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‘Kufr’ Fatwa to be issued against Imran Khan unless he publicly apologizes, religious group issues s

Saaf baat ha . Imran se ghalati hogai . Chor do us ki jaan .

I committed such error too when I wasn't knowledgeable , when realised I repented and I found my God merciful .
Imran recognised he apologised to God and people too so bus .. THE END !!
Read Surah Al Qalam, and Surah Ad Duhah. Surah's IK quoted,, then comment.

You really think I have never in my life read these Surahs and I am ignorant of their meaning?

Where did IK quote them? Please provide evidence that IK quoted them.

Let me be clear. No where in Quran and Hadith it is shown that even for a millisecond the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam had any kind of suspicion on himself being the Messenger of Allah and the Prophet of Allah. Watch what you are talking about.
You really think I have never in my life read these Surahs and I am ignorant of their meaning?

Where did IK quote them? Please provide evidence that IK quoted them.

Let me be clear. No where in Quran and Hadith it is shown that even for a millisecond the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam had any kind of suspicion on himself being the Messenger of Allah and the Prophet of Allah. Watch what you are talking about.
Yes you are right. I was wrong.
I watched the video of IK as it popped up in 5 pillarz news site and by the looks of it IK had very poor choice of words and did not give the correct description of Surah Ad-Duha. He made serious error in quoting and describing the verse. Out of ignorance or lack of awareness he may not have realized that or he may not even know that in the first place but it seems he did not have any bad intention and it seemed unintentional or out of lack of knowledge.

There are couple of sides to this case of street fatwa (if i may call it) and I would be assuming that reported statements of Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri is true and this concerns the video of IK above as per reported by 5pillarz :

- Its not the job of any tom,dick or harry to declare someone Wajib-ul-Qatal which seemed to have happened in this case.

- The Pir shaheb in question does not have a authority to do that as there is a due process under islamic law with regard to this sort of issues. Its the job of the ruler/state and judiciary/state sanctioned panel of judges.

-Also its highly irresponsible of him to threaten to declare someone "kafir" based on just a video clip and not discussing the matter with the person in question. Even in a blasphemy trail in a official islamic court the panel of judges would have to ascertain the issue with the accused person and have to absolutely ward of any doubt before coming to a verdict. And there r always plenty of room for doubts - is the guy knowledgeable or ignorant? did he consciously said what he said ? did he realize what he said? was that a slip of tongue? did he know about the topic? was he misinformed? does the guy fit the definition of a blashpohemer according to Quran and sunnah etc etc?

- Correct me if I am wrong but this Pir shaheb in question is NOT sanctioned by the Pakistan state or judiciary to look into such matters? right?

-Why did he NOT file a case under Pak's blashphemy law since PAK rightfully have blasphemy law?

- What kind of a "mullah", "imam", muslim is this Muhammad Afzal Qadri if he did not have the compassion to reach out to his brother in faith IK concerning issue before making such a dangerous statement against IK? What kind of a lover of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be upon him) is he?

These street fatwas are a serious problem and cause serious harm to the cause of Islam and muslim society in the following ways:

- It gives ammunition to liberal secularists and other enemies of Islam who are always looking for excuses to gang up on islam. This thread is a good example - the liberal secularists, qadiyanis and indians are linking this to religion and calling for the kufr of secularism to be implemented while mocking islamic laws .

- This may give an ignorant muslim who has admirable zeal and love for the religion, to do something stupid and attract islamophobic global media crusade.

- The secular imperial west and their resident agents are already up in arms against whatever islamic injunctions are enshrined in the PAK constitution and laws. And this kind of street fatwas are exactly the kind of fallacies they use deceptively to attack islam and further their agenda.

- The Pir shaheb in question I assume is a sufi and NOT a "wahabi" , salafi or deobandi. This actually goes to show that no particular school of thought (they are sunnis and not seperate sects) have monopoly on ignorant over zealous followers. And in the same breath most followers of all sunni schools of thought are peaceful law abiding citizens and most scholars of all sunni schools of thought are good thinking intellectual people. Street "mullahs" are very few in between but they help give a flawed picture of islam which a preying anti-islamic secular media then uses for their crusade against Islam.

- Muslims who are not aware of the religion of islam i.e the majority may develop a wrong understanding of islam in different ways. Some may develop apathy to religion or some may become too rigid and narrow minded thinking that these method of street fatwas are correct and islamic. While others may falsely think that the whole concept of islamic blashphemy law is unislamic and argue accordingly.

- These street fatwas only gives a false picture of the Islamic scholars and gives the islamophobic portions of the society the excuses to mock the scholarly community. The word "mullah" has been made a mockery by the liberal secularists and street mullahs.

- These street fatwas are NOT a representation of "islamic scholarships" . IF there is a secular law banning mockery of national symbols such as flag and If any tom dick and harry now says that such and such person is liable to be killed because he according to that tom seemingly mocked the flag , is that a representation of legal precedence of that particular secular law school?

@SaG E Jillani88 @CriticalThought @Well.wisher @Khafee @Zarvan @Apprentice @LeGenD

This whole issue underlines one of the fundemental problems plaughing a religiously illiterate society and it not just PAK , most post-colonial muslim states are religiously illiterate but high on passion and under opression. And among all this chaos your have the cancer of the secularists and heretics fishing for trouble and mischief and the constant Western imperial secular crusade.

I apologize if I hurt the feelings of any supporter of the Pir Shaheb in question. As I said before what ever I said above is based on the assumption that he did threatened takfir as per the report. I think the pir shaheb in question made a serious error and as a fellow muslim I hope he realizes that & redeems himself.
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I watched the video of IK as it popped up in 5 pillarz news site and by the looks of it IK had very poor choice of words and did not give the correct description of Surah Ad-Duha. He may not have realized that or he may not even know that in the first place but it seems he did not have any bad intention what so ever and it seemed unintentional or out of lack of knowledge.

There are couple of sides to this case of street fatwa (if i may call it) and I would be assuming that reported statements of Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri is true and this concerns the video of IK above as per reported by 5pillarz :

- Its not the job of any tom,dick or harry to declare someone Wajib-ul-Qatal which seemed to have happened in this case.

- The Pir shaheb in question does not have a authority to do that as there is a due process under islamic law with regard to this sort of issues. Its the job of the ruler/state and judiciary/state sanctioned panel of judges.

-Also its highly irresponsible of him to declare someone "kafir" based on just a video clip and not discussing the matter with the person in question. Even in a blasphemy trail in a official islamic court the panel of judges would have to ascertain the issue with the accused person and have to absolutely ward of any doubt before coming to a verdict. And there r always plenty of room for doubts - is the guy knowledgeable or ignorant? did he consciously said what he said ? did he realize what he said? was that a slip of tongue? did he know about the topic? was he misinformed? does the guy fit the definition of a blashpohemer according to Quran and sunnah etc etc?

- Correct me if I am wrong but this Pir shaheb in question is NOT sanctioned by the Pakistan state or judiciary to look into such matters? right?

-Why did he NOT file a case under Pak's blashphemy law since PAK rightfully have blasphemy law?

- What kind of a "mullah", "imam", muslim is this Muhammad Afzal Qadri if he did not have the compassion to reach out to his brother in faith IK concerning issue before making such a dangerous statement against IK? What kind of a lover of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be upon him) is he?

These street fatwas are a serious problem and cause serious harm to the cause of Islam and muslim society in the following ways:

- It gives ammunition to liberal secularists and other enemies of Islam who are always looking for excuses to gang up on islam. This thread is a good example - the liberal secularists, qadiyanis and indians are linking this to religion and calling for the kufr of secularism to be implemented while mocking islamic laws .

- This may give an ignorant muslim who has admirable zeal and love for the religion, to do something stupid and attract islamophobic global media crusade.

- The secular imperial west and their resident agents are already up in arms against whatever islamic injunctions are enshrined in the PAK constitution and laws. And this kind of street fatwas are exactly the kind of fallacies they use deceptively to attack islam and further their agenda.

- The Pir shaheb in question I assume is a sufi and NOT a "wahabi" , salafi or deobandi. This actually goes to show that no particular school of thought (they are sunnis and not seperate sects) have monopoly on ignorant over zealous followers. And in the same breath most followers of all sunni schools of thought are peaceful law abiding citizens and most scholars of all sunni schools of thought are good thinking intellectual people. Street "mullahs" are very few in between but they help give a flawed picture of islam which a preying anti-islamic secular media then uses for their crusade against Islam.

- Muslims who are not aware of the religion of islam i.e the majority may develop a wrong understanding of islam in different ways. Some may develop apathy to religion or some may become too rigid and narrow minded thinking that these method of street fatwas are correct and islamic. While others may falsely think that the whole concept of islamic blashphemy law is unislamic and argue accordingly.

- These street fatwas only gives a false picture of the Islamic scholars and gives the islamophobic portions of the society the excuses to mock the scholarly community. The word "mullah" has been made a mockery by the liberal secularists and street mullahs.

- These street fatwas are NOT a representation of "islamic scholarships" . IF there is a secular law banning mockery of national symbols such as flag and If any tom dick and harry now says that such and such person is liable to be killed because he according to that tom seemingly mocked the flag , is that a representation of legal precedence of that particular secular law school?

@SaG E Jillani88 @CriticalThought @Well.wisher @Khafee @Zarvan @Apprentice @LeGenD

This whole issue underlines one of the fundemental problems plaughing a religiously illiterate society and it not just PAK , most post-colonial muslim states are religiously illiterate but high on passion and under opression. And among all this chaos your have the cancer of the secularists and heretics fishing for trouble and mischief and the constant Western imperial secular crusade.

I apologize if I hurt the feelings of any supporter of the Pir Shaheb in question. As I said before what ever I said above is based on the assumption that he did threatened takfir as per the report. I think the pir shaheb in question made a serious error and as a fellow muslim I hope he realizes that redeems himself.

He has apologized. Case closed.

declare someone "kafir"

he didnt declare him Kafir.. he said if you stick to it then we will be forced to declare you Kafir and Wajib ul Qatal...

i am against declaring anyone Kafir by Mullahs, only state should have this right, state didnt acted ,anyways Imran apologized today..

btw i have nothing to do with Pir Saheb.. Law inforcement should act against Mullah threatning to declare people Kafir and Wajib ul Qatal.

If the state is not in accordance with the Guidance provided by Allah and His Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, it can never hope to have any legitimacy in matters of religion. Here is the strange thing. On the one hand people advocate the separation of religion and state. And then they want such a secular state to start interceding in matters of religion? You can't have it both ways.
whether its secular or religious, its the laws of the country that one should operate under and not otherwise. If Pakistan is an Islamic republic which we are as per the constitution than there is no space for a mullah to declare a fatwa and should be declared by the state of Pakistan as null and void and mullah tried for inciting violence. And if Pakistan is secular even than the same applies but even more so since in a secular country every one is allowed to practice what they wish and no one sec can oppose its will on the other. No matter which way you see, under no circumstances a mullah can dictate the laws of a country and declare fatwas. Period!
he didnt declare him Kafir.. he said if you stick to it then we will be forced to declare you Kafir and Wajib ul Qatal...

i am against declaring anyone Kafir by Mullahs, only state should have this right, state didnt acted ,anyways Imran apologized today..

btw i have nothing to do with Pir Saheb.. Law inforcement should act against Mullah threatning to declare people Kafir and Wajib ul Qatal.


Yes corrected it. Thanks. But also the Pir shaheeb in question reportedly said that there is NO fault on someone who would kills IK if he does not apologize. If true that's the most dangerous statement IMO.

Islamic Scholars (not mullahs) can have opinions on an individual & voice it but that's it , they leave everything else relating to law and persecution to the state and judiciary and state sanctioned judges. But more importantly people who are scholars don't tend do takfir on individuals as they take it very very seriously and don't waste time on such issues unless the blasphemer's statements is socially disastrous and its blashphemic nature crystal clear. . They think a million times before labeling someone or threaten some with takfir let alone incite violence.

Pak has produced some big name great scholars like Israr ahmed, Mufti Taqi usmani etc. You won't find people like them making such irresponsible statements.
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Let's be clear about something. The Ulema will put their foot down and keep doing so if someone commits a heinous attack on the very foundations of our religion. The furor of people on internet forums notwithstanding. The issue here isn't that of 'Street fatwas'. The issue is parents who let their children out on the roads without drilling into them the proper respect for Allah, His Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, His Book Holy Quran, and His religion Islam. Such people then become a danger to themselves and to society at large.

So my question to the admirers of Mao: why not hang some of these ill-bred mongrels? A thread on this forum was created discussing literally mass murder. But when it comes to the respect of Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, you come out in droves to protect the guilty. Do you feel any sense of Islamic loyalty even? It is evident that such repugnant elements are sitting within key positions in the state and misusing their positions of power to forward this anti-Islam agenda. These unscrupulous elements will cause nothing but civil unrest. IK utters these disgusting words, video recordings are made of it, and the state takes no action? Injustice of this sort is so rampant that people have taken the matter in their own hands. This is truly a failure of the state to properly implement the Law of Tahaffuz Naamoos-e-Risalat.

whether its secular or religious, its the laws of the country that one should operate under and not otherwise. If Pakistan is an Islamic republic which we are as per the constitution than there is no space for a mullah to declare a fatwa and should be declared by the state of Pakistan as null and void and mullah tried for inciting violence. And if Pakistan is secular even than the same applies but even more so since in a secular country every one is allowed to practice what they wish and no one sec can oppose its will on the other. No matter which way you see, under no circumstances a mullah can dictate the laws of a country and declare fatwas. Period!

There are those who type on the internet, and then there are those who stand up for their principles and act in the real world. Who is going to win you think?
But also the Pir shaheeb in question reportedly said that there is NO fault on someone who would kills IK if he does not apologize. If true that's the most dangerous statement IMO.

He said " after declaring him Kafir (if he stick to his statement) if state dont act (bcoz he is powerful leader) then it wouldn’t be a crime if any ‘aashiq-e-Rasool’ (lover of prophet P.B.U.H) kills him. He will be exempt from Qisas and Diyat (blood money),” :-)

So he asked the state to be vigilant.. but as i said no one should have right to declare anyone Kafir except govt appointed scholars..

slamic Scholars (not mullahs) can have opinions and can do takfir but that's it , they leave everything else relating to law and persecution to the state and judiciary and state sanctioned judges. But more importantly people who are scholars don't tend do takfir on individuals as they take it very very seriously. They think a million times before labeling someone or threaten some with takfir let alone incite violence.

You will not hear this from Leading Sufi Ulema's as well, the scholar in question is not a famous one.
- It gives ammunition to liberal secularists and other enemies of Islam who are always looking for excuses to gang up on islam. This thread is a good example - the liberal secularists, qadiyanis and indians are linking this to religion and calling for the kufr of secularism to be implemented while mocking islamic laws .


More than islamic extremists , I'm hating the presence of libtards and qadiyanis in the thread. Looks like they want to create hate for all scholars and ulemas of Islam in the heart of pakistanis only cause this mullah said something incorrect .
More than islamic extremists , I'm hating the presence of libtards and qadiyanis in the thread. Looks like they want to create hate for all scholars and ulemas of Islam in the heart of pakistanis only cause this mullah said something incorrect .
I didn't want to reply in this thread but just for reference. I know this Peer Sahab very well due to family relationship. His son is the one who read my Nikah and instead of taking money, gave me 5000 rupees before leaving.

There are many good things I can say about this family such as they not running after money. Last time I had to meet them for family-sake, I bought sweets to take it along and what they did is, if I bought 5kg of sweet from Shop A, they replaced my box with 5kg of Sweet from Shop B and asked me to take it back home. In another words they are generally good people and I have not had an issue with them like of typical hungry maulvi's. In fact If I see my contributions towards their causes, I guess it remains in negative... lol

The bad thing about this guy is, despite the fact he had a major operation last year and had to bed rest for long time at his so-called Darbar/School/ University which is large enough to teach thousands of students free of cost, he remains political. If you talk to him in general, he used to discuss more about politics rather than religion so you do get an impression of someone like Maulana Fazlur Rehman may be... so I guess his statements shouldn't be taken seriously unless Imran Khan actually had said those words of Blasphemy which I am not sure really. I have not agreed with his religious point of view and even he knows it when I once argued for few hours with him but he isn't anyone like extemist who would crush me for not agreeing to his version of Islam.
IK realized his mistake which unintentional and wrong choice of words hence apologized and assured wouldn't happen again. Case closed.

The PIR in question though went too far by declaring him as Kafir and Wajib-ul-qatal, which is clearly wrong at his part and cause damage to the society as well as propagating extremism and intolerance with pre-judgment fatwa.

The PIR in question cannot be counted as leading scholar and Ulema are not responsible for such individual statement, therefore, no need to bash or insult all Ulema for the wrong act of one.

All Pakistan Ulema Council is active and handles such issues working with state that they did not issue any statement in this regard hence all cannot be maligned.

@WAJsal I may request to close the thread as it is turning into trolling and bashing without any difference. Thanks.
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