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Kurdistan Issue


Jul 10, 2009
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I have noticed a very negative attitude towards Turkey from Kurds and I have always wondered what exactly caused this tension? The Turkish I spoke to say that's because Kurds want a piece of their land, while the Kurds claim that 'piece' of land has always been theirs? But how come the Kurds want to separate from Turkey anyway, if they truly want to separate?
The marxist PKK does not represent the Kurds in Turkey, Its a small group of traitors and ignorant youth who are doing the dirty job of some other countries to put Turkey under pressure. If all Kurds truly supported PKK its about 15-20 million Kurds in Turkey i think it would be very hard to stop them but just a very smal minority supports them only the extreme communist ones and some ignorant villagers. There is no any racism towards them, in Turkey all peoples have the same rights they can become whatever they want, we even had an Kurdish President in the past.
Basically after the Ottoman empires Defeat a treaty was proposed to divide the empire, turkey was going to be divided and promised a Kurdish state in the Treaty, but Atatürk and Turkish Nationalists fought an independence war and won and made a new treaty that turkey won all its land as well as it abolished the old treaty and made a new one the Treaty of Lausanne is modern day turkey, so yes the land belongs to turkey if the kurds want a kurdish state there free to move to Iraqi Kurdistan otherwise there free to live in turkey.
Let me tell you somthing bro.

Listen me carefuly please.. I am a Kurdish and believe me, we pure kurds do not have a single problem with Turkiye and Turks. We have the same rights what do Turks have? almost all of us do not support seperatist pkk coz pkk and its militants are not freedom fighters who fight for kurds.

At Turkiye there are half kurdish and half armenian people(they are not pure kurds) and most of them located in Diyarbakir, Mardin, Sirnak etc. These cities are located at southeastern Turkiye and most of these cities have border to Syria. Almost all of pkk members came from these cities. The leader of pkk is a half kurd/armenain man who named apo(Abdullah Ocalan). His real name is Artin Agopyan. Its an Armenian name. Now all problems come from these people. They want to divide Southern and southeastern Turkiye. They claim "they were living there before Turks" they claim coz they know that they are armenian so its true they were living in Anatolia before Turks conquered it in 1071. They have a dream its GREAT ARMENIA. For this dream they have been killing everyone at that territory. if you search on internet you will find that pkk started to kill real kurds first. They have killed villigers innocent people. They killed coz they believe that these lands must clean from prue kurds first.

I said that I am a kurdish my home town is Kayseri but my grand father took his family from Van during ww1. Van is a city which located in southern Turkiye. Van, Kars, Agri, Erzincan, Elazig etc. These are cities which located in southern Turkiye. There are alot Kurdish people but most of them never support pkk. Actually they hate pkk. We know reality of this issue. We don't coz we are real prue Kurds and we love our country.

There are alot plans of others on Turkiye. Especially Armania and Israel play alot game in this territory. They use pkk. At nort of Iraq there are a lot of pkk camps. Israeli and amrerican special forces train these militants(forum members know it already). %40 of militants come from Turkiye, %30 come from Syria, %20 come from Armenia and %10 others. This is proved by german journalist in 2009.

I share some pics of lieaders of pkk(below).. I am sure you will understand whats going on? How others play on Turkiye and Kurds using pkk !!


As you see, they are christian Armenian/kurds. Maybe you will ask one question why are they half kurdish? They are half coz Ottoman empire punished Armenians to banish to Syria durring ww1. You know Armenians were killing Turks durring ww1. At this time periot some of Armenians started to live in these cties which have border to Syria. Now their sons trying to divide Turkiye. They have been doing terrorism since 1980 and they have killed more than 30 000 people but they got nothing !!!

So this is not Kurdish issue. This is a terrorism !!! I hope you can see this game .....
I mom has several siblings and one is married to a kurd, my favourite cousins are of mixed blood. So what those who use violance to stir things up have ulterior motives. and every single political party who starts saying we fight for the kurdish rights end up supporting the terrorists in the end. It's not even a half-as'sed attempt on getting rights for the minority. Plus I am pretty damn sure there are kurdish descending politicians in other political parties.
Thanks for the clarifications guys. Whenever I tried to ask a Kurd or Turkish person regarding this issue in real life, the replies usually weren't very pleasant. Politics, I guess, is the problem?
There are alot plans of others on Turkiye. Especially Armania and Israel play alot game in this territory. They use pkk. At nort of Iraq there are a lot of pkk camps. Israeli and amrerican special forces train these militants(forum members know it already). %40 of militants come from Turkiye, %30 come from Syria, %20 come from Armenia and %10 others. This is proved by german journalist in 2009.
There is no even a tinniest evidence of Israel-PKK connection. PKK started terror activity in 1984, after its leader Ocalan settled in Syria (which is main enemy of Israel). Syria officially supported PKK for nearly 20 years. And during this period most of attacks occured. In 1998 Turkey threatened Syria with war and Syria chickened, expelled Ocalan and declared that it stops support of PKK. Terror drastically decrased, but PKK is still operational in Syria.
Some countries know very well that if they leave Turkey alone, it will become extremly strong. It will then dominate large part of the world again like it was doing just 100 years ago.
Some countries know very well that if they leave Turkey alone, it will become extremly strong. It will then dominate large part of the world again like it was doing just 100 years ago.

Turkey has more land than most countries, why do you want to dominate the world?
And how? You think the Americans, EU, Russia, China, India or any other future power will let Turkey dominate anything? All 5 can destroy turkey completely in a matter of weeks, destroy their Air Force in a matter of days... And then what? Your people will suffer because of people like you with ambitions that makes people laugh.
Turkey has more land than most countries, why do you want to dominate the world?
And how? You think the Americans, EU, Russia, China, India or any other future power will let Turkey dominate anything? All 5 can destroy turkey completely in a matter of weeks, destroy their Air Force in a matter of days... And then what? Your people will suffer because of people like you with ambitions that makes people laugh.
Well, looking at your perspective, USA can destroy Russia in a matter of weeks, or Russia can do the same to USA. So why it didn't happen in Cold War and such a scenario is highly unlikely to happen now? Domination of old school thought is long gone. If you want to dominate, success is not led by war, but by innovation, technology and integration to world system so much that if someone takes you out of the equation, their survival would be at risk. Turkey does all of this things for a while now, dunno if our southern neighbors does it too.
---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 AM ----------

Turkey has more land than most countries, why do you want to dominate the world?
And how? You think the Americans, EU, Russia, China, India or any other future power will let Turkey dominate anything? All 5 can destroy turkey completely in a matter of weeks, destroy their Air Force in a matter of days... And then what? Your people will suffer because of people like you with ambitions that makes people laugh.

Why not? If you all help us a hand. What right do Americans, EU or Russians have to dominate that we dont have. Isnt it sad that Jew and Arab children still to this day are dying just because others benefitting from this conflict? It can not go on like this. There is no peace, security, stability or justice if there was, children would not be killed and that will change when Turkey become strong again. The Jews, Turks, Arabs, Persians all countries united like EU. It will be much stronger and much more rich then EU or USA. That must be our goal. A peacefull neighbourhood were all people live like one big family. Today looks impossible but atleast our intention is good and our steps will be to that direction. So i didnt mean wars, and conquering lands.. Sorry for my bad english.
---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 AM ----------


Why not? If you all help us a hand. What right do Americans, EU or Russians have to dominate that we dont have. Isnt it sad that Jew and Arab children still to this day are dying just because others benefitting from this conflict? It should not go on like this forever. There is no peace, security, stability or justice in the region if there was, children would not be killed and that will change when Turkey become strong again. Just think about it Jews, Turks, Arabs, Persians all countries united like EU. It will be much stronger and much more rich then EU or USA. Thats our great ambition to achieve this. A peacefull neighbourhood were all people live like one big family. Today looks impossible but atleast our intention is good and our steps will be to that direction. So i didnt mean wars, and conquering lands.. Sorry for my bad english.

Well that`s one dream i can agree to and hope one day it will become a reality.
Israel already is a leader in the world of science and innovation, that in itself, even our enemies cannot deny.
I thought he meant war but he explained himself and i agree. :)

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