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Caliphate is the solution provide by Quran and Sunnah. Or, at least a state under an Ameer-ul-Momineen. Since Islam has been given for practice till Day of Judgement, you can't say "caliphate is not a solution in this complex and unjust environment". Caliphate WILL be back, but it is our job also to do everything in our power to establish the state in the same pattern as Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam. But for that you need a critical mass of Muslims. What recent years have shown (Afghanistan, Syria) is that a Caliphate imposed upon people will simply not work. And many years before that, our Ulema already realized that.

Before Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Rahimahullah started the work of Tableegh, he spent a considerable amount of time in a state of extreme distress and restlessness at the state of the Muslim Ummah. It is reported that at night he would keep awake and his wife questioned this. His reply, 'If only you had the same pain that I have in my heart, there would be two people staying awake'. After pondering the situation of the Muslims at length, the conclusion he reached was that we are as a large group missing a very critical teaching of Quran and Sunnah: Amr bil Ma'aroof wa Nahi 'Anil Munkar.

The Tableeghi work is an attempt to rekindle the observance of this huge Command of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aala. If you read 'Fazail-e-Tableegh' you will find many verses and ahadith that show how we will become backward if we leave this. But since we are ourselves extremely weak, instead of teaching people to go out and start commanding others to do something and stop from something, the work is oriented towards commanding one's ownself to do good and stopping one's own self from evil through immersing oneself in an environment where it is easy to do this. And give verbal invitations to others towards this auspicious work, discuss them softly, gently, and at the same time seek help from Allah the Almighty.

And the basic fuel that powers the engines of good deeds and the shields from bad deed is Iman. The key observation is that something becomes established in the heart if you keep looking at it, keep hearing about it, keep talking about it, and keep thinking about it. And so in the work of Tableegh you are provided an environment where Iman is discussed. You see, hear, speak, and think about Allah and His Greatness.

Once Iman gets strong, all other religious matters are easy to achieve.

Tableeghis because of human weaknesses and limitations may have many problems as humans. But you can't say that the theory and the actual practice of Tableegh is flawed.

well brother caliphate is the solution no doubt about that but again u need a leader, who should b a unifying factor who should b acceptable to all, who should be a good in faith, & who should follow islam properly... there is a great divide between arabs & iranians , turks & iranians, sunni vs shia, takfiris vs sufis, bangladeshi muslims dont wanna give refuge to persecuted rohingyas, wealthy arab countries dont wanna host poor refugee syrians on their own land, african muslims are still seen as slaves in many muslims countries, Pakistani muslim parents wudnt let their daughter get married to a pious muslim nigerian man due to his colour etc... whatever u r saying is right but one question how we muslims will choose a leader in present circumstances?? does he has to b an arab ?? if we choose a non arab, will he b acceptable to arabs? r our rich arab brothers wiling to share their oil wealth ??

how r we going to choose a leader in presnt times who we can call our khalifa or caliph?
well brother caliphate is the solution no doubt about that but again u need a leader, who should b a unifying factor who should b acceptable to all, who should be a good in faith, & who should follow islam properly... there is a great divide between arabs & iranians , turks & iranians, sunni vs shia, takfiris vs sufis, bangladeshi muslims dont wanna give refuge to persecuted rohingyas, wealthy arab countries dont wanna host poor refugee syrians on their own land, african muslims are still seen as slaves in many muslims countries, Pakistani muslim parents wudnt let their daughter get married to a pious muslim nigerian man due to his colour etc... whatever u r saying is right but one question how we muslims will choose a leader in present circumstances?? does he has to b an arab ?? if we choose a non arab, will he b acceptable to arabs? r our rich arab brothers wiling to share their oil wealth ??

how r we going to choose a leader in presnt times who we can call our khalifa or caliph?

The Caliph, as per my limited knowledge, has to be a Quraishi. No one else can be a Caliph.

What is more realistic is having an Ameer-ul-Momineen.

All the various discords and fighting is because we are not following religion properly. That is why, before we create an Islamic State, we need true Muslims.
The Caliph, as per my limited knowledge, has to be a Quraishi. No one else can be a Caliph.

What is more realistic is having an Ameer-ul-Momineen.

All the various discords and fighting is because we are not following religion properly. That is why, before we create an Islamic State, we need true Muslims.
Yeh true muslims wont exsist anymore
Perhaps like Islam where a woman's testimony is considered lower than that of a man's. Perhaps like Islam where a non-Muslims testimony is lower in value than a Muslims ? Or perhaps Islam where men can marry multiple women but women cannot marry multiple men? Or perhaps like the great religion of Islam where a woman needs 4 male witnesses to prove rape.

In any case, the religion that predates Islam and that I am talking about is Hinduism. Where life of an animal is no less than a Human's. The born superior and inferior thing is a bad mutation of our great religion. Burning of woman has nothing to do with our religion either. It is a social custom spawned out of invasions.

You can continue to believe that Islam is the first religion that offers a complete way of life. Just as you can believe that the first humans were born on mars. There is no limitation against having wrong belief's. There is a limitation against facts.

I have no objections against however good you believe Islam to be. Good for you. The problem is with the wrong fact someone claimed - that it is NOT the first to offer dignity of life to minorities and everyone. There are other's that predate Islam and offer the same if not better.
Hey u plastic toy, u worship a black faced godess, a cow, a woman sitting on a lion, a dude with an elephant head, an idiot all pianted blue so please dont engage with me in a debate over religion, i would discuss religion with a jew or a christian cause that would be contructive and would be logical, but lol with a hindu???, spare me buddy, we consider u to be cartoons and comparing hinduism to islam??,- baksh de bhai, khuda ka wasta hai, kyun shugal lagata hai, kdhr pagal chooron ke banai hue fanatasies aur kdhr the religion of ultimate truth....
Hey u plastic toy, u worship a black faced godess, a cow, a woman sitting on a lion, a dude with an elephant head, an idiot all pianted blue so please dont engage with me in a debate over religion, i would discuss religion with a jew or a christian cause that would be contructive and would be logical, but lol with a hindu???, spare me buddy, we consider u to be cartoons and comparing hinduism to islam??,- baksh de bhai, khuda ka wasta hai, kyun shugal lagata hai, kdhr pagal chooron ke banai hue fanatasies aur kdhr the religion of ultimate truth....
Plastic toy?
Learn english if you want to discuss anything on an english language forum. Spare us the atrocity that you are giving in the name of english.

As far as religion is concerned. Yes, it is more constructive to have a talk about religion with Jews and Christians. They, unlike you have some semblance of logic when discussing. Particularly because I, unfortunately, see myself needing to compare my religion with yours in which 'lightly beating' wives is considered gods will.

So indeed, this is my last post on the matter with you. As to why this entire conversation started - you are entitled to your opinion, but not your facts. The fact is that there are other - multiple - religions that are far older than Islam that give dignity to all human life.
The Caliph, as per my limited knowledge, has to be a Quraishi. No one else can be a Caliph.

What is more realistic is having an Ameer-ul-Momineen.

All the various discords and fighting is because we are not following religion properly. That is why, before we create an Islamic State, we need true Muslims.

well as u quoted that u have limited knowledge so do i :) its better we ask individuals to b a good muslims rather than waiting for a caliph...:)
well as u quoted that u have limited knowledge so do i :) its better we ask individuals to b a good muslims rather than waiting for a caliph...:)

Sorry, I didn't get my point across clearly. Btw, you and me are both in agreement.

We won't get a caliph if we are not good Muslims ourselves, so the take away is each one of us needs to strive to be a good Muslim and Insha Allah the environment conducive to Khilafah will get created automatically.
Sorry, I didn't get my point across clearly. Btw, you and me are both in agreement.

We won't get a caliph if we are not good Muslims ourselves, so the take away is each one of us needs to strive to be a good Muslim and Insha Allah the environment conducive to Khilafah will get created automatically.

yes u can say that but we shud b more concerned about our own conducts than waiting for a caliph and a true Caliphate existed only for 30yrs ( Syedna Abu Baker (RA), Syedna Umar (RA), Syedna Usman (RA), Syedna Ali (RA), & Syedna Imam Hassan (RA) ) some people also included one more sahaba Syedna Zubair (RA)'s period but again i dont wanna go into confusion . after them there were muslim dynasties Umayad dynasty, Abbasid dynasty, Ayoubid Dynasty, Ottoman Dynasty ....the real caliphate will b established once again by Imam Mehdi . Inshallah
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