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You seem to be a less extremist PKK lover, I guess. I have absolutely no problems with Kurds. In fact I have dozens of friends with kurdish origin. The more religious ones seem to hold a distanced stance when it comes to PKK and apo. The others.. Boy are they brainwashed.. They are blaming everything on Turkey, staging protests and chanting anti-Turkey, more so than anti-ISIS. This is the part that bothers me, you guys ignore the good part, Turks have been saving you guys from the real bad guys for a long time now. On the last part, with waving the Turkish flag, why would the oppressed saint people of Kurds hit me? You guys are democratic you know. Hope you have a nice time in Lund :)

I'm a Kurd supporter. I have no family connection or anything to any Kurdish party of faction, I support those groups who supports the right of the Kurds. Born and raised in Jordan. But I was lucky enough to learn most of my Kurdish there and some cultural stuff but the most comes from the internet. Well they are right that Turkey is supporting IS, on one part closing the border for Kurds but letting IS in and out. For example Kurds are pissed off right now that Turkey doesn't allow Kurds to enter Kobane with ammo, weapons and men because we all know that Turkey wants YPG to lose and Kobane to fall. I mean they don't want to share any more border with "PKK" or any pro-Kurds. So that Turkey can go and create their buffer zone there so that Kurds won't be able to control it. Luckily NATO and US ain't backing that up thanks to Russia and China :). Do you really belive that Turkey with the entire international community looking at them that has already taken in over a million Syria would prevent the people of Kobane to enter? There is nothing to be grateful for or appreciate. After all, we Kurds consider all of those areas to be Kurdish land. And if Ataturk wouldn't stand against the decision to let Kurds have their land during peace talks, you guys wouldn't have something to demand from Kurds. You seem like a sensible Turk, perhaps you want to drink some chai with the old fellas. :)

Having gone through about 8 pages so far in this thread but still don't have a good enough understanding to 'take sides' convincingly.
So far, my hunch is that Turkey--the one relatively stable and strong Muslim country in the Middle East (with the possible inclusion of Iran) is about to go down the route followed by several others in the region. I don't foresee how the southeast of Turkey (and even closer to Istanbul) can't be impacted more and more by the turmoil in the Middle East.
The best course of action I can think of is carving out one or more Kurdish states with the mutual and large hearted agreements between Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. A sort of Middle Eastern Union's beginning.

PS. Looking at the chaos in that region surrounding the Kurdish dominated areas in those four countries and the rise of ISIS, I think the geopolitical problems faced by even Pakistan are miniscule: Almost all of Pakistan's problems can be solved by a détente with Indian--the same can't be said about those countries and their nearby neighbors.
The fall will be hard...18% of your population is not going to sit tight while her blood brothers are being massacred and Turkey is using her armed forces to keep them from helping them..

I agree, Turkey has sown murder and mayhem in Syria and environs but in due time they will get their dividends.
Adding to my post #243 above: I don't know how much Turks realize that their 'image' is being destroyed in America's by even relatively 'neutral' media like NPR. I listen to NPR almost every day and came to learn about the recent Kurd-ISIS violence inside Turkey; the chosen commentators (like in the NY Times' OP-EDs) are anti-Turkey. They want Turkey to forcefully intervene and quash ISIS on behalf of Kurds. Short of that, Turkey is bad. Is 'cynical'.
No conspiracy theory is needed to say that Turkey too is slowly but surely coming under some kind of cross-hairs. Cold war ended a long time ago, thus diminishing Turkey's importance, but perhaps the final straw was Turkey's aggressive posturing against Israel, especially after the Flotilla.
Just about all Pakistanis care for Turkey. The advice would be to 'look East'. Turkey IS a Middle Eastern country and that's where Turkey needs to look toward really, really hard instead of pretending (as some Turks to the west of Ankara seem to) to be Europeans.
You will be deeply disappointed guys but Republic of Turkey just won't fall. For the centuries it has been tested by one or allied forces of various countries. If kurds are so eagerly wish to die let'em be my guest. It's not only we have a really strong army but the people living on this country is the main factor... If there is only one thing we do the best is being united on national issues ... Then don't cry to west after waking up the evil inside of us ..
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I agree, Turkey has sown murder and mayhem in Syria and environs but in due time they will get their dividends.

Adding to my post #243 above: I don't know how much Turks realize that their 'image' is being destroyed in America's by even relatively 'neutral' media like NPR. I listen to NPR almost every day and came to learn about the recent Kurd-ISIS violence inside Turkey; the chosen commentators (like in the NY Times' OP-EDs) are anti-Turkey. They want Turkey to forcefully intervene and quash ISIS on behalf of Kurds. Short of that, Turkey is bad. Is 'cynical'.
No conspiracy theory is needed to say that Turkey too is slowly but surely coming under some kind of cross-hairs. Cold war ended a long time ago, thus diminishing Turkey's importance, but perhaps the final straw was Turkey's aggressive posturing against Israel, especially after the Flotilla.
Just about all Pakistanis care for Turkey. The advice would be to 'look East'. Turkey IS a Middle Eastern country and that's where Turkey needs to look toward really, really hard instead of pretending (as some Turks to the west of Ankara seem to) to be Europeans.

These westerners keep coming crying us to look after their interests. To remind you, we are not guardians of US oil companies. I am sure USA is powerful enough to stop any opposing force.
Well they are right that Turkey is supporting IS, on one part closing the border for Kurds but letting IS in and out. For example Kurds are pissed off right now that Turkey doesn't allow Kurds to enter Kobane with ammo, weapons and men because we all know that Turkey wants YPG to lose and Kobane to fall. (...) Do you really belive that Turkey with the entire international community looking at them that has already taken in over a million Syria would prevent the people of Kobane to enter? There is nothing to be grateful for or appreciate. After all, we Kurds consider all of those areas to be Kurdish land. And if Ataturk wouldn't stand against the decision to let Kurds have their land during peace talks, you guys wouldn't have something to demand from Kurds. You seem like a sensible Turk, perhaps you want to drink some chai with the old fellas. :)

First and foremost; there is absolutely no proof that the Turkish state is aiding IS at the bordercrossing. Kurds saying they are helping don't change the reality. In laws terms no real proof equates to a empty hypothesis. They have been at each other for the last 20+ days and no proper evidence of support is enough for me and many others to debunker the Turkey supporting IS part.

And when it comes to opening and closing borders; the sovereign state of Turkey makes the decisions. Not the international community. I agree that they would take some serious heat but ultimately no one could do anything if they shut the border. So having nothing to be grateful over is a bucketload of BS. Atatürk fought for motherland Turkiye, it's very sensible that he would want the contested soil of entire Anatolia for the Turkish people. Its in our human nature, survival of the fittest.

And the last part; really not a çay or coffee junkie but over a nice and constructive talk it could be nice. Be a supporter of anything but don't vandalize people's property, pushing the Turkish population over the edge against PKK vandalism would only spiral into a world of deep Sh.t.
Adding to my post #243 above: I don't know how much Turks realize that their 'image' is being destroyed in America's by even relatively 'neutral' media like NPR. I listen to NPR almost every day and came to learn about the recent Kurd-ISIS violence inside Turkey; the chosen commentators (like in the NY Times' OP-EDs) are anti-Turkey. They want Turkey to forcefully intervene and quash ISIS on behalf of Kurds. Short of that, Turkey is bad. Is 'cynical'.
No conspiracy theory is needed to say that Turkey too is slowly but surely coming under some kind of cross-hairs. Cold war ended a long time ago, thus diminishing Turkey's importance, but perhaps the final straw was Turkey's aggressive posturing against Israel, especially after the Flotilla.
Just about all Pakistanis care for Turkey. The advice would be to 'look East'. Turkey IS a Middle Eastern country and that's where Turkey needs to look toward really, really hard instead of pretending (as some Turks to the west of Ankara seem to) to be Europeans.
Western countries would die to see Turkey jumping in on the action and taking care of US' dirty job without dragging in the west against isis. Hence they deliberately keep creating negative media coverage about Turkey and Arab countries in order to pressure these countries. Tell you what, Turkey in no way will sacrifice its own stability for some pr of the west. Any sane and interested foreigner can do its own research regarding the region and see that Turkey has several valid points in not helping the pkk/pyd in ayn al arab. 'Turkey helping pkk/pyd in ayn al arab' the thought alone is a comedy... Change Turkey with US/Russia and pkk/pyd with al qaeda/chechens, you'd get the same comedy.
I sincerely hope Turkey will keep its neutrality and let big uncle sam clean up its own mess.
First and foremost; there is absolutely no proof that the Turkish state is aiding IS at the bordercrossing. Kurds saying they are helping don't change the reality. In laws terms no real proof equates to a empty hypothesis. They have been at each other for the last 20+ days and no proper evidence of support is enough for me and many others to debunker the Turkey supporting IS part.

And when it comes to opening and closing borders; the sovereign state of Turkey makes the decisions. Not the international community. I agree that they would take some serious heat but ultimately no one could do anything if they shut the border. So having nothing to be grateful over is a bucketload of BS. Atatürk fought for motherland Turkiye, it's very sensible that he would want the contested soil of entire Anatolia for the Turkish people. Its in our human nature, survival of the fittest.

And the last part; really not a çay or coffee junkie but over a nice and constructive talk it could be nice. Be a supporter of anything but don't vandalize people's property, pushing the Turkish population over the edge against PKK vandalism would only spiral into a world of deep Sh.t.

Au contraire that is what the entire world is saying right now. There is alot of evidence on the ground and even US politicians are saying it. Just that you and many Turks are like always in a state of denial.



What about constructive talk over a cup of tea or coffe?
He's lucky I wasn't the soldier manning the Turkish border. Else he'd be tasting some a la carte, jizzy Turkish delights, compliments yours truly. Scumbag.

Au contraire that is what the entire world is saying right now. There is alot of evidence on the ground and even US politicians are saying it. Just that you and many Turks are like always in a state of denial.

View attachment 127434

What about constructive talk over a cup of tea or coffe?
They think the Turkish border is the entrance to a whore house or something? They think everybody can enter and leave without any administration. Try illegally crosing the US border and see how you are treated. Mother of god :/
Au contraire that is what the entire world is saying right now. There is alot of evidence on the ground and even US politicians are saying it. Just that you and many Turks are like always in a state of denial.

View attachment 127434

What about constructive talk over a cup of tea or coffe?
He doesn't look Kurdish to me.
Au contraire that is what the entire world is saying right now. There is alot of evidence on the ground and even US politicians are saying it. Just that you and many Turks are like always in a state of denial

Heval, I'm not talking about activists tweeting from the border. According to them Turkey is the devil it self. I'm talking about proper evidence, photos - videos, and yet there is none. US politicians aren't truly honest, but I understand that some ISIS or Nusra might have gone through. So has PKK or any terror organization. I'm here in Gothenburg.

He doesn't look Kurdish to me.
Looks like a hippie without a proper job playing hero at the Turkish border.. :D
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