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KSA fears Syria war turning against her interests

It seems that you added a few points your previous comment.

NOTE, I don't claim that the juridicial system of KSA is perfect (it is not) nor am I trying to moralize anything. Your post in that previous thread I saw was an attempt of that though and I found that strange seeing that you are from the country you are. If you were from Denmark for example you might have had a case. But you are not.

ad hominem fallacy

EDIT: Protesting in Al-Mashid al-Haram is obviously not allowed. Especially not for such pathetic slogans as claiming to be the Mahdi. Just so you know.

why not? what's your reason?
It seems that you added a few points your previous comment.

ad hominem fallacy

why not? what's your reason?

LOL, whatever makes you happy and changes the discussion from the facts I stated.

Well, for the third or fourth time. It was not a demonstration but a VIOLENT hijacking where innocent PILGRIMS from all over the world were killed, held hostage for hours and were security forces were killed.

Lastly protesting/making political slogans in the House of Allah (SWT) is not what it was intended for but prayers. Don't see how that can be a shock.

Likewise in the Vatican and similar places.
You have some reading to do then. This hijacking was widely documented by the world.

Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was a GREAT shock for the Muslim world. It was due to this that the laws in KSA became more stricter after moving in a direction of reforms. That all ended after this.

Yemen is not really a dictatorship but neither a European democracy, LOL.

That is not correct. You don't get executed in the UAE for every single drug. The reason for the harsh stance on drugs (I agree with it) is the fear of ending up as Iran with a HUGE number of heroin addicts for example. Drug addictions can destroy whole countries. Better to fight it harshly before it gets out of control.

What is inhumane? Criminals (murders, rapist etc.) deserve the death penalty if proven guilty in my opinion. Especially if they are serial offenders.

Death penalty has noting to do with Islam. It existed way before it and exists in countries/juridical systems that has noting to do with Islam.

I know that most Iranians that escaped their country are anti-Mullah and thus anti-Islam. I am sorry but the "Islam" your Mullahs rule with is only supported by 0,5% of all Muslims. Let alone the sect they belong to.

Anyway it depends on your views obviously.

I study her in Denmark currently (lived/studied in USA and France previously) and I can tell you that the laws in Denmark are pathetic in terms of harshness. You can kill a person while being intoxicated a Friday night "by mistake" and receive a sentence of 2-3 years.

Why the hell are the pathetic Human Rights Watches etc. condemning those silly/soft penalties? Where is the justice for the victims family?

No thank you I prefer a stricter approach and a small crime rate no matter how much so-called Human Rights Watches will cry.
A few points:
1. As I mentioned before, I posted that comment based on what author was presenting. I still don't know what exactly has happened at that time. Anyways, If you think I was wrong, I apologize.
2. I know that you like yemen a lot, but if you look at its situation without any bias, you will see that its a dictatorship.
3. So, I guess you agree that there is always a trade-off between punishments and crime rates.
4. Its very good for you that you are studying in europe, I hope you study hard and get good results.
5. I think that it is not justly that victims family decide about the murderer. In this case, they may receive a money(دیه ) in a case and victims family may not accept the money in another case. in one case the criminal will be executed and in the another one will be freed. It is not JUSTLY.
6. execution is an irreversible punishments, and its unjustified in my opinion.
7. execution is a primitive law. there were a lot of primitive laws before, such as burning the wife with the dead husband in hinduism, but we are in 21st century now. this laws such as execution, and stoning, and cutting legs and hands should be abolished
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