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KSA fears Syria war turning against her interests

The starving state of Jordan you mean iraq was giving you free oil but you can't find job in Jordan and starving even with the aid of Iraq USA ksa go and beg for money from the israeli embassy.and you will pay for all terrorism you did in Iraq and Syria we didn't forget al zarqawi and the terrorist dog raed al bana who killed 400 iraqi in hila and your king send condolences to his family and sympathies with saddam the dog in iraqi embassy in Amman the ***** like you love him never mine he killed and starved his people as long he gave you free oil

Well, I don't consider you an Iraqi to start with but rather a traitor. Nevertheless, If we were starving we didn't have had received 1.5 million Iraqis living and working in Jordan, and wouldn't have 350 k Iraqi right now, not to mention humanitarian, logistic and military help we offered. The little amount of oil we get is nothing compared to what we gave. I had several jobs in Jordan actually and could find more but here I get triple of what I get there and it's cheaper here, not to mention that I'm a professional my dear.

There is no such ksa it's Arabian peninsula or hijaz I don't what khaibar jews call it the crypto jews
المذهب الساقط مذهب المجوس و يهود بني قريضة و كعب الأحبار اليهودي و النبي محمد عليه الصلاة و افضل التسليم كان من مكة هاشمي قرشي حجازي من نسل اسماعيل بن إبراهيم عليهما السلام و ليس سعودي عبد مثلك متوعد على العبودية و الخزي و العار قلي ما معنى ان تطيع ولي الأمر أو تجلد و تسجن و ينتهك عرضك؟؟؟
مخانيث و عبودية و ذل و هوان مذهبكم الباطل لذالك الله غير راضي عنكم

Actually Jews are much more honorable than you and your kind, don't you be ungrateful and forget Abdullah Bin Sabaa.
Well, I don't consider you an Iraqi to start with but rather a traitor. Nevertheless, If we were starving we didn't have had received 1.5 million Iraqis living and working in Jordan, and wouldn't have 350 k Iraqi right now, not to mention humanitarian, logistic and military help we offered. The little amount of oil we get is nothing compared to what we gave. I had several jobs in Jordan actually and could find more but here I get triple of what I get there and it's cheaper here, not to mention that I'm a professional my dear.

Actually Jews are much more honorable than you and your kind, don't you be ungrateful and forget Abdullah Bin Sabaa.

Abdullah bin Sabaa is fake it was created by your ummyya dogs he doesn't exist
And you show your true color by defending jews your king is Freemason so nothing new and I am half iraqi
@Surenas , @SALMAN AL-FARSI guys, be cool to each other please ;)

Surena ye aziz, salman ke khodesh goft ke irani-araghi hast. pas dorost nist behesh begi arabparast.
Salman e aziz, shah ismail eftekhaar e hame ye ma iraniha hast, chon ke oun hast ke azemat e iran ra bad az 900 saal behesh bargardound, mohem nist ke mazhabet chi bashe, age irani bashi, shah ismail ra ham doust daari.
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Abdullah bin Sabaa is fake it was created by your ummyya dogs he doesn't exist
And you show your true color by defending jews your king is Freemason so nothing new and I am half iraqi

Nothing new, you have always been a dagger in Muslims side and you will always be so. You're the last to claim Islam, and yet have the nerve to insult it's pioneers.

@Surenas , @SALMAN AL-FARSI guys, be cool to each other please ;)

Surena ye aziz, salman ke khodesh goft ke irani-araghi hast. pas dorost nist behesh begi arabparast.
Salman e aziz, shah ismail eftekhaar e hame ye ma iraniha hast, chon ke oun hast ke azemat e iran ra bad az 900 saal behesh bargardound, mohem nist ke mazhabet chi bashe, age irani bashi, shah ismail ra ham doust daari.

Surenas has showed us how Iranians treat Shia Iraqi "brothers" in Iran. @SALMAN AL-FARSI Keep sucking up to them :toast_sign:
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Nothing new, you have always been a dagger in Muslims side and you will always be so. You're the last to claim Islam, and yet have the nerve to insult it's pioneers.

Surenas has showed us how Iranians treat Shia Iraqi "brothers" in Iran. @SALMAN AL-FARSI Keep sucking up to them :toast_sign:

First of all, its not your business to be worried about Shia brothers, and their relations with each other.
Second, after Saddam the crazy bastard, overthrown, and died, the relations between Iran, and Iraq has been very good, and millions of Iranians and Iraqis have visited each other countries, and they have moved on from the bad memories in the past.
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Nothing new, you have always been a dagger in Muslims side and you will always be so. You're the last to claim Islam, and yet have the nerve to insult it's pioneers.

Surenas has showed us how Iranians treat Shia Iraqi "brothers" in Iran. @SALMAN AL-FARSI Keep sucking up to them :toast_sign:

This Salman al-Farsi indiviudal is not an Arab by any means. He is a Farsi. Don't forget that Arabic is taught in Iran in schools from a young age. Their language is full of Arabic loanwords and their alphabet is based on the Arabic alphabet. I also once helped an Iranian user with some Arabic grammar before his Arabic exam here.

Lastly he might also be an Ajami - meaning a descendent of those 200.000 Iraqis of Iranian ancestry who were deported from Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Or an half Iranian Shia Arab on his mothers side.

A person who apparently claims ancestry from ancient historical regions inside KSA - in this case Hijaz, would never speak in the ways he have done on this forum. So here you have the answers, bro.
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KSA in 2014 inshaAllah!


This Salman al-Farsi indiviudal is not an Arab by any means. He is a Farsi. Don't forget that Arabic is taught in Iran in schools from a young age. Their language is full of Arabic loanwords and their alphabet is based on the Arabic alphabet. I also once helped an Iranian user with some Arabic grammar before his Arabic exam here.

Lastly he might also be an Ajami - meaning a descendent of those 200.000 Iraqis of Iranian ancestry who were deported from Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Or an half Iranian Shia Arab on his mothers side.

A person who apparently claims ancestry from ancient historical regions inside KSA - in this case Hijaz, would never speak in the ways he have done on this forum. So here you have the answers, bro.

Pitiful creature indeed.
I don't wish any bad destiny for anyone. but, Anyone one that plants winds reaps storms

Well, the same thing can be said about your country then if not more. Just look at your situation right now. Which country is doing much, much better? You have the answers right in front of you although you might not like them. In fact I am 100% sure that you do not like them and chose to ignore them or somehow try to spin that information in your favor. However how that can be successfully applied I don't know.

You are the same person who claimed that the KSA stance on usurpers inspired by Shia ideology who hijacked Al-Masjid al-Haram in 1979 (the most holy place for over 1.7 BILLION Muslims), their subsequent killings of pilgrims (from all nations that were hijacked) and security forces and their execution afterwards was uncivilized, LOL, compared to the Pakistani forces and their storming of the Red Mosque in Islamabad in 2007 that killed most of the hostage takers at the spot.

Also you can compare the crime level of KSA or lack thereof with the very high crime levels of Iran in comparison. For example start with the heroin addictions and smuggling. Apparently Iran has the highest number of heroin addicts in the world.

So much for that.
Well, the same thing can be said about your country then if not more. Just look at your situation right now. Which country is doing much, much better? You have the answers right in front of you although you might not like them. In fact I am 100% sure that you do not like them and chose to ignore them or somehow try to spin that information in your favor. However how that can be successfully applied I don't know.

You are the same person who claimed that the KSA stance on usurpers inspired by Shia ideology who hijacked Al-Masjid al-Haram in 1979 (the most holy place for over 1.7 BILLION Muslims), their subsequent killings of pilgrims (from all nations that were hijacked) and security forces and their execution afterwards was uncivilized, LOL, compared to the Pakistani forces and their storming of the Red Mosque in Islamabad in 2007 that killed most of the hostage takers at the spot.

Also you can compare the crime level of KSA or lack thereof with the very high crime levels of Iran in comparison. For example start with the heroin addictions and smuggling. Apparently Iran has the highest number of heroin addicts in the world.

So much for that.

First of all, in that thread, author claimed that they have peacefully protested in ka'aba, and urged to have islamic rules in their country, and the police has killed them. based on this information, I would say this is an uncivilized actions by police.
Second, I am sure that mullahs will pay for what they have done someday. That day is not too far in my opinion.
Third, I have seen that you have bragged about safety in Saudi multiple times. So, I guess it would be very good for you to know that crime rate has an inverse relationship with punishment. for example, we have a pretty high crime rate in US, do you know why? because USA is a freedom and democracy based country which does not allow inhumane laws, and punishments. when you kill and cut hands and legs of criminals, you would have a low crime rate, thats obvious, but its uncivilized. Thats the main reason of your claimed low crime rate in Saudi. If a country kill every single criminal, there would be no crimes anymore LOL
In addition, countries with more population, and more population diversity can expect more crime rates.
First of all, in that thread, author claimed that they have peacefully protested in ka'aba, and urged to have islamic rules in their country, and the police has killed them. based on this information, I would say this is an uncivilized actions by police.
Second, I am sure that mullahs will pay for what they have done someday. That day is not too far in my opinion.
Third, I have seen that you have bragged about safety in Saudi multiple times. So, I guess it would be very good for you to know that crime rate has an inverse relationship with punishment. for example, we have a pretty high crime rate in US, do you know why? because USA is a freedom and democracy based country which does not allow inhumane laws, and punishments. when you kill and cut hands and legs of criminals, you would have a low crime rate, thats obvious, but its uncivilized. Thats the main reason of your claimed low crime rate in Saudi. If a country kill every single criminal, there would be no crimes anymore LOL
In addition, countries with more population, and more population diversity can expect more crime rates.

So ignorance is now your excuse? Doing your own research would not hurt. No, they did not only urge to have Islamic law (that already was partially in place but whatever) but for the ban of TV, Western presence, ban on women education and other COMPLETE NONSENSE that has nothing to do with Islam. In short they were a CULT/SECT made up by Muslims from across the world led by a local leader influenced by Shia ideology and of an Mahdi reappearing. He proclaimed himself that among his followers hence the hijacking of the Al-Masjid al-Haram.

Well, everyone will face the consequences of their actions. ANY ACTION. Good and bad.

False. You sound like a kid without any knowledge. Firstly nobody is cutting hands or legs off in KSA like it was a picnic trip. This is not Nigeria or Iran. There have only been like 30 amputations in the last 40 years. And that of serial thief's who were caught red-handend again and again. It is extremely hard to receive that punishment. You talk about punishments. What about stoning in Iran? There are cases that are less than 10 years old. Can you mention any case of stoning in KSA? The reason I ask is because this has been a quite frequent punishment in Iran which surprised me given how hard it is to qualify for that punishment according to Islamic law and how difficult it is to prove the guilt of a person convicted of that.

What about the method of hanging in Iran? Public hangings by a CRANE that can last up till 2 minutes before the victim dies?

In KSA your head is chopped off in the matter of 1-2 seconds and that's it. Or a firing squad.

Lastly the laws in Iran are probably even more strict. At least your country executes FAR more people PER CAPITA than KSA. How do you explain that the crime level is SO much higher in Iran compared to KSA? See your logic makes no sense.

Lastly USA has many phucked up laws and in general very harsh punishments compared to Europe for example. It has among most people imprisoned per capita.

People sentenced to death can sometimes sit on the death row for 20 years (!) before they get executed. USA is not a good example of a good judicial system AT ALL. Aside from the "hidden" discrimination against Afro-Americans and Latinos in the judicial system. (Very documented).

Population plays no role when you look solely per capita. Besides KSA is not a small country. In fact nearly 0.5 bigger than your own and with a population of 35 million and a few million illegal immigrants and one of the fastest growing populations in the region.

NOTE, I don't claim that the juridicial system of KSA is perfect (it is not) nor am I trying to moralize anything. Your post in that previous thread I saw was an attempt of that though and I found that strange seeing that you are from the country you are. If you were from Denmark for example you might have had a case. But you are not.

EDIT: Protesting in Al-Mashid al-Haram is obviously not allowed. Especially not for such pathetic slogans as claiming to be the Mahdi. Just so you know.
So ignorance is now your excuse? Doing your own research would not hurt. No, they did not only urge to have Islamic law but the ban of TV, Western presence, ban on women education and other COMPLETE NONSENSE that has nothing to do with Islam. In short they were a CULT/SECT made up by Muslims from across the world led by a local leader influenced by Shia ideology and of an Mahdi reappearing. He proclaimed himself that among his followers hence the hijacking of the Al-Masjid al-Haram.

Well, everyone will face the consequences of their actions. ANY ACTION. Good and bad.

False. You sound like a kid without any knowledge. Firstly nobody is cutting hands or legs off in KSA. This is not Nigeria or Iran. There have only been like 30 amputations in the last 40 years. And that of serial thief's who were caught red-handend again and again.

Lastly the laws in Iran are probably even more strict. At least your country executes FAR more people PER CAPITA than KSA. How do you explain that the crime level is SO much higher in Iran compared to KSA? See your logic makes no sense.

Lastly USA has many phucked up laws and in general very harsh punishments compared to Europe for example. It has among most people imprisoned per capita.

People sentenced to death can sometimes sit on the death row for 20 years (!) before they get executed. USA is not a good example of a good judicial system AT ALL. Aside from the "hidden" discrimination against Afro-Americans and Latinos in the judicial system. (Very documented).

Population plays no role when you look per capita. Besides KSA is not a small country. In fact nearly 0.5 bigger than your own and with a population of 35 million and a few million illegal immigrants and one of the fastest growing populations in the region.

As long as protesters do not do any SERIOUS violent action, like killing others I mean, no one has the right to shoot them, it does not matter that protesters are protesting for what reason.
btw, governments always try to hide the real number of executions in their countries, specially in dictatorships. because it can have very bad consequences for them. so, I don't believe the announced number of executions, if they are any, in China, Iran, Saudi, Yeman, NK,... and other dictatorships.
but the fact is arab countries have very strict laws. for example consider drug dealing as you mentioned, I know that the punishment for it in UAE is execution, even for very small amounts of drugs. In Iran, they execute just for some specific substances, heroin I guess, and for large amounts of drugs.
anyways, execution law(ghisas?) which comes from your religion is inhumane.it does not matter that a mullah or an arab sheikh do it. Anyways, it is inhumane and should be stopped.
Anyways, I suggest you to read the USA part in my previous comment again. it seems that you did not get my point.
As long as protesters do not do any SERIOUS violent action, like killing others I mean, no one has the right to shoot them, it does not matter that protesters are protesting for what reason.
btw, governments always try to hide the real number of executions in their countries, specially in dictatorships. because it can have very bad consequences for them. so, I don't believe the announced number of executions, if they are any, in China, Iran, Saudi, Yeman, NK,... and other dictatorships.
but the fact is arab countries have very strict laws. for example consider drug dealing as you mentioned, I know that the punishment for it in UAE is execution, even for very small amounts of drugs. In Iran, they execute just for some specific substances, heroin I guess, and for large amounts of drugs.
anyways, execution law(ghisas?) which comes from your religion is inhumane.it does not matter that a mullah or an arab sheikh do it. Anyways, it is inhumane and should be stopped.
Anyways, I suggest you to read the USA part in my previous comment again. it seems that you did not get my point.

You have some reading to do then. This hijacking was widely documented by the world.

Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was a GREAT shock for the Muslim world. It was due to this that the laws in KSA became more stricter after moving in a direction of reforms. That all ended after this.

Yemen is not really a dictatorship but neither a European democracy, LOL.

That is not correct. You don't get executed in the UAE for every single drug. The reason for the harsh stance on drugs (I agree with it) is the fear of ending up as Iran with a HUGE number of heroin addicts for example. Drug addictions can destroy whole countries. Better to fight it harshly before it gets out of control.

What is inhumane? Criminals (murders, rapist etc.) deserve the death penalty if proven guilty in my opinion. Especially if they are serial offenders.

Death penalty has noting to do with Islam. It existed way before it and exists in countries/juridical systems that has noting to do with Islam.

I know that most Iranians that escaped their country are anti-Mullah and thus anti-Islam. I am sorry but the "Islam" your Mullahs rule with is only supported by 0,5% of all Muslims. Let alone the sect they belong to.

Anyway it depends on your views obviously.

I study her in Denmark currently (lived/studied in USA and France previously) and I can tell you that the laws in Denmark are pathetic in terms of harshness. You can kill a person while being intoxicated a Friday night "by mistake" and receive a sentence of 2-3 years.

Why the hell are the pathetic Human Rights Watches etc. not condemning those silly/soft penalties? Where is the justice for the victims family?

No thank you I prefer a stricter approach and a small crime rate no matter how much so-called Human Rights Watches will cry.
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