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Please don't give that...We did, how they couldn't and to add insult to injury they give the French the key of the treasury...a butin of more than $40 million [1830 dollars], so it wasn't due to the lack of money...From our history, I know it well as well as yours...

You must be joking. Now I teach you the Ottoman history. Main force of Ottomans stood always in Balkans. At the end of 18th century, Ottomans lıst their key allies Crimean Khanate. That Crimean Khanate was the half of the Ottoman power. Without Tatars in the north, Ottoman defences collapsed quickly.

Remember, after Greek Independence in 1829, Ottomans and Egyptians started a war. We entered a war with Egyptians without a proper army. Old army was disbanded in 1826 because of its incompetence. New was formed. But again defeated in the war against crusaders, then against Egyptians.

We were not in position to defend Algeria which is on the other side of Mediterranian. I havent even searched how many troops based in Algeria, weapons, commanders, troops' ethnic background??? I dont know the factors in the ground, please tell me.
You must be joking. Now I teach you the Ottoman history. Main force of Ottomans stood always in Balkans. At the end of 18th century, Ottomans lıst their key allies Crimean Khanate. That Crimean Khanate was the half of the Ottoman power. Without Tatars in the north, Ottoman defences collapsed quickly.
I am talking about the Turks that were in Algiers..Nobody expected the ottomans at large to come to our rescue..

The way it looks now..
What's Stopping Turkey from Saving Kobani?
Ankara can't seem to make up its mind about who's the bigger enemy: the Islamic State or the Kurds.

ISTANBUL — There's no harsher critic of the Turkish government these days than anonymous U.S. officials. One official, speaking to the New York Times this week, said that Ankara was "inventing reasons not to act" in the besieged northern Syrian town of Kobani; "this isn't how a NATO ally acts while hell is unfolding a stone's throw from their border," the official added. An anonymous U.S. official reached by the Washington Post was no kinder: The Turks, the senior official said, are dragging their feet because "they want the U.S. to come in and take care of the problem."

The American effort to pressure Ankara to take on a larger role in Kobani, however, has so far been ignored by the Turks. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said yesterdaythat it was "not realistic" to expect Turkey to launch a ground operation on its own. Gen. John Allen, the U.S. envoy to the coalition against the Islamic State, is also holding talks in Ankara -- though the State Departmentreadout on his visit did not announce any agreement between the two sides, and suggested talks could go on for some time.

So, what's stopping Turkey from saving Kobani? To try to answer that question, I posed a few questions to Suat Kiniklioglu, a former MP for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) who rose to become the spokesman for the Turkish parliament's foreign affairs committee, and the AKP's deputy chairman for external affairs. Known as a member of the party's liberal wing, he wasn't included on the AKP's list for the 2011 parliamentary elections; he has since served as the executive director of an Ankara-based think tank, and recently began a year in Washington as a visiting senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

There are two primary conflicts, according to Kiniklioglu, that explain Turkish reticence to get more involved in Syria. The first is between Ankara and the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State: "The primary problem remains the divergence on what the priority should be: Assad or ISIS," he said. "Ankara wants to know what the U.S. vision for Iraq and Syria is."

Turkey has been pressing the anti-Islamic State coalition to broaden its mandate to include the removal of President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglurecently said that Ankara is "ready to do everything if there is a clear strategy" for Syria's future -- but argued that only attacking the Islamic State wouldn't solve the root cause of radicalization, which is Assad's grip on power.

Ankara also is leery about bolstering the Kurdish defenders of Kobani. The militia is known as the People's Protection Units (YPG), which is affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a militant organization that has waged a decades-long guerrilla war against the Turkish state. If forced to choose between the YPG and the jihadists, many Turkish officials seem ambivalent:

"For us the PKK is the same as ISIS," President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said last weekend.
tweeted that the Islamic State may kill, "but at least does not torture" like the PKK.

Ankara has balked, Kiniklioglu says, at the prospect of sending ground forces into such hostile territory. "If the area [around Kobani] would be populated by Turkmens or other sympathetic populations it would have been a different story," he said. "Ankara does not want a repeat scenario of northern Iraq, where an Iraqi Kurdistan emerged [after the fall of Saddam Hussein]."

For Turkey, however, the costs of failing to defend Kobani are also growing. Istanbul and the country's predominantly Kurdish regions have seen escalating protests over the past week by Kurdish protesters angry over Ankara's inaction. The interior minister announced today that 31 people have been killed and hundreds more have been injured. The protests have revived old ethnic fault lines, as Turkish nationalists in the city of Gazianteptook to the streets armed with swords in a counter-protest; four people were killed in the ensuing violence.

With the Islamic State pushing further into Kobani, the domestic fallout from the battle in Syria could derail the years-long effort to reconcile Turkey's Kurdish citizens with the state. Kurdish parties may "have difficulty in controlling more fringe factions, who ... want to return to violence," Kiniklioglu fears. "If Kobani falls, then all bets are off. It would probably mean an end to the peace process."

Gokhan Sahin/Getty Images
You must be joking. Now I teach you the Ottoman history. Main force of Ottomans stood always in Balkans. At the end of 18th century, Ottomans lıst their key allies Crimean Khanate. That Crimean Khanate was the half of the Ottoman power. Without Tatars in the north, Ottoman defences collapsed quickly.

Remember, after Greek Independence in 1829, Ottomans and Egyptians started a war. We entered a war with Egyptians without a proper army. Old army was disbanded in 1826 because of its incompetence. New was formed. But again defeated in the war against crusaders, then against Egyptians.

We were not in position to defend Algeria which is on the other side of Mediterranian. I havent even searched how many troops based in Algeria, weapons, commanders, troops' ethnic background??? I dont know the factors in the ground, please tell me.
These parasites expect us to do all the fighting.. what about Arabs defending themselves? Europeans invade them throw a pack of money on the ground and all of the Arabs are fighting who will have it while the Europeans are taking over their country. With all respect, we should turn our backs to Arabs and focus on Turkic world.
These parasites expect us to do all the fighting.. what about Arabs defending themselves? Europeans invade them throw a pack of money on the ground and all of the Arabs are fighting who will have it while the Europeans are taking over their country. With all respect, we should turn our backs to Arabs and focus on Turkic world.

He is not Arab. He is Barbarian from Sahara Desert.

And Arabs are our allies against our common enemies.
??? You turks are the ones subservient to the west and israel. How is your bid to get into the eu doing??How's our base in incirlik?
"Subservient"? Nope, I don't think so. Your president, VP and generals are trying to win over your so called "slave" Erdogan to do your dirty work in Syria but he's playing you guys so hard it's funny. And to refer back "your" AB in Incirlik, don't forget, we can expel you from that place If you guys don't behave. :)

And they will..Abandoning civilians being slaughtered at two feet from their borders does sully Turkey's image. But Turkish bad habits die hard, when French landed in Algeria in July 1830, the Turks got up and left without firing a shot . After 400 years, they didn't think Algiers was worth to defend. Kobane will send Turkey into a spiral of a violence, never seen before.

And replenished their ranks with 160 ISIS fighters that were in your jails..
Ceylal, I have serious hard time determining your nation? Are you speaking as an Algerian or an Amriiki? Why don't you just go your way and play in the sand? All those civilians you are talking about have a safe place to sleep every night now. If you refer to PKK/PYD/YPG/PUK/PJAK and the whole list as "civilians" then may ISIS use every grim measure against them. Couldn't care less, really. You reap what you sow, the arab betrayal of the Ottoman Empire is haunting you for the last century. You arabs, or whatever you think you are, are the main reason for all shit in ME. Any nation taking distance to you guys will prosper. See Israel and Turkey.
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Not to be "that" guy but you Kurds, east, west, north or south on the globe, don't have a country. Calling other nations as "Kurdistan" is just denial and while in school where we were given classes in psychology denial was something bad for the mind. I strongly advise you and your brethren, the PKK kurds as i call you guys, should book the first Turkish Airlines ticket from Arlanda, Göteborg, Paris, London, NYC, Madrid, Köpenhamn, Helsinki and all the other countries to Gaziantep. Syria is in a really bad condition as of now, grab some land while you can. Tweeting "we are destroying the evil IS" with your Kurdish activists, you guys are really good at propaganda and lies also, won't be any beneficial. Gå och kriga nu :)
Not to be "that" guy but you Kurds, east, west, north or south on the globe, don't have a country. Calling other nations as "Kurdistan" is just denial and while in school where we were given classes in psychology denial was something bad for the mind. I strongly advise you and your brethren, the PKK kurds as i call you guys, should book the first Turkish Airlines ticket from Arlanda, Göteborg, Paris, London, NYC, Madrid, Köpenhamn, Helsinki and all the other countries to Gaziantep. Syria is in a really bad condition as of now, grab some land while you can. Tweeting "we are destroying the evil IS" with your Kurdish activists, you guys are really good at propaganda and lies also, won't be any beneficial. Gå och kriga nu :)
did not read. :)


Raqqa Revolutionaries blows up IS pick up truck in in the western front

Why coalition of 10 nation led by US can't stop advances of ISIS? or they don't want to stop them? how the hell ISIS mobilize artillery and other assets while US is flying over them??

To stop ISIS advances B-52s, B-1s are needed to continuously loiter over battle areas, as US have withdrawn lethal A-10s from service they are the specialist for this kind of battle.

Humanity is at stake here, please leave difference aside.

Yup, I knew it already. Pekeke Kurds like you have problems with the truth. Continue on chanting "terrorist Turkiet sluta hjälpa ISIS" <- (terrorist Turkey stop supporting ISIS). Maybe swedes will give a fvck about you guys. :D

Oh, almost forgot, for god don't forget BIIIJIII SEEEROOK APOOO part. Love that part. And don't interrupt the traffic flow here in Gothenburg, the swedes you are begging help from are getting a bit mad..
Did you pratice your worship to rats, today? If not, dont make your Rat God wait. He might get angry.

Stay within your limit idiot.. If we start abusing your Prophet or the one you bend 5 times for, you will go berserk and suicidal.
It's none of your concern what others worship or not at least they are not the ones cutting innocent people's head world over. You people cry when somebody makes a movie on you or draw a cartoon but are the first ones to attack other religions. You people are sick in your head.

Keep your debate civil and talk to an individual as an Individual.
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