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KSA-PAK: A new strategic alliance emerging?

May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
Okay after the recent visit by PMIK and FM Qureshi there is talk of building institutional relationship with Saudia that will cover across spectrum defence, economics and people to people contact. As you guys know I have always been bitterly opposed to Saudia. However if and this has to be seen, if KSA and Pakistan build up institutional relationship with actual secretariat to manage the compact this is fabulous news. I never like the idea of Saudia giving baksheesh or charity now and then making Pakistan look like a begger.

However if a legal, institutional agreement can be constructed like for example Europe built up over time and then included the poorer Eastern European countries to help them out this is fantastic news.

Examples are KSA gives Pakistani's first call on jobs, economic investment deals and defence. If this indeed is consolidated the realtionship with KSA will be strategic. Furthermore Pakistan then to advance it's interest must follow MBS with regards to Israel. If KSA recognizes Israel so should Pakistan.

The only caveat is Pakistan must chart a calculated path not to annoy Turkey or Iran. If that can be achieved then this is win win.

I don't think it's new, nor is it yet anything near an alliance. It's just the old friendship that was totalled by IK and SMQ recently that is being slowly rebuilt, thanks to a lot of personal efforts by the COAS especially, and also the Saudis see the environment now as more pressing/conducive.
The big question is what Saudi Arabia wants from Pakistan? In the past couple of days, I have read all blogs and analysis regarding the recent visit of khan but couldn't understand the Saudi agenda. I think Saudi royals are somehow feeling insecure and want the Pak security apparatus to help them.
I don't think it's new, nor is it yet anything near an alliance. It's just the old friendship that was totalled by IK and SMQ recently that is being slowly rebuilt, thanks to a lot of personal efforts by the COAS especially, and also the Saudis see the environment now as more pressing/conducive.
The differance is it's being institutionalized. And if it was "totalled" by IK/SMQ the logical question is while they were "totalling" it what was Bajwa doing? Sleeping.

Surely if he has the where with all to fix he he had the perspicacity to prevent it going up in flames. He is in regular contact with PMIK. GHQ and PMO are few miles apart.
You have to look at the direction Saudi Arabia is taking in the long run
and then try and understand where Pakistan may fit in the bigger picture.

The most pressing concern for the Saudi Government is diversifying the economy and moving away from non oil revenue.
To do that they need industrial production, but the industry 2.0 and 3.0 is dead.
Saudis are rightly going for the 4.0, with digitization and robotics like no one has seen before.
Strategically, Saudis want peace and security, and zero threats or trouble in or around their borders.
and they want to retain control of the oil market, which means controlling the supple / demand formula.

Now, it's upto you gents to guess where Pakistan may fit.
Sorry, I was just reviewing the recent development between Saudi and Pakistan.

Just found that the Pakistan government received 19,000 bags of rice in charity from Saudi Arabia in the form of Fitrana, is that correct?

For the afghan refugees if there is any, Pakistan has no shortage of rice, exported 2.1 billion USD of rice last year.

And what is the point of this jibe and irrelevant troll post. How this is related to the OP that a new Saudia-Pak strategic relations are emerging.?? The idea is to discuss and deliberate.
On point-

In the present time, Saudi and Pakistan relationship is not good due to the foreign policy of Imran khan and of course, contributed by foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi's statement.

Thanks to Bajwa, doing hard work to normalizing the relationship between Pakistan and Saudi.
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The big question is what Saudi Arabia wants from Pakistan?
My thinking is MBS has been humbled, sobered and come out matured. He tied his mast with Trump and MBS head rose so high that he could not see his own feet anymore. After all if you have president of USA in your pocket you don't need anybody else. In his arrogance he lunged forward and even had Kashoggi murdered. In this bonhomie he made friends with Israel while his GCC buddies openly touted their love affair with Tel Aviv. MBS then began beating his chest and squaring up with Iran knowing he had USA on one side and Israel on the other. Pakistan was in this scheme just a begger country.

However with Trump losing. USA changing it's stance the MBS came crashind down from the clouds. Now having sobered up he is going around trying to build up a more stable architecture that can sustain itself. In this new reality Pakistan suddenly is important. And here we are. Notice MBS has now even began to sing songs of peace with Iran as well.

If this is true Pakistan must use this opportunity to build institutional and legal framework with KSA. Furthermore try to calm things between KSA, Iran and Turkey. And behind the scenes begin the work with MBS to recognize Israel over the longer time frame.
If I wanted to troll then posted below as new thread
Seriously what are you driving at? What do bags of rice have to do with this thread? Bilawal is in opposition. What exactly do you think his job is? Flip everything. And that is what he is doing like opposition leaders do.

I have been consistently the biggest critic of Saudia Arabia. What I am picking here is possibility of institutional relationship emerging. This is something so significant that I am open to seeing a positive coming out of this. And you think bags of rice is positive change?
Okay after the recent visit by PMIK and FM Qureshi there is talk of building institutional relationship with Saudia that will cover across spectrum defence, economics and people to people contact. As you guys know I have always been bitterly opposed to Saudia. However if and this has to be seen, if KSA and Pakistan build up institutional relationship with actual secretariat to manage the compact this is fabulous news. I never like the idea of Saudia giving baksheesh or charity now and then making Pakistan look like a begger.

However if a legal, institutional agreement can be constructed like for example Europe built up over time and then included the poorer Eastern European countries to help them out this is fantastic news.

Examples are KSA gives Pakistani's first call on jobs, economic investment deals and defence. If this indeed is consolidated the realtionship with KSA will be strategic. Furthermore Pakistan then to advance it's interest must follow MBS with regards to Israel. If KSA recognizes Israel so should Pakistan.

The only caveat is Pakistan must chart a calculated path not to annoy Turkey or Iran. If that can be achieved then this is win win.

China has factored in big time, as US with sleepy Joe at the helms is not pandering and reaching to Saudia monarchs, old and new, also to MBS as Trump like to do.

Saudia is improving their relations with Turkey as well, there are reports of govt high level contacts, also Iran and Saudia relations are not that bad. COAS Bajwa seems to be a better diplomat than PM IK and Qureish, also Saudis feel much secure talking to the Pak Army.

Quite a big presence of Pakistan military in Saudia, with different numbers coming about the total strength of the Army present there.
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If I wanted to troll then posted below as new thread -

On point-

In the present time, Saudi and Pakistan relationship is not good due to Imran khan foreign policy and of course, contributed by foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi's statement.

Thanks to Bajwa, doing hard work to normalizing the relationship between Pakistan and Saudi.

Think you have an extra liking for pink color...just got out of it, isn't it.
Saudia is improving their relations with Turkey as well, there are reports of govt high level contacts, also Iran and Saudia relations are not that bad. COAS Bajwa seems to be a better diplomat than PM IK and Qureish, also Saudis feel much secure talking to the Pak Army.
I touched on Iran and Turkey. With regards to Saudi talking to military. This is nothing new. It was same in previous governments tenure. USA, UK, China etc do the same. The reasons are twofold -

  • with Pakistan Army you get institutional continuity. Meaning the relationship is not with Bajwa or the person in the seat of COAS. But is structural and institutional. Raheel Sharif, Bajwa etc come and go but the basic thrust remains same. This is unlike political governments. PMIK could be sat at home in Bani Gala as ex-PM by next week with entirely new dispensation in power. History of Pakistan is proof of this.

  • allied to the above the Pakistan Army like the Turkish Army of yore has gained a outsized role in the running of the Pakistani state particularly foreign policy.
He used that to bang this in. A refined trolling at work.
What excites me is -

  • jobs
  • trade
  • investment
  • joint military inter-operability
  • possibility of strategic consensus

The MBS flagship new NEOM city project at Red sea and close to Egypt, Jordan and Israel needs millions of jobs for infra development, of the five main points discussed in the recent visit, Jobs for Pakistanis in large number was prioritized.

And to institutionalize the relationship as well, unlike in the past. Like as Sino_Pak, close to it, as you wrote.
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