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Korea Returning Chinese Character

Viet Nam was called Dai Viet for almost 1000 years without the approval of China so what makes you think Viet Nam needed "approval" from China to be called " Viet Nam"? Just to let you know, the name Viet Nam lasted from 1802-1820 then we switched to "Dai Nam" after that.

If Viet Nam wants to choose a frame of reference to name " Viet Nam"; then that frame of reference is the Red river delta no doubt about it. Viet Nam's territory has expanded from the Red river down to Phu Quoc island through the course of history. The word "Nam tien" meaning marching South is something that is mentioned throughout our history for a reason.
ok let's see the word "dai viet"大越.越 is named by a qin dynasty general zhaotuo, including China Guangdong ,guangxi and part of Vietnam.hence from 2000 years ago north Vietnam was deeply influenced by Chinese culture."dai"大,means great,does it have same meaning in your language?
the word "dai Viet" is absolute a Chinese style name,Chinese sound and meaning
I might miss something, I still not quite catch why Korea wants to go back to Hanja beside the culture heritage such as reading historical book. Can anyone lay down what other motives?
I might miss something, I still not quite catch why Korea wants to go back to Hanja beside the culture heritage such as reading historical book. Can anyone lay down what other motives?

Communication with Chinese and Japanese in places like the intenet and tourism (Kanji/Hanzi)
The difficulties in memorizing 妻 is solved by immersion. In the East Asia environment, you get to see 妻, once things related to wife shows up. I do not really memorize that much. You just see it in advertisement, news, newspaper, TV, KTV...etc

If I am in Viet Nam, Ha Noi 100 years ago, I will see 越南 (Vietnam) 河内 (Hanoi)everywhere. So I have already picked up 4 characters without even putting in any effort. In Chinese society, you need 3000 characters to read newspaper. You can simply pick up at least 1000 characters by looking around.

Once you know
越 = Guangzhou
南 = south
河 = river
内 = within

It will provide a lot of info on the meaning of the lexicon with these words happen to combine with other words.

You cannot do that in English society. The name of cities is useless to learn the next lexicon.

And I give you an example in Vietnamese

學 ~ học (study),
心理學 ~ tâmlýhọc (psychology),
學者 ~ họcgiả (scholar),
大學 ~ đạihọc (university),

Once we see 學 học, we know it is study. And this "學" appears everywhere when there is school buildings. The first time your parents pointed school to you and say hoc, after sometimes you know 學 is học without actually memorizing. However, learning to write needs much more effort than simply recognizing the words.

So to pick it up is not difficult. Its very obvious and fast to Chinese.

When 學 appears, I will know it got to relate to schools are study.

We have Romanize script as well but I found it clumsy due to large amount of homophones.

In reading Vietnamese, both 明 (bright) and 冥 (dark) are read as minh. But Chinese are not perturb by homophones as 明 冥 disambiguified immediately. So the information rate is much faster and efficient.
thanks for the lession. Not bad. I wonder why you are so familar with Vietnamese language?
. .
Got all my info online. Thanks to the links below.

This guy is fantastic
What Makes Chinese so Vietnamese? - dchph

Below is wiki

I knew some of the basic feature about Vietnamese languages, but to quote you examples, I googled for specific lexicon or Vietnamese text. I took some passage from wiki here and there.

By the way, I speak

1) Min Nan (Taiwanese) native
2) Mandarin native
3) Cantonese good
4) English excellent
5) Japanese fair
6) French fair
7) Spanish (I can read but not speak)
8) German (understand a lot but not able to speak)

I studied EECS. I been Vietnam and know roughly what is going on. Traveled From Saigon to Lao Cai. Spoken to many Vietnamese and also veteran of South Vietnam. Visited China, Japan, Taiwan, HK, Macau many times.

Hi Viet, how is your German proficiency?
@Lux de Veritas

I speak Vietnamese, German and English fluently on daily basis. Besides, some French, Spanish. My next challenge is Mandarin.
Great to hear someone who speaks some Vietnamese and German as well.

The link you posted is a great source of understanding Sino-Vietnamese languages.
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You are talking about the spoken language,but I think its just one part of chinese language. Writing systems is more importert considering chinese characteristics.You feel cantonese songs expressive and elegant. why? because it uses a formal written system and keep some ancient phonology.thiss chinese, not depend on local variations.no compare with Vietnamese.
i think chinese members dont understand what i say.what i means is that 别人借字表义,你却借字表音,明显是在倒退,没有任何优势,香港实在是一个开放的市场,封闭的社会
At last,i realized english word "language" means 如果听不懂对方,应属于不同语言?这种划分未免过于狭隘。我不是专家,但不妨碍傻逼一次。难道语言只是听出来的?手语是不是语言?计算机语言是不是语言?难道外星人是用听跟地球人交流的?语言不是一种信息的传达方式?这些狗屁的西方佬真够自我的。中文作为一种独立的体系听不得难道看不到吗,所以尽管地方发音各异,至少不妨碍文字体系作为种独立的语言。跟别人不同的是我们是在读汉字,是围着汉字转的,我们要做的是统一发音。回过头来我们的语言跟越南有毛线关系?听懂还是看懂?再说香港的借字表音,先不说那么多同音字了,就算统一借音再倒逼定义,在不断丰富的汉字文化圈中不是一种无用的外溢?经得起竞争吗?这就像你面前的键盘文化一样顶多加几个附加键位,你能重新定义吗?是不是重新定义就变成另一种形式的有文化有品位的键盘了?顶多就是像香港的地摊杂志一样非主流罢了,有意思?just like i said,this is chinese,no need to listen english
Traditional Hanzi or Simplified Hanzi?

I hope it's traditional Hanzi.
Traditional Hanzi or Simplified Hanzi?

I hope it's traditional Hanzi.

no one outside of the mainland uses simplified i dont see why korea would use simplified, if indeed they are going to bring back chinese characters
no one outside of the mainland uses simplified i dont see why korea would use simplified, if indeed they are going to bring back chinese characters

Overseas Chinese in Malaysia and Singaporean use simplified Hanzi.

I read, there was a proposal to the congress to back again to traditional Hanzi, so what is the progress now?

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