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KSA-PAK: A new strategic alliance emerging?

Seriously what are you driving at? What do bags of rice have to do with this thread? Bilawal is in opposition. What exactly do you think his job is? Flip everything. And that is what he is doing like opposition leaders do.

I have been consistently the biggest critic of Saudia Arabia. What I am picking here is possibility of institutional relationship emerging. This is something so significant that I am open to seeing a positive coming out of this. And you think bags of rice is positive change?

I have deleted my posts as you are making sense to me.

But the fact will remain the same the foreign policy and statements of Imran khan and FM... damaged the relationship between Saudi and Pakistan in the past three years.

I am not a supporter of Nawaz but during his tenure, the relationship between Saudi and Pakistan was much better than now.

Bajwa is the only person (Thanks to the establishment) that trying to solve the differences and doing hard work to resolve the gaps.
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I touched on Iran and Turkey. With regards to Saudi talking to military. This is nothing new. It was same in previous governments tenure. USA, UK, China etc do the same. The reasons are twofold -

  • with Pakistan Army you get institutional continuity. Meaning the relationship is not with Bajwa or the person in the seat of COAS. But is structural and institutional. Raheel Sharif, Bajwa etc come and go but the basic thrust remains same. This is unlike political governments. PMIK could be sat at home in Bani Gala as ex-PM by next week with entirely new dispensation in power. History of Pakistan is proof of this.

  • allied to the above the Pakistan Army like the Turkish Army of yore has gained a outsized role in the running of the Pakistani state particularly foreign policy.
He used that to bang this in. A refined trolling at work.

Pakistan PM Khan has begun a three day visit to Riyadh as part of ongoing efforts to mend strained ties between two longtime allies in recent years.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, right, meets Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan, at Riyadh international airport, Saudi Arabia, May 7, 2021.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, right, meets Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan, at Riyadh international airport, Saudi Arabia, May 7, 2021. (Bandar Aljaloud / AP)


Pakistan supports Saudi Vision 2030

Pakistan fully supports the Saudi Crown Prince’s Vision 2030 that includes ‘Saudi Green Initiative’ and the ‘Green Middle East Initiative’ which are closely aligned with Pakistan’s ‘Clean & Green Pakistan Initiative’. Both initiatives call for investing in nature-based solutions to address climate change.

Pakistan has made significant contributions towards augmenting the security of Saudia Arabia through strong military-to-military ties. Former Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif is heading the Saudi-led military alliance against terrorism.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are expected to sign major deals worth billions of dollars in defence, energy and information technology sectors during Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit to the kingdom starting on Friday, Khaleej Times has learnt.

I never hide my views. And what is it with the invective?

Frankly, the fasting and what israelis are doing to the Palestinians. No way Pakistan govt or establishment can recognize israel even if they want to. Unless fundamental changes happen.
the timing is suspicious, when israel is busy butchering.

Zionists are evil scum, they always create unrest is ramazan, just see the previous unrest timelines.
Pakistan is being asked to recognize Israel. Then big arab boys will follow next.

Shireen Mazari already said this publicly.

Last time CAOS went to KSA, he met with lower level minister..
I don't trust the creepy crown prince. for ksA, so as long as the creepy crown prince is in charge, it will always be a need based relationship and not one based on brotherhood. for the near foreseeable future, the saudis need our strategic pull. We should capitalize on it...you need our nuclear cover, you need our intelligence services, you need our military power...what are you willing to pay for it and what are you willing to do for us; HERE'S OUR LIST OF DEMANDS!

THAT is how Pakistan should deal with the creepy crown prince.
I touched on Iran and Turkey. With regards to Saudi talking to military. This is nothing new. It was same in previous governments tenure. USA, UK, China etc do the same. The reasons are twofold -

  • with Pakistan Army you get institutional continuity. Meaning the relationship is not with Bajwa or the person in the seat of COAS. But is structural and institutional. Raheel Sharif, Bajwa etc come and go but the basic thrust remains same. This is unlike political governments. PMIK could be sat at home in Bani Gala as ex-PM by next week with entirely new dispensation in power. History of Pakistan is proof of this.

  • allied to the above the Pakistan Army like the Turkish Army of yore has gained a outsized role in the running of the Pakistani state particularly foreign policy.
He used that to bang this in. A refined trolling at work.

So you a think civilian institutional relationship with a military backing is emerging? I doubt that will be successful unless Pakistan becomes very stable.

Question is has Saudi Arabian establishment learned to balance Pakistan and india relations or do they still see india as a more interesting market for obvious reasons.

Another issue, what can Pakistan offer Saudi establishment? They want an oil market, investment and security.

Is Pakistan ready to send force in Yemen? If not, I dont see KSA establishment treating Pakistan as a really important player.
Frankly, the fasting and what israelis are doing to the Palestinians. No way Pakistan govt or establishment can recognize israel even if they want to. Unless fundamental changes happen.
Israel is a reality. USA, Europe support it. So does Russia. The Chinese even have a good relationship with them. Whether Pakistan cries or screams makes no differance. What does matter to the Israeli's is Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, UAE, Morocco, Oman etc and they have very good understanding with them.
I don't think it's new, nor is it yet anything near an alliance. It's just the old friendship that was totalled by IK and SMQ recently that is being slowly rebuilt, thanks to a lot of personal efforts by the COAS especially, and also the Saudis see the environment now as more pressing/conducive.
IK didn't do it. Nawaz publicly humiliated them.
Establishment and NS govt did the Doo Doo when Saudis asked for help in Syria. Lost opportunity. Pakistan could have totally capitalized on that opportunity.

Saudis and Pakistan's are natural allies. Despite Modi master strokes to cause a wedge, it's hard to divide natural allies. When it comes to issues between Turkey and Saudia, Pakistan needs to take dictate the situation to both countries.
Establishment and NS govt did the Doo Doo when Saudis asked for help in Syria. Lost opportunity. Pakistan could have totally capitalized on that opportunity.

Saudis and Pakistan's are natural allies. Despite Modi master strokes to cause a wedge, it's hard to divide natural allies. When it comes to issues between Turkey and Saudia, Pakistan needs to take dictate the situation to both countries.
why the hell should we help them against other Muslims???
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