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‘Kufr’ Fatwa to be issued against Imran Khan unless he publicly apologizes, religious group issues s

This cancer yes cancer has damaged our country way too much we're in this state today because of this cancer if we really want to move forward than we really need to find a ''cure'' to this cancer.
As the signs of qayamat define them perfectly.

" and the Islamic scholars of that time would be the worst of people under rhe sky"

Well gents we see them to be the worst of the people. Worse than monarchs and tyrants. All those that question us and go against us are kufr and murtid and deserve to be killed. How blinded and far away from the path of righteousness have we went?
Waite for mulla tolla label you another secular fascist. It's fact if you voice against them they call you secular fascist more hard core put kuffar fatwa on you and zombies the exterme one can kill you.
Lets the people who know and have devoted their lives studying Islam do their job.

And who are those ? In which school they did get the qualification for their study ? What type of study ? What is the name of the offical course/titel of this study ? Who declare them as qualified ? Are we also allowed to study ? And take part in such discussions ? Or is that only a matter of title ? How can we contact them ? Where we read their official statements related to such issues? Can only they make decisions about right or wrong or will the civil court also take part ?
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These assholes are actually working against the blasphemy law by issuing such baseless fatwas that the law becomes a joke, there is a deeper game here, i have said it countless times that if we have to save islam in pakistan we need to get rid of these street mullahs who get indirect funding from israel and india via saudi arabia and the blasphemey law should be suplemented with a clause that whomsoever puts the allegation of blasphemey on a person and then no conclusive evidence is found and if he cant prove it than he will be subject to the death penalty..
‘Kufr’ Fatwa to be issued against Imran Khan unless he publicly apologizes, religious group issues serious warning
by Hamza Rao | Published on January 2, 2017

LAHORE – Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri, a religious scholar who issued Fatwa of infidelity against Shaan Taseer, has written an open letter to Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf Imran Khan over his speech regarding prophet Muhammad (PBUH), warning him of facing ‘dire consequences’ if he doesn’t render an apology.

The Fatwa alleges that Imran Khan, in one of his speeches, had said blasphemous sentences for the Prophet (PBUH) and ‘accused’ him of being mentally ill.


Talking to Daily Pakistan, Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri said that if the leader doesn’t render an open apology, the organisation will formally issue a religious edict, declaring him a ‘Wajib-ul-Qatal’ (liable to death).

“If the state fails to execute Imran Khan, it wouldn’t be a crime if any ‘aashiq-e-Rasool’ (lover of prophet P.B.U.H) kills him. He will be exempt from Qisas and Diyat (blood money),” Qadri told Daily Pakistan, adding the blood of blasphemer – in this case, Imran Khan’s – has no worth compared to Prophet (PBUH).

Just recently, Qadri had also issued a ‘Kufr’ fatwa against Shaan Taseer, son of the slain Governor Salman Taseer, for allegedly committing blasphemy in his ‘Christmas special’ video message.

It is pertinent to note that under the National Action Plan (NAP), religious extremism and persecution was outlawed. Hate speech and threats under the label of religious beliefs were supposed to be dealt with high sensitivity. However, the majority of the hate speech has gone scot-free.

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Its high time that the state of Pakistan declare war on these fake mullahs who are instigating fatoor on Allah's land. Liberals should stand up and a open letter should be written to this fake deen-i-Islam that he should apologize publicly for twisting speech of a leader who holds the 2nd largest votes of the nation of Pakistan. If not a case should be registered against this mullah and throw him behind bars and anyone who thinks he is above the law.
Just ... idiotic how these folks behave sometimes (most of time , ....cough cough always)

Pakistan should perhaps have a council (national level) which only should have authorization by law to give our Fatwas with grand intention of not abusing such privledge.This requirement to announce a fatwa must be investigated by the Senate , before it is given green light or not or at least a bare minimum a highly "educated" body must evaluate the need for an announcement before it is given ok to be announced publically.

All these imposters need to can it , these random no bodies with no value

It looks really silly when every no body , street monger is giving out his own fatwa with his 2-3 followers on the gali
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What a bunch of fanatics. It seems the mullah brigade have nothing better to do then police people over not following Islam. Not only that, their own twisted version of Islam where everyone who thinks critically is wajib ul qatal, just like Imran Khan. Imran Khan should never apologize. Having these blind and deaf mullahs against him is an honor.
Not aware what Imran said and what he meant. I fully agree with your that these Mullahs are also among those who have kept us in the ebbs of illiteracy. Mind it there is difference between illiterate and uneducated. An educated person can be an illiterate or in other words Jahil.
Having said that, as I do not know what exactly was said by IK, but in my opinion these politicians should think before they talk. In our part of the world people are very sensitive to religion therefore each and every word should be weighed 100 times before uttering it.
What have these self-proclaimed Islamic clerics done for Islam and Pakistan in the last 70 years. Zilch.

Who gave them the authority to declare someone Kafir.
Do they have a certificate from Allah SAW that they are true muttaqeen.

Such groups only exploit people in the name of Islam to gain worldly benefits.
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A country without any national level Islamic council (or even if a council is there it is for the namesake) is bound to be surrounded by such problems. Every muslim country should have such a council with exclusive rights to issue a fatwa. Also appointments for delivering sermons and leading prayers should be done by such entity only. All mosques and madrassas should come under the authority of such an entity. No wonder every other guy nowadays in Pakistan comes forward as a scholar and issues rulings.
A country without any national level Islamic council (or even if a council is there it is for the namesake) is bound to be surrounded by such problems. Every muslim country should have such a council with exclusive rights to issue a fatwa. Also appointments for delivering sermons and leading prayers should be done by such entity only. All mosques and madrassas should come under the authority of such an entity. No wonder every other guy nowadays in Pakistan comes forward as a scholar and issues rulings.
ان سارے اقدامات سے اسلام خطرے میں آجایٰے گا
I would blame Imran Khan. He lives in a difficult society and should have known better. Now Fazl ur rehman will get a new toy to play with and liberals will again adopt imran khan, mean while nawaz will mint money and serve modi. Ik should apologize avoid a bad fate.
The govts fears to take on this particular segment of the society. Otherwise this has been a necessity since a long time now.
Not fear but vested interest, because of which people like Mullah Diesel are still surviving. :-)
i really become very sad when i see the poor quality of our clergy they r low in education, information,and they have lack of knowledge in their respective field... anyone who blindly follows them is indeed will go to hell instead of going to paradise ... imran khan has done more good for promoting islam than these bloody mullahs... mullahs r busy in occupying gov land and building mosque with a house for themselves and take money on the name of charity..they have never asked common citizen to keep the streests and roads and houses clean as cleanliness is half of our religion and they never gave any fatwa against our corrupt ruling elite ... shame on these bloody corrupt ppl
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