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KSA fears Syria war turning against her interests

The only thing you have been telling us is that Assad is going to fall, that Syria will be 'liberated' soon, while failing to substantiate your empty claims.

Assad is still there, and Iran is still controlling essential parts of Syria. Saudi has failed in their objections, to such extent, that they were willing to finance a US military operation in Syria, as Kerry told the US Senate on Foreign Relations.

That's exactly what's happening right now, Bashar is falling and Iran is getting weaker everyday, they even banned chicken ads because they can't afford it. Welcome to the Starving State of Iran :)
The extremist are going to eventually turn against Saudi Arabia, as they have failed in Syria and will fail harder. They didnt get what they were promised by the Saudi clerics, and the rage will be redirected at the kingdom.

Fact of the matter is, the Saudi narrative has been childish. A narrative which says that Iran supports Bashar on the account of him being an alawite. This narrative is beginning to erode, and the Saudis know this. They are scared to death of it, as the guns they have been providing to rebels will turn against themselves. America learned the painful truth of blowback (with supporting mujahedin in Aghanistan). Saudi Arabia will learn the same painful lesson.
It is inevitable, and they did it to themselves.
That’s not a military pact but a MOU ( Memorandum of understanding ). This has been signed with Pakistan, USA who knows how many more countries, Kuwait as well. The reason for the presence of military commanders is the sensitive Iran-Iraq border oilfield shares/disputes, they need to agree on avoiding misunderstandings which can lead to clashes ( see 2009 Fakkah oil field ).
If you think Iraq is about to sign a military alliance with Iran then your delusional, they are staying away from that with all cost, staying neutral in the Syrian case is a part of that, Moqtada al Sadr former commander of the Mahdi army who put those Khamenei posters disagreed with Iran and Nasrallah on Syria, did not command to send anyone to Syria.

Iraq does not need Iran for anything, the country is growing fast, it’s military is growing fast, what do we need you for ? As well as the joke of Syria being the puppet of Iran as you have said, during the Iran-Iraq war what did Syria have to fear from Iran exactly ? Their choice is alliance with Iran.
Besides leave us of these "experts", they don’t even say what your saying here, I could bring some of these experts that say the opposite.

Still you are not able to show me anything that proves your words, so we end it that you just agree with everything powering Iran’s image ?

As for more information on this "military pact" when commanders of both countries met, news sources like Press TV and Farsnews report that Iraq is willing to buy Iranian arms, however these reports have been given from the same sources in 2007-2009 while they completely contradict Iraq’s stance and billions of dollar deals with the US. Acquiring Iranian weaponry means waving of US deals, so explain this contradiction by these laughable news sources. It also contradicts Iraq’s neutral policy.
our countries need each other.
but i agree that it is a pure fantasm to believe Iran controls even little Iraq
even for Syria it is nto because many experienced soldiers are there to help Asad that it means Iran is controlling Asad
and well since Asad doesn't control Syria ...

Considering a country to be controlled (or "in the side of exclusively") (iran ksa or whatever) for me is an insult to this country
and it is far to be a good point for a country
That's exactly what's happening right now, Bashar is falling and Iran is getting weaker everyday, they even banned chicken ads because they can't afford it. Welcome to the Starving State of Iran :)

If Assad is falling at the hands of rebels, why did Saudi Arabia lobby Washington so desperately to strike Syrian military?
Now they are even so childish as to boycott their UN speech. lol
Chemical weapons were just a way for America to get out, while saving some face at the same time. Chemical weapons serve ZERO strategic purpose. Bashar even wanted to get rid of the stockpile several years ago, but the US blocked such initiatives.

And recent investigations reveal that the chemical weapons attack were conducted by a Saudi intelligence group, headed by Bandar. They desperately wanted to lure America into a major war. That was the only way to get rid of Assad. And the plot collapsed. Just like the rebels are collapsing. Fighting each other for territory. Every day the Syrian population grows more and more disgusted by them and support for Bashar increases.
Bashar Al Assad's government has never been stronger.
our countries need each other.
but i agree that it is a pure fantasm to believe Iran controls even little Iraq
even for Syria it is nto because many experienced soldiers are there to help Asad that it means Iran is controlling Asad
and well since Asad doesn't control Syria ...

Considering a country to be controlled (or "in the side of exclusively") (iran ksa or whatever) for me is an insult to this country
and it is far to be a good point for a country

I expect better arguments from him for his points, if anyone here can prove it then do so. Even if it’s an insult, if it turns out to be true theres no reason not to accept it, yet not the case here unless someone can show it to us.
throwing money is only KSA can do and even that's not enough to save their cavemen bros ********.com - SAA Eliminates a Group of Obama Thugs in Daraa

As long as we keep stomping your fanatic Mullahs, we are happy to do whatever it takes.


The video you attached in this post talks about Obama's thugs, but you are dissing the Saudis, tell us how to see a pattern :lol:

Where is @Arabian Legend @JUBA @Pakistanisage @BATMAN
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The extremist are going to eventually turn against Saudi Arabia

Actually, we have been dealing with these people long before the creation of the Republic of Iran. Unless you are trying to threading the Saudis with Shia extremists, then that's a different story.

as they have failed in Syria and will fail harder. They didnt get what they were promised by the Saudi clerics, and the rage will be redirected at the kingdom.

It won't be more despicable than what Khomini did to Iranian youngsters, asking them to clear the minefields. :) we can play that game all day long.

Fact of the matter is, the Saudi narrative has been childish. A narrative which says that Iran supports Bashar on the account of him being an alawite

Eeh? Bro, My country never said such thing :no:

If it were only because he was an Alawite then mind explaining to me why Raf't is a close friend to us?

What about these 40 years of Al-Assad's ruling on Syria, have we chose not to help them because he's a Shia? Or a friend to Iran?

This narrative is beginning to erode, and the Saudis know this. They are scared to death of it, as the guns they have been providing to rebels will turn against themselves.

Scared to death :woot: You know nothing about us then bro. We dealt with terrorists and proxies decisively from Bahrain to Yemen, Lebanon to Morocco.

America learned the painful truth of blowback (with supporting mujahedin in Aghanistan). Saudi Arabia will learn the same painful lesson.

If the US learns something, then it won't learn how to calm down. It was none other than the US which destabilized Russia.

The extremist are going to eventually turn against Saudi Arabia, as they have failed in Syria and will fail harder. They didnt get what they were promised by the Saudi clerics, and the rage will be redirected at the kingdom.

Fact of the matter is, the Saudi narrative has been childish. A narrative which says that Iran supports Bashar on the account of him being an alawite. This narrative is beginning to erode, and the Saudis know this. They are scared to death of it, as the guns they have been providing to rebels will turn against themselves. America learned the painful truth of blowback (with supporting mujahedin in Aghanistan). Saudi Arabia will learn the same painful lesson.
It is inevitable, and they did it to themselves.
If Assad is falling at the hands of rebels, why did Saudi Arabia lobby Washington so desperately to strike Syrian military?
Bashar fall is inevitable, but outer intervention is to accelerate it.
Now they are even so childish as to boycott their UN speech. lol
The outer intervention is to accelerate his fall and save more lives.
Chemical weapons were just a way for America to get out, while saving some face at the same time. Chemical weapons serve ZERO strategic purpose. Bashar even wanted to get rid of the stockpile several years ago, but the US blocked such initiatives.
Which initiative?? You are just making things up my friend. Chemical weapon is the only thing that saved Bashar's *** this long and it's his strategic weapon, he even perused NUKE.
And recent investigations reveal that the chemical weapons attack were conducted by a Saudi intelligence group, headed by Bandar. They desperately wanted to lure America into a major war. That was the only way to get rid of Assad. And the plot collapsed. Just like the rebels are collapsing. Fighting each other for territory. Every day the Syrian population grows more and more disgusted by them and support for Bashar increases.
Yes, investigations that forced Bashar either to get finished off or to get rid of them. Syrian people hate nothing more than Bashar and Iran. And the FSA is getting stronger everyday as their achievements on the ground show not what your delusions trick you. BTW, getting rid of Bashar's chemical weapon is the very last card to deter an outer attack, he will be much more vulnerable than a snail without it's shell.
Bashar Al Assad's government has never been stronger.
with your many accounts, soon you can make a football team :partay:
By insisting Assad is removed from power (rather than insisting on reasonable peace deals with the rebels), KSA is (in part at least) guilty for the (continued!) suffering of all suffering Syrians.
By insisting Assad is removed from power (rather than insisting on reasonable peace deals with the rebels), KSA is (in part at least) guilty for the (continued!) suffering of all suffering Syrians.

o_O Okay. But Hezbollah and Iran are the good guys, rite? ( :
Oh yeah? How?

I think you have bombed Libya with your NATO gang. The SAA agress nobody and don't cut anybody's head, contrary to what you call peaceful democrats
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