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Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police

Ahhh what about thousands of Kurds killed by PKK????ohhh dont bother they are traitors they deserved to be killed. Or Turkey killed them put the blame on angels
Yes if a terriable mistake happended it must be punished. But what i remember you already told you have sympathy to a terroist organization. I am not telling this most of the countries telling that too. Every time you are talking about human rights but you are supporting a terrorist organization which is killing childs, burning teenages alive in buses, killing nurses and teachers. You must understand one thing i have Kurdish realatives too. You are not Kurdish you are a terroist supporter. Thats a big diffenrence. Yes i will ruin every threat when i see Internationaly Recognized Terroist organization supporter.

So, I am a terrorist supporter because I put forth the truth? Listen, your government has blamed a lot of actions on other people. Actions it did itself. Go to my other topic and read. I can find you many other of such verdicts too. If you can not handle the truth, do not come here and comment.

I know the truth hurts. You have been brainwashed to believe that other people did these acts. Day in and day out you were taught that these people ate babies and what not. But that is not the truth. The truth is a whole other. Do not pain yourself.

alright, but i couldn't find it mate. Can you link it here?

This is a short version of the recent verdict;

Turkey Found Guilty of “Bombarding Kuşkonar Village” in 1994 - Bianet

If you want to read the whole verdict from ECHR's own homepage;

So, I am a terrorist supporter because I put forth the truth? Listen, your government has blamed a lot of actions on other people. Actions it did itself. Go to my other topic and read. I can find you many other of such verdicts too. If you can not handle the truth, do not come here and comment.

I know the truth hurts. You have been brainwashed to believe that other people did these acts. Day in and day out you were taught that these people ate babies and what not. But that is not the truth. The truth is a whole other. Do not pain yourself.


This is a short version of the recent verdict;

Turkey Found Guilty of “Bombarding Kuşkonar Village” in 1994 - Bianet

If you want to read the whole verdict from ECHR's own homepage;

No you are a terroist supporter because you said you have sympathy to PKK which is Recognized as Internationaly Terroist Organization like Al-Kaide or others. Thats the reality. And i am saying if we bombed Turkish citizens it must be punished. Btw i can send tones of Photos of Kurdish people killed burned teenager, or prangant women killed by molotof coktails in the middle of Istanbul. But it will make only happy Terroist. And if Turkish planes bombed Turkish citizens they must be punished. Their job is clearing coackroachs not our own.
No you are a terroist supporter because you said you have sympathy to PKK which is Recognized as Internationaly Terroist Organization like Al-Kaide or others. Thats the reality. And i am saying if we bombed Turkish citizens it must be punished. Btw i can send tones of Photos of Kurdish people killed burned teenager, or prangant women killed by molotof coktails in the middle of Istanbul. But it will make only happy Terroist. And if Turkish planes bombed Turkish citizens they must be punished. Their job is clearing coackroachs not our own.

How do you expect them to be punished? All they have to do is to blame PKK and then you are happy. That is what Turkey has done for 30 years. Blamed all its problems on PKK and the Turkish people fall blindly on their knees and accept this. You call every problem a problem of terror. But even before PKK there were problems. Even before PKK people were bombed, killed, tortured, disappeared.

For instance, you think I will shut my mouth because you call me a terrorist supporter. That is what you are used to in Turkey because nobody wants to be seen as a terrorist supporter.

So now you should go and tell your government to stop blaming PKK for bombing it has done itself. Tell them to punish those who bomb your citizens. Tell them to punish those who kill civilians.
How do you expect them to be punished? All they have to do is to blame PKK and then you are happy. That is what Turkey has done for 30 years. Blamed all its problems on PKK and the Turkish people fall blindly on their knees and accept this. You call every problem a problem of terror. But even before PKK there were problems. Even before PKK people were bombed, killed, tortured, disappeared.

For instance, you think I will shut my mouth because you call me a terrorist supporter. That is what you are used to in Turkey because nobody wants to be seen as a terrorist supporter.

So now you should go and tell your government to stop blaming PKK for bombing it has done itself. Tell them to punish those who bomb your citizens. Tell them to punish those who kill civilians.
No I am calling you Internationaly Recognized Terroist organization supporter like Al-Kaida because you are saying this. I dont need need to shut your mouth because you are not living in Turkey. It is your country problem if they have housing An Internationaly Terroist Organization supporter.
No I am calling you Internationaly Recognized Terroist organization supporter like Al-Kaida because you are saying this. I dont need need to shut your mouth because you are not living in Turkey. It is your country problem if they have housing An Internationaly Terroist Organization supporter.

Okay. But what does it have to do with this discussion? What do you achieve from calling me a terrorist supporter? Do you think all Turkey's blame is automatically deleted because you call me a terrorist supporter? Do you think that you can remove reality by calling me a terrorist supporter? What did Turkey achieve from calling millions of people terrorist supporters?

I am trying to focus on a crime committed by Turkey and you start talking about PKK. It makes no sense.
No there is No need to delete anything court found guilty and Turkey will pay. Which is Recognized as an authority by Turkey. But you are missing one point i am asking you Kurds killed by PKK Kurds fightining againist PKK women childeren teachers nurses doctors pregrant women killed by PKK you are not giving a single answer. Here is your answer PKK is Internationally Recognized Terroist Organization like Al-Kaida. And you are supporting it and you are not hiding it. You are telling you have sympathy to an Internationaly Recognized Terroist organization. And you are asking me why i am calling you terror supporter.
No there is No need to delete anything court found guilty and Turkey will pay. Which is Recognized as an authority by Turkey. But you are missing one point i am asking you Kurds killed by PKK Kurds fightining againist PKK women childeren teachers nurses doctors pregrant women killed by PKK you are not giving a single answer. Here is your answer PKK is Internationally Recognized Terroist Organization like Al-Kaida. And you are supporting it and you are not hiding it. You are telling you have sympathy to an Internationaly Recognized Terroist organization. And you are asking me why i am calling you terror supporter.

No, I am not asking you why you call me it. I have been called terrorist supporter by most of the Turks on this board. It does not affect me. What I am asking you, is what it will achieve you to call me terrorist supporter? Do you understand my question? Does it make you happy? Does it brighten up your day? What kind of feeling does it give you? And especially, what sense does it make to talk about PKK in a thread about a wall and when we are speaking about a Turkish action?

If you can find a verdict that says PKK killed this and this people then create a topic, let us discuss it. If you can find information that PKK built a wall to seperate people somewhere then find that information, let us discuss it. Here we are discussing Turkey's actions, not PKK.
No, I am not asking you why you call me it. I have been called terrorist supporter by most of the Turks on this board. It does not affect me. What I am asking you, is what it will achieve you to call me terrorist supporter? Do you understand my question? Does it make you happy? Does it brighten up your day? What kind of feeling does it give you? And especially, what sense does it make to talk about PKK in a thread about a wall and when we are speaking about a Turkish action?

If you can find a verdict that says PKK killed this and this people then create a topic, let us discuss it. If you can find information that PKK built a wall to seperate people somewhere then find that information, let us discuss it. Here we are discussing Turkey's actions, not PKK.

Probably Turks calling you Terroist because of you are calling Your self supporter of Internationaly Recognized Terrorist organization like Al-Kaida.

And you are asking Turkey actions i replied it clearly. Why is a wall bothers you 900metres in 950 km border. Enlight us. Btw i am agree with you one point No need to build a wall. Go and try to open fire in a Europian country for smugling. We must react as like as rest of the world yes building a wall stupity.
No, I am not asking you why you call me it. I have been called terrorist supporter by most of the Turks on this board. It does not affect me. What I am asking you, is what it will achieve you to call me terrorist supporter? Do you understand my question? Does it make you happy? Does it brighten up your day? What kind of feeling does it give you? And especially, what sense does it make to talk about PKK in a thread about a wall and when we are speaking about a Turkish action?

If you can find a verdict that says PKK killed this and this people then create a topic, let us discuss it. If you can find information that PKK built a wall to seperate people somewhere then find that information, let us discuss it. Here we are discussing Turkey's actions, not PKK.

Really ??? A wall to seperate people.... there is border, i mean border of two countries. You live in a fantasy world.
Really ??? A wall to seperate people.... there is border, i mean border of two countries. You live in a fantasy world.

It is an artifical border. It is the same people living on both sides of the border. Building a wall will further strengthen those artificial borders. Just like the Berlin Wall. It is simply not acceptable. Even a fool can tell that. Not to mention the problems it will cause when it comes to sending humanitarian aid from the Kurdish-Turkish side to the Kurdish-Syrian side and other practical problems.

Instead of building walls of seperation, Turkey should create a bridge to those Kurds on the Syrian side. It would ease their problems with Kurds in Turkey. People would look to Turkey as an example of unification rather than divission. How do you expect to build a wall that will last when not even a single person from either side of the border is willing to accept that wall? Do you really believe it will last if the people does not want it to last?
It is an artifical border. It is the same people living on both sides of the border. Building a wall will further strengthen those artificial borders. Just like the Berlin Wall. It is simply not acceptable. Even a fool can tell that. Not to mention the problems it will cause when it comes to sending humanitarian aid from the Kurdish-Turkish side to the Kurdish-Syrian side and other practical problems.

Instead of building walls of seperation, Turkey should create a bridge to those Kurds on the Syrian side. It would ease their problems with Kurds in Turkey. People would look to Turkey as an example of unification rather than divission. How do you expect to build a wall that will last when not even a single person from either side of the border is willing to accept that wall? Do you really believe it will last if the people does not want it to last?
Are you living in Mars? We have 950000 metres borders wall is only 900 metres actually i watched it in tv it is a fence. And do we look like having problems with Kurds. I am telling you i have Kurdish relatives and i am proud of it. We are making oil agreement with Iraq Kurdistan and seems like they are happy. But they are unhappy about refrugies from Syria. They closed their borders to Kurds from Syria. You are talking about humanity we have a idiom in Turkish even crows laungh with their asses. Almost we are hosting 1 million civillians. And you are telling this wall will stop it. Here is the reality PYD sided with Assad and they attacked rebels and they screwed it. And we have no intention to support their cause. And it seems like Iraq Kurdistan have a problem with that too. World is changing and seems like No one wants terrorists. 
Btw we already know borders artifical and i am really curious what are you thinking about Kerkuk? You know City full of Turks actually Majority are you suggesting we must be together?
It is an artifical border. It is the same people living on both sides of the border. Building a wall will further strengthen those artificial borders. Just like the Berlin Wall. It is simply not acceptable. Even a fool can tell that. Not to mention the problems it will cause when it comes to sending humanitarian aid from the Kurdish-Turkish side to the Kurdish-Syrian side and other practical problems.

It's a border acknowledged by the world. Nobody cares about your opinion.

Instead of building walls of seperation, Turkey should create a bridge to those Kurds on the Syrian side. It would ease their problems with Kurds in Turkey. People would look to Turkey as an example of unification rather than divission. How do you expect to build a wall that will last when not even a single person from either side of the border is willing to accept that wall? Do you really believe it will last if the people does not want it to last?

More non-sense. I suggest you to learn the meaning of countries borders.
It is not just my opinion. It is the opinion of majority of the people being affected. So actually, your opinion does not matter. Neither does Turkey's. Go ahead and build it if you think it will last. I see two possible solutions

1) They do not build it. Everyone is happy
2) They build it. It is torn down in a few years like the Berlin wall.

Either way, the wall will not last.

Kerkuk being majority Turkish? Source please. Also, I have no problem with Kurds living alongside Turkmens in Kerkuk.
what are you thinking about Kerkuk? You know City full of Turks actually Majority are you suggesting we must be together?

Well for him it’s a Kurdish city though history says different.

It stands on the site of the ancient Assyrian capital of Arrapha, which sits near the Khasa River on the ruins of a 5,000-year-old settlement (Kirkuk Citadel). Arrapha reached great importance under the Assyrians in the 10th and 11th centuries BC. Because of the strategic geographical location of the city, Kirkuk was the battle ground for three empires—the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Babylonia, and Media—which controlled the city at various times.

Media is what Kurds claim to be, those originate way east from Kerkuk in the Iranian plateau, those whom captured land when the Persian dynasties under Cyrus conquered Assyria.

Kerkuk isn’t Kurdish neither Turkish, both their presence are pretty short in that city, also why name an ancient city to an ethnicity, rather name it to a nationality that allows multiple ethnicities which is Iraq.

Though Kurds won’t give up the Kerkuk disputed thing, it will be solved anyway one way or another.
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