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KSA-PAK: A new strategic alliance emerging?

NS era ties aren't relevant to the latest spats, earlier on during this current government we had great relations. IK's original visit to Saudi was successful, we received Saudi deposits in SBP, deferred payments on crude imports, Saudi FDI pledges, as well as some efforts by them to get IK in with Trump via Jared Kushner, IK even took MBS's own private jet on his trip to Washington, we also had some very friendly remarks made both publicly and privately by MBS at that time.

What followed were multiple blunders and mistakes from our side, IK out of the blue made comments indicating that he would like to mediate between Saudi and Iran.

This idea is pretty absurd on the face of it, how could we mediate when we have little to no influence or leverage over either Saudi, let alone Iran? Who were we, then asking every third country for bailouts, to mediate the biggest conflict in the Middle East, unilaterally? All while Saudi was actually quite content with the status quo with Iran and following Trump administration pressure on Iran via revocation of the JCPOA. Iran also sees us as unreliable, with a track record of easily caving to US and Saudi interests. How would we mediate from their perspective while bankrolled by Saudi and the GCC? IK's comments made it seem like we were perhaps asked to mediate -- plainly, we weren't asked by anyone.

Anyway, that wasn't well received by the Saudis. Then IK publicly signalled closeness to Turkey and Malaysia, he talked about making media outlets and TV channels to create a new Islamic narrative of sorts. It's not hard to see why this caused Saudis further alarm, TV channels are a big deal, just look at where Al Jazeera started and where it is now, it's a pertinent example here for more than one reason, I'll let you infer as to how. Then IK said he'd go to the KL conference, which was seen by some as a possible challenge to Saudi leadership. He again upset the Saudis, but this time they conveyed their discontent, and IK bowed to the pressure, causing himself and the state of Pakistan embarrassment, as well as further damaging ties. And last of all came SMQ's hotheaded and deeply stupid comments on live TV issuing scathing attacks on the OIC. You attack your allies and your creditors at your own peril, especially when you have no leverage or power, and all to lose.

So that's the whole story. Now finally those relations are being repaired, the army chief himself has led this effort.
U call it blunder but that was right thing to do. India has veey close relationship with iran but still ksa is providing every bit of support to india out of the way.

On 5th august kashmir issue ksa actively played against our interest by using OIC.

What u call stupidity is actually delinking our foreign policy from ksa.

It was tough initially but now even MBS is talking about having good relations with iran.

On the other hand we r moving towards independent foreign policy not linked to objectives of ksa.

It was immature on part of ksa to try controlling pakistan relationship with other countries. It did work for sometime but in the end it make us realign ourselves and to reduce our dependency on ksa and midddle east..
and? how does that justify declaring war on the Syrian Muslim people just because they are ruled by a nonmuslim alawit dictator regime?
Idk, ask your ayatollahs who were pumping millions into proxies while their own population was going hungry.
Idk, ask your ayatollahs who were pumping millions into proxies while their own population was going hungry.
I'm not shia that I'll ask "my ayatollah". molvis today are a scourge on this planet as far as I'm concerned.
A small reminder,

Turkey, Saudi Arabia set to have further dialogue: Turkish foreign minister


KSA gives Pakistani's first call on jobs, economic investment deals and defence.

Why not that role to India?
For the same reason that France, Geermany, UK until recently gave "first call" to investment and jobs to countries like Poland rather than India. The reason was institutional and political agreements gave the Poles special status as opposed to Indians.

If something similiar can be structured between Saudia and Pakistan giving Paks special status then I would be obliged to salute KSA.
For the same reason that France, Geermany, UK until recently gave "first call" to investment and jobs to countries like Poland rather than India. The reason was institutional and political agreements gave the Poles special status as opposed to Indians.

If something similiar can be structured between Saudia and Pakistan giving Paks special status then I would be obliged to salute KSA.
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has committed to provide $500 million (Rs 75.50 billion) to Pakistan from the Saudi Development Fund for development of infrastructure, water resources and hydropower projects in Pakistan.
Read: Grant, NOT Loan.

Qureshi had mentioned earlier that Pakistan would benefit since out of 10 million workers that Saudi Arabia needed in the next 10 years, many would come from Pakistan.

“In Mohammad Bin Salman’s view, to achieve the goals set under the vision they would need massive manpower. They have estimated that they would need at least 10 million workers in the next 10 years.

“Saudi Arabia has decided to allocate a large chunk of this for Pakistani people. New job opportunities would be created for Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia,” said Qureshi.

May 9, 2021
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has committed to provide $500 million (Rs 75.50 billion) to Pakistan from the Saudi Development Fund for development of infrastructure, water resources and hydropower projects in Pakistan.
Read: Grant, NOT Loan.
To my mind this is to be appreciated but peanuts in the bigger picture. We usd to get far greater from US as grants not long ago. UK alone still gives nearly half that amount every year. This sort of charity does not really change anything. Don't forget Pakistan is a country of 220 million.

“In Mohammad Bin Salman’s view, to achieve the goals set under the vision they would need massive manpower. They have estimated that they would need at least 10 million workers in the next 10 years.

“Saudi Arabia has decided to allocate a large chunk of this for Pakistani people. New job opportunities would be created for Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia,” said Qureshi.
This is what got my attention. This is great news and would have major impact. Say 1 million workers. Typically one worker will be able to support ten of his family back in Pakistan. This means 10 million lifted out of poverty. Then when they spend that money sent by the worker to buy food, clothing, get work done on their house etc local shop keeper, builder, restaurent, electrician etc will be employed. This means every dollar of remittance will move through the Pakistani economy giving employment begining with the bank cashier who gives the cash after the money has been wired.

I have seen tiny bank branches in Pakistani villages. No doubt these are supported by the ex-pat workers who send transfers or hold accounts.
To my mind this is to be appreciated but peanuts in the bigger picture. We usd to get far greater from US as grants not long ago. UK alone still gives nearly half that amount every year. This sort of charity does not really change anything. Don't forget Pakistan is a country of 220 million.
You are missing the bigger issue, even if this was $10bn, corruption which still has not been neutralized would insure, the common man gets nothing. Instead of this they should direct build infra projects on BOT basis.

On your comparison with US/UK, with KSA, its like comparing apples and oranges. You simply cant compare US/UK economies with KSA. Neither the strings that comes with it..

This is what got my attention. This is great news and would have major impact. Say 1 million workers. Typically one worker will be able to support ten of his family back in Pakistan. This means 10 million lifted out of poverty. Then when they spend that money sent by the worker to buy food, clothing, get work done on their house etc local shop keeper, builder, restaurent, electrician etc will be employed. This means every dollar of remittance will move through the Pakistani economy giving employment begining with the bank cashier who gives the cash after the money has been wired.

I have seen tiny bank branches in Pakistani villages. No doubt these are supported by the ex-pat workers who send transfers or hold accounts.
Well said. Now if our current and previous govts had the foresight to invest in more vocational / technical schools, this figure would be much higher. For heavens sake we dont even have a 2 ~3 week crash course for our blue collar workers to take, prior to them going abroad. A crash course would atleast insure that they are aware of the basics of how to live as responsible residents in a foreign country.

Lastly, more vocational / technical schools would also have helped towards our domestic poverty elevation program.
To my mind this is to be appreciated but peanuts in the bigger picture. We usd to get far greater from US as grants not long ago. UK alone still gives nearly half that amount every year. This sort of charity does not really change anything. Don't forget Pakistan is a country of 220 million.

This is what got my attention. This is great news and would have major impact. Say 1 million workers. Typically one worker will be able to support ten of his family back in Pakistan. This means 10 million lifted out of poverty. Then when they spend that money sent by the worker to buy food, clothing, get work done on their house etc local shop keeper, builder, restaurent, electrician etc will be employed. This means every dollar of remittance will move through the Pakistani economy giving employment begining with the bank cashier who gives the cash after the money has been wired.

I have seen tiny bank branches in Pakistani villages. No doubt these are supported by the ex-pat workers who send transfers or hold accounts.

The key for Pakistan is to not send donkeys to do basic labour but to send electricians, plumbers, mechanics, HGV drivers, forklift drivers, tractor/digger operators, carpenters, brick layers, window fitters, painters, etc etc.

These are the people who will be respected and who will bring back the sort of money that will change the fortunes of their next generation.
You are missing the bigger issue, even if this was $10bn, corruption which still has not been neutralized would insure, the common man gets nothing. Instead of this they should direct build infra projects on BOT basis.

On your comparison with US/UK, with KSA, its like comparing apples and oranges. You simply cant compare US/UK economies with KSA. Neither the strings that comes with it..

Well said. Now if our current and previous govts had the foresight to invest in more vocational / technical schools, this figure would be much higher. For heavens sake we dont even have a 2 ~3 week crash course for our blue collar workers to take, prior to them going abroad. A crash course would atleast insure that they are aware of the basics of how to live as responsible residents in a foreign country.

Lastly, more vocational / technical schools would also have helped towards our domestic poverty elevation program.

Great idea, crash courses to prepare people for living in foreign countries. Maybe even basic language cources.
How can Pakistan have a strategic alliance with Zionist Arabia. That alliance would be to destroy Pakistan on behalf of the zioclub
What would be a viable alternative?
Strengthen the country. When Pakistan was perceived as being strong the country was respected
Now the country is perceived as weak and is everyone's door mat.
The cretin Imran Khan Niazi a few months back claimed he would mediate between Iran and Zionist Arabia.
Now he went on a pointless tour and they gave him fitrana for our public.
When you act like a shameless whore you get treated like one. And there's no bigger whore than ik
Gen Zia would be turning in his grave
The bastard khan has put on his Twitter, ik stands with Gaza.
Allegedly the most powerful Muslim country on earth with 300 nuclear bombs and that's all he can say.
Shame on him shame on bujwa. Shame on us
We need a Pakistan first foreign policy. Have good relations with all ie Iran KSA Turkey. Who cares about their personal issues, we should take benefits from all.

Its like having a group of friends who hate eachother. If you go to 1 friend and start talking of a united friendship group they will get annoyed and start thinking we have alternate motives. Thats exactly what happens when our PM or FM starts talking of ummah chummah crap. Imagine how annoyed all of those nations must get at that point? Rather we should take benefit from each friend in the group.
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