even in the heat of the sanctions
The Egyptian Air force operates a mix of American, French, soviet, and Chinese aircraft, Indian HAL Tejas Mk1A will add an extra layer of depth to this diverse mix bag of aircraft.
The Indian offer seems to fulfill all these conditions as the Tejas manufacturer Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has offered to establish a production line and some degree of ToT along with a repair and overhaul facility if it wins the deal.
India's no strings attached policy regarding its weapons usage along with the diverse set of weapons package Tejas can fire such as the Soviet R73, R77, KH59, KH35 French MICA, AASM American GBUs, and Indian Astra 1/2/3, SAAW, Bramhos (world's fastest supersonic cruise missile), Rudram 1/2/3, etc makes Tejas even more attractive as EAF already operates many of these weapons.

However, it's not all sunshine and roses for Tejas either. Tejas has a fairly high amount of imported subsystems present in it, 25% to be exact most notable of which are the Israeli Elta EL/M 2052 AESA Radar, DASH Helmet Mounted Display, British Martin Baker Mk16 Ejection seats, and American General Electric F404-GE-IN20 afterburning turbofan engine, presence of these imported subsystems makes it susceptible to western sanctions, also given the tense relations between Egypt and Israel a deal with Israeli subsystems present on Tejas is highly unlikely, However, it should be noted that HAL is trying to replace these imported subsystems with homegrown alternatives such as the Uttam AESA radar to replace the current Israeli Elta EL/M 2052 AESA Radar, etc.
Other imported subsystems such as the Martin Baker Ejection seats, and General Electric F404-GE-IN20 afterburning turbofan engine shouldn't be too much of a problem since EAF already operates a large number of them making logistics easier, furthermore such strict western sanctions are highly unlikely in the recent future.
The reluctance shown by the IAF in inducting Tejas in its early days and its low order amount gives Tejas a bad rep.

The Main competitor against the Tejas would be the Korean FA-50 a light combat aircraft developed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Lockheed Martin an American aerospace giant
Technologically speaking both the Tejas and the FA-50 are quite similar and even face the same difficulties in this competition for example both have a high amount of imported subsystems, however, FA-50 has more imported subsystems than the Tejas such as Israeli Radar, EW suite, helmet mounted display American Engine, avionics, weapons, etc.
Apart from that unlike Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is unwilling to offer local manufacturing or any useful amount of technology transfer.
However, one field FA-50 excels in comparison to Tejas is its high export success because as of right now at least 5 countries are using the FA-50 whereas Tejas is only used by India ""


Old news for Uttam AESA Mk2 Radar for lca Tejas MK 2

Uttam AESA Mk2 Radar for lca Tejas MK 2 - 2021


Just for the comparison, the Tejas Mk2 will have a radar with more TRM than RBE2 of Rafale fighter jet. Baseline Uttam AESA – 736 TR modules RBE2 of Rafale – 838 – 1100 TR modules (based on the variant) AN/APG-68 offered on F21 – Around 1000 TR modules Uttam MK2 – 912 – 968 TR modules Though the range and the ability to track the stealthy targets is not limited to number of TR modules, there are numerous other factors involved. 912-968 TR modules is an impressive number.

updated news for uttam radar for Tejas MK1A


Tejas Mk1A to get Uttam FCR with Higher TRM than Originally Planned​

Published November 24, 2022 | By admin

DRDO’s LRDE at “DefEXpo 2022” that had showcased the Uttam AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) Fire Control Radar (FCR) with a 912 TR module and it was confirmed it was an upgraded variant of the Uttam AESA FCR. DRDO-HAL originally planned to incorporate Uttam FCR with 780 TR modules from 21st Tejas Mk1A but now the plan might be changed to incorporate upgraded FCR with 912 TR but it might be seen from later batches.

ELM 2052 Radar that HAL has locally manufactured in collaboration with Israeli ELTA under the Transfer of Technology deal might be procured more than 20 units for the Tejas Mk1A and later units will come with Uttam FCR with 912 TR modules.

Upgraded Uttam Mk2 that was developed for the Tejas MkII program might also find its way now into Tejas Mk1A to streamline the production line as Tejas Mk1A also has a larger Nose cone it can accommodate in it.



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It is believed that the complaint is from the Chinese side, which suggests that the selection was made as a result of a corruption process in choosing the winning plane, which represents pressure on the Malaysian government in several respects, including justification for public opinion and also in front of competing countries, which will result in other obstacles in the areas of defense cooperation with these countries.

Malaysian Fighter Contract ‘Under Investigation’ Over Favouring Korean FA-50 Over LCA Tejas & Other Jets — Reports

By Ashish Dangwal
November 23, 2022

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) appears to have opened an investigation into the suspected irregularities in Malaysia’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) competition after receiving a complaint from an unsuccessful bidder, according to reports.
In 2021, Malaysia’s Defense Ministry launched a tender to procure 18 Light Combat Aircraft/Fighter Lead-In-Trainer (LCA/FLIT) for Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). The country received proposals from six international companies to provide the RMAF with the LCAs.
China’s JF-17, South Korea’s FA-50, Italy’s M-346, India’s Tejas, Turkey’s Hürjet, Russia’s MiG-35, and the Yak-130 fighters were competing for the contract.
The latest report by the Malaysian Tabloid, The Edge, claimed that Korean Aerospace Industries is in the lead for the multi-billion-ringgit deal to purchase aircraft for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
Mohd Iswandi Mohd Sharif, KAI’s local representative, said that the result of KAI’s tender submission for the FA-50 Block 20 to the Ministry of Defense looked “positive.”
However, an unsuccessful bidder has questioned the selection procedure and filed a complaint with the nation’s anti-corruption body. Based on papers and text exchanges seen by The Edge, the anti-corruption body is said to have initiated a case file.

On October 27, caretaker Defense Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein announced that the price negotiations with bidders for the LCA procurement were over and that they were now simply awaiting the Ministry of Finance’s approval of the contract award.


However, Datuk Lau Kong Cheng, a consultant for one of the bidders, told The Edge that the current Finance Ministry should not be negotiating with KAI because the current administration was only a caretaker and hence had no right to engage in any contracts.

He alleges that decision-makers analyzing the tender decided on one bidder without visiting other shortlisted bidders’ OEM (original equipment manufacturer) facilities or plants to conduct a proper verification, review, and comparison process.

Lau was earlier quoted in a November 1 Harian Metro article that said one of the FLIT/LCA bidders had filed a police investigation alleging irregularities with the tendering procedure.

At the time, Lau was mentioned as a retired Brigadier General and the managing director of Paragon Avtech Sdn Bhd. The story omitted the name of the aircraft manufacturer who submitted the complaint.

“This now looks like an attempt to speed up the procurement of the FA-50 and ignore OEM visits to all three initially shortlisted aircraft,” says Lau, adding that the RMAF had initially shortlisted the KAI FA-50, the Tejas from India, and the JF-17 B from China.

Meanwhile, caretaker Defense Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein ensures that officials in charge of the multi-billion ringgit agreement handle the contract professionally.

Question Over The Procurement Process

The RMAF had specified five requirements for the producers of fighter jets. These include the capability to deploy missiles beyond visual range, 30% local content, supersonic performance, air-to-air refueling capabilities, and delivery of the LCA on a staggered basis over 36 months following the signing of the contract.

The unsuccessful bidder alleges that the international open tender for military aircraft’s evaluation process seemed unfair. The sources familiar with the outcome told The Edge that each tender’s evaluation procedure appears to be opaque.

If such were the case, they might not have requested an open tender but started a Government to Government negotiation with the favored supplier, the sources added.

It is believed that the Ministry of Finance and the FA-50 bidder are currently engaged in direct discussions over commercial and technical modifications to the original bid filed in 2021.

The sources alleged that the manufacturer of FA-50 appears to have altered its pricing and technical requirements during the continuing direct discussions. It is important to note that the current LCA procurement is an open international tender rather than a direct negotiation.

Lau notes that when bidders file their bids, they often invest a significant amount of time and money in explaining in their tenders how they will meet the end-evaluation user’s criteria and demand.

He pointed out that it is against all proper tender and procurement procedures to choose such a significant and expensive military system (a multi-billion project) without conducting necessary verification, appraisal, and comparison trips to all shortlisted LCA OEMs.

Nevertheless, experts have noted that a caretaker government’s primary responsibility is to manage primarily administrative matters up until the election of a new administration. It lacks the authority or privilege to approve, ratify, or enter into any contracts, agreements, or commitments, whether national or international.


The more I see this thing, the more I like it. Didn't the US allow the Al-Tariq PGM to be mounted on the EAF F-16 block 52s? I thought besides the Mirage 2Ks that had them, the block 52s were also photographed with them carrying them on a live fire exercise. Or am I thinking of a different aircraft? Anyone>

It appears they have decided to share the wealth all around. This beauty of an aircraft will be the one chosen for the LIFT and beyond as they've come pretty close to signing the agreement for ToT and up to 100 aircraft, Good pick out of all the choices presented.

And not to take anything away from the great achievements of the Indian military and their incredible achievements, but the Tejas was not really something I think the EAF was very interested in, most likely because of all the Israeli stuff that's in it that India probably promised it would change to indigenous items and that no Israeli stuff would be in it and that would just take too long and didn't appeal to the EAF knowing also quite well the close relationship India has with Israel and frankly that posed a HUGE concern to the EAF that most likely did not feel very comfortable with,

So instead, the Uttam AESA radar is of great interest if India agrees to a ToT deal with that as well as possibly the Astra missile and of course, the Brahmos missile and it also appears the EAF is quite interested in the Dhruv helicoper to replace all the aging Gazelles. The problem is obviously not really whether India would want Egypt to procure any of these items under ToT deals, but they will get a lot of flack from the nosy Jews about the Brahmos but they shouldn't as long as it is within ITAR regulations since the EAF has a slew of missiles and cruise missiles within the 300 km or less so they should also kick rocks! And the Uttam AESA would be a HUGE prospect should it come to fruition. So India should be proud and just because the EAF wasn't interested in the Tejas, doesn't mean there are A LOT of other items by HAL and other Indian companies that are very attractive and will turn into major ToT deals with Egypt.
Upgraded Uttam Mk2 that was developed for the Tejas MkII program might also find its way now into Tejas Mk1A to streamline the production line as Tejas Mk1A also has a larger Nose cone it can accommodate in it.

The more I see this thing, the more I like it. Didn't the US allow the Al-Tariq PGM to be mounted on the EAF F-16 block 52s? I thought besides the Mirage 2Ks that had them, the block 52s were also photographed with them carrying them on a live fire exercise. Or am I thinking of a different aircraft? Anyone>

It appears they have decided to share the wealth all around. This beauty of an aircraft will be the one chosen for the LIFT and beyond as they've come pretty close to signing the agreement for ToT and up to 100 aircraft, Good pick out of all the choices presented.

And not to take anything away from the great achievements of the Indian military and their incredible achievements, but the Tejas was not really something I think the EAF was very interested in, most likely because of all the Israeli stuff that's in it that India probably promised it would change to indigenous items and that no Israeli stuff would be in it and that would just take too long and didn't appeal to the EAF knowing also quite well the close relationship India has with Israel and frankly that posed a HUGE concern to the EAF that most likely did not feel very comfortable with,

So instead, the Uttam AESA radar is of great interest if India agrees to a ToT deal with that as well as possibly the Astra missile and of course, the Brahmos missile and it also appears the EAF is quite interested in the Dhruv helicoper to replace all the aging Gazelles. The problem is obviously not really whether India would want Egypt to procure any of these items under ToT deals, but they will get a lot of flack from the nosy Jews about the Brahmos but they shouldn't as long as it is within ITAR regulations since the EAF has a slew of missiles and cruise missiles within the 300 km or less so they should also kick rocks! And the Uttam AESA would be a HUGE prospect should it come to fruition. So India should be proud and just because the EAF wasn't interested in the Tejas, doesn't mean there are A LOT of other items by HAL and other Indian companies that are very attractive and will turn into major ToT deals with Egypt.
Major General A. Engineer Mokhtar Abdel Latif, Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, emphasized the importance of cooperation and partnership with international expertise, in implementation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on the importance of localizing technology and increasing the proportions of the local component and added value in the various defense industries.

This came during the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Arab Organization for Industrialization and the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), which is one of the largest South Korean companies specialized in aerospace manufacturing technology.

In this regard, the President of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, Ali, expressed his pride in the importance of this cooperation and partnership with (KAI), pointing out that it was agreed to localize the technology of manufacturing an advanced training aircraft to meet the needs of the armed forces, and to export to African and Arab countries, by making use of the advanced production capacities of the aircraft factory. of the Arab Organization for Industrialization.

He added that the areas of cooperation include the exchange of experiences and the training of human cadres in the authority on manufacturing and maintenance work according to the latest digital manufacturing systems, expressing the aspiration of the Arab Organization for Industrialization to open new areas of cooperation in various advanced defense industries, through a coordination committee between the two sides to follow up on the implementation of joint projects.

For his part, Mr. Kang Wong-sik, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Korea Aerospace Industries Company, expressed his pride in the importance of cooperation with the Arab Organization for Industrialization, the industrial backbone of the Egyptian state and its expertise in various manufacturing and human capabilities in accordance with international quality systems in various industries, stressing that the Egyptian market is attractive and promising for investments, and it is of strategic importance to the countries of the African and Arab region.

He added that (KAI) is looking forward to strengthening aspects of partnership with Arab Industrialization in many other defense industries.

*** It means, the Korean offer is the one that was approved..





On the contrary, there was no official announcement of the victory of the T-50 plane and the end of the tender. The news itself speaks of a general agreement for the transfer and settlement of the advanced training aircraft industry. This has several interpretations. The weaker one is the announcement of the plane’s victory. As we see, the news was preceded only in the event that the Korean plane won.
Some ignore the entry of Nubian Korea into the Egyptian arms market, primarily an American desire and with American approval, and this is to ensure that Egypt's gains are reduced.
The difference is big between India and South Korea in technology transfers, because the Indians do not recognize the Western thought in transferring technology, restricting and obtaining the largest amount of money from us and draining as much as possible.

We come to an important point, the Indians obtained gallium nitride technology from France in exchange for buying the Rafale Kaufset deal, and they were able to manufacture their own radar, and this is the reason for the rapid development of radar
The ASTRA missile is built on the basis of the Russian R-77 missile. China and India transfer the Russian missile technologies with their own national versions. Therefore, re-transferring the technology will not be as expensive as the South Korean standards.
The South Korean plane does not have its own missiles
America even refused to supply Egypt with AIM-9X/X2 missiles, not just the AIM-120D.
The story of re-export Egypt is a failure in the arms export process because arms exports depend to a large extent on bribes and personal incentives, and this is not available from government employees who aspire themselves to obtain any advantage in any way, and this is the reason for the failure of the arms industry because the Egyptian government employee has no incentive like the private sector for development Therefore, we find a country that obtains the most expensive license, such as a pistol or rifle, which shows the extent of modesty in thought and performance

What is behind the curtain? The Coronas want to integrate the American APG-83 radar into the FA-50. Will America allow it, even if it did not originally allow its integration into the Egyptian F-16?
What are the limits of South Korea's transfer of bends mainly, and the plane is designed by Lockheed Martin for South Korea, and the GE-404 engine has a low thrust capacity of 17,700 pounds, in addition to a terrifying price. Any bad cooperation with trivial programs such as exporting Egyptian jackets and helmets for soldiers, and on the part of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, they target Egypt as a buyer for their production of drones and ammunition
Here, any country in the world contracted with Egypt to buy the K9 cannon, of course not

What is the story of the Emirati Al-Tareq munitions produced in South Africa? Therefore, you are in front of two parties that owe you profits. Egypt’s purchase of 50 bombs is not an issue, and their integration into the F-16 plane is related to its cost, which is more expensive than JDAM-ER munitions, which makes Samar’s ability to possess large numbers of it questionable if not produced. locally

Will the FA-50 / T-50 allow Egypt true independence in real manufacturing? The license to produce the K9 cannon is a model of the Egyptian failure to design a cannon. A country that has been producing artillery since 1975 and had a fire management system that it developed in the eighties and took it round from Egypt. Consequently, Egypt stopped developing and failing. In a step forward, is it a mother who makes her continue to obtain production licenses continuously because they are unable to create development because their management is unable to develop the same mentality of the failed states
We show other examples that Egypt obtained guidance systems for artillery and small-caliber missiles from Spain. It shows that we are not even able to activate any development program.


Even ammunition for artillery or rifles and pistols, we are waiting to buy new production licenses. These are trivial matters. Does Egypt lack technical personnel? Of course, it does not lack management, will, good resource management, cleanliness and purity of those in charge of running the state.

That is, things are clear and simple, even if you obtain production licenses, it will not be a real benefit. I give you a clear example. The ST-100/500 armored vehicles would have competed with the American JLTV armored vehicles that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates had already obtained. Therefore, Egypt’s plans to export it failed, and the Egyptian businessmen became losers by contracting with Military Production Al-Masry, he only got trivial contracts such as 200 ST-500 armored vehicles, and perhaps the same as the ST-100, while it was planned that 500-1500 of each model be produced annually. The volume of production is very small.
Things are always clear. You are unable to create a real productive economy. During 8 years, what have you achieved as a country?
You have a cash reserve of 34 billion dollars, of which 28 are Gulf deposits, and the rest is 6 billion dollars in gold, which means that your economy is unable to buy at all, and this is the reason that the contract for the K9 cannon was delayed
Because there is no local funding, and Egypt is waiting for a loan from South Korea to activate the contract so that a country can be run with loans
When you do not have a real financial management and the competence of management and leadership of countries, we find farce, such as managing an economy with hot money that was withdrawn, and the Egyptian economy became in the wind. Two days ago, I learned the news that there are goods in the Egyptian ports, 1.7 million tons of fodder. Absolutely far from misleading propaganda


As we said earlier, the agreement regarding the localization of training aircraft with the Korean company KAI is only in the event that the Koreans win, and not a declaration of victory, because the tender has not ended. Rather, each party signs an agreement of cooperation and localization with the company and the Egyptian factory responsible for local production only, and not a declaration of victory. Even the nature of the news was localization without Select any aircraft


LCA-LIFT is still in the Race as Egypt and Korea ink MoU, no deal for T-50 Trainers yet​

Published December 2, 2022 | By admin


Egypt’s Arab Organization for Industrialization inks a cooperation agreement with Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) that could expand further cooperation between both organizations if it wins the tender for an advanced trainer jet that the Egyptian Air Force is looking to procure.
Many Korean media has reported that KAI had won the tender to supply the T-50 Golden Eagle advanced trainer jet to Egypt but it wasn’t the case since it was MoU between the two companies as Egypt is yet to decide on the winner.
India’s State-owned HAL has offered its LCA-LIFT Advance Jet Trainer which is based on the Tejas Twin seater aircraft along with its full Transfer of technology with a joint production facility that will see local manufacturing of 70 jets initially but the order will expand to 100 units that will replace Chinese K-8 AJTs that are in the Egyptian Air Force.
Separate news


Poland will supply the fighter version FA-50PL
Poland's Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) FA-50PL light fighters will be equipped with Raytheon's Phantom Strike radar and AIM-120 Amraam air-to-air missiles as well as LIG Nex1 KGGB guided bombs, according to South Korea's The Guru financial newspaper. Industry sources tell Aerospace DAILY As it turns out

Raytheon Phantom Strike radar
It is a light radar, weighing between 45-54 kg, intended for light aircraft, helicopters and drones, which means low performance for the aircraft.

The aircraft will also be equipped with a reduced weight version of the German KEPD-350 missile with name Cheonryong , with a weight of no more than 1,150 kg, instead of the German version, with a weight of 1,400 kg, due to the fighter’s weight restrictions and limited engine thrust capacity.

9-1024x576   56544.jpg

Cheonryong (천룡/Celestial Dragon) Air launched cruise missile (ALCM)

The LCA TEJAS MK1A aircraft.

1 - It will be equipped with the European SCALP missile
India in talks with European firm MBDA for the local production of Scalp cruise missile

India is undergoing talks with European firm MBDA for the local manufacturing of the Scalp cruise Missile which is also known as ‘Storm Shadow’ that the Indian Air Force has acquired as part of the weapons package of 36 French Dassault Rafale fighter jets.

The Indian Air Force plans to integrate the 560 kilometers range Scalp cruise missiles in Tejas Mk 1A, Tejas Mk2, and the AMCA 5th Gen stealth fighter.

The Scalp is a stealth cruise missile that is designed to avoid radar detection and to hit high-value and densely protected targets deep inside enemy territory.

Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL) and MBDA might join hands for the local manufacturing of the Scalp cruise missile as they are already establishing a facility for the final assembly, integration and testing of Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (ASRAAM) in India that will start operations in early 2023.

2 - HAL plans to certify Astra Mk1 and ASRAAM air to air missile before Tejas Mk1A enters production

3 - DRDO to test Astra Mark 1 BVRAAM with a new upgraded AESA seeker

DRDO to test Astra Mark 1 BVRAAM with a new upgraded AESA seeker

The fabrication of the Astra Mark 1 missile with the new AESA radar seeker has already started fabrication that will start testing in 2023 and it will be ready for production by end of 2024.

An AESA seeker-equipped missile is much superior as it can scan and acquire targets much faster. The AESA seekers are also more compact, lighter and are considerably more reliable.

Reduction of overall weight may increase its officially stated range of 110km beyond 120-130km.

4 - Jsr Dynamics presents model of lightweight cruise missile also

5 - Jsr dynamics presents glide bomb

6 - Astra Microwave delivers an improved variant of Uttam AESA radar to DRDO for Tejas
In a big development Private Sector Defense company Astra Microwave has delivered an improved variant of Uttam AESA radar to DRDO's lab LRDE.

This AESA radar will now be integrated with Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk2.

This improved variant will have more Transmitter Receiver (TR) modules than baseline Uttam AESA, but new radar will be smaller in size.

This is achieved by high density packing of TR modules and it will allow makers of Tejas to accommodate more electronics in nose cone of the aircraft like infrared search and tracking etc.



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