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Kim Jong-il Has McDonald's Flown into North Korea

Why single out North Korea? What about India with a similar GDP per capita? How dare you insult North Korea. North Korea up to 2010 was far richer than India. I am not insulting India, so don't insult North Korea. More Indians starve to death than North Koreans every year, both as an absolute number and as a percentage.

they insult because indians think they are very developed, and on their way to become super power and that they get some attention from uncle sam, so they forget every thing even their poverty, hunger etc
I am going to make serious attempt to better understand N. Korea. So far almost all I have learnt about that country has come through the American lens. And now I know--crystal clear--that, when it comes to foreign policy, American media largely follow the official 'anonymous' leads. The power of American media is such that they can build or destroy the global reputation of most of the countries in the world in a few short weeks. That is because of the dominance of American media and because most people in the world take the path of least resistance when it comes to most things in the world--including acquiring 'news'.
And, soooo, may be N.Kr is really that bad. Or may be they feel so threatened that they had to build a military state. Or may be do have a country where a majority of people enjoy half-decent living--albeit without personal freedoms. I will try to dig deeper. That country has been on my list of 'must-go-before-die' for many years because of being the last remnant of an ideology which is largely discarded.
I am going to make serious attempt to better understand N. Korea. So far almost all I have learnt about that country has come through the American lens. And now I know--crystal clear--that, when it comes to foreign policy, American media largely follow the official 'anonymous' leads. The power of American media is such that they can build or destroy the global reputation of most of the countries in the world in a few short weeks. That is because of the dominance of American media and because most people in the world take the path of least resistance when it comes to most things in the world--including acquiring 'news'.
That argument no longer flies in the face of the Internet's scope and ease of creating alternate news outlet. If anything, anyone who continues to claim that as an excuse is guilty of being lazy and deserve the very kind of spoonfeeding of news they so freely accuse others of accepting.

And, soooo, may be N.Kr is really that bad.
Yes, it is. But you can always try to prove everyone wrong.

Or may be they feel so threatened that they had to build a military state.
Threatened from what? History shows consistently that dictatorships fears internal dissent than external threats, real or imaginary.

Or may be do have a country where a majority of people enjoy half-decent living--albeit without personal freedoms. I will try to dig deeper. That country has been on my list of 'must-go-before-die' for many years because of being the last remnant of an ideology which is largely discarded.
There are actually guided tours to NKR. I was such a tourist to East Berlin when it existed.
Despite that, the per capita GDP of North Korea and India are similar.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North Korea is considered a "dirt poor state" so what is India...

Sir, you are a famous India-insulter of this forum but do you seriously think that a country like DPRK who can't even pay for the oil imports, dependent on foreign food aid for feeding their population, a country where malnutrition is so rampant that that the average height of its citizens decreased is richer than India. If your list is to be believed countries like Kazakhisthan, Romania etc are ranked above PRC but I don't see flashy new skyscrapers or bullet trains in those countries.
Least China can do is, not sell them the burgers.:lol:

If not China they will get the burger from Mc Donald's HQ. North Korean intelligence agency is known to have a special dept inside them whose only job is to procure luxury items from West for Kim & Co.
Obviously they require Air Delivery because of his son.:lol:
He needs to die a painful death.. and the world would breath a sigh of relief. Bastard.
Sir, you are a famous India-insulter of this forum but do you seriously think that a country like DPRK who can't even pay for the oil imports, dependent on foreign food aid for feeding their population, a country where malnutrition is so rampant that that the average height of its citizens decreased is richer than India. If your list is to be believed countries like Kazakhisthan, Romania etc are ranked above PRC but I don't see flashy new skyscrapers or bullet trains in those countries.

I do not evaluate other issues, but be fair, the international sanctions against North Korea, and India did not, in fact until the mid-1980s, Korea's national strength and people's living standards have been stronger than South Korea.
North Korea is a free and independent sovereign nation that can do whatever it wants within its borders.

Not that anyone can stop it anyways but its fact.

So they can do anything they want? Really?

Dear Leader: "General, I want all children who do not sing the "I love Dear Leader" song at least five times a day put to death by slow torture. Publicly. Anyone who listens to short-wave radio will be burned at the stake every Friday. Any family that has more than two children will be executed. There are already too many mouths. Round up 5 thousand villagers for nerve agent tests next Saturday..." THAT sort of freedom?

No they are NOT doing this ^^ but they come close in areas. Governance and power isn't an excuse to abuse citizens, it is a solemn responsibility to care for and protect them.
China stopped actively interfering with other country's governments after the 1970s. If things continue to worsen I think the North Koreans will get rid of the Kims themselves.

How? The Kims virtually have entire DPRK as their personal backyard. They are gods there. They define the laws, have not 100% but 200% control on a massive military that feeds a military acquisition hunger at the cost of basic food and other facilities in the entire country. Even sitting on a piece of paper showing Il's face is considered equivalent to Taliban's blasphemy.

In such a case, how can starving, weak and poor innocent North Koreans even consider a revolt? Your active support of this insane regime throughout the Cold War has been causing so many millions of North Koreans suffering endlessly. Your government claims that it is for the people and for the poor, but how can you see so much injustice and pain in a fellow-Communist country? All the money you might send in aid straight goes into the pockets of the Kims who fatten on international luxuries while their people have to be grateful for two square meals a day.

I don't know how Il Sung was, but Jong Il and his sons are definitely sick; torturing their own people like this daily.

Right now, ONLY your government has enough leverage to replace the Kims with someone more reasonable and empathetic to his countrymen. So do something.
I do not evaluate other issues, but be fair, the international sanctions against North Korea, and India did not, in fact until the mid-1980s, Korea's national strength and people's living standards have been stronger than South Korea.

How does that justify the insane regime right now? It is like saying that in the past the people were living in glory days but since that they have gone through, a little torture won't matter much.
How? The Kims virtually have entire DPRK as their personal backyard. They are gods there. They define the laws, have not 100% but 200% control on a massive military that feeds a military acquisition hunger at the cost of basic food and other facilities in the entire country. Even sitting on a piece of paper showing Il's face is considered equivalent to Taliban's blasphemy.

In such a case, how can starving, weak and poor innocent North Koreans even consider a revolt? Your active support of this insane regime throughout the Cold War has been causing so many millions of North Koreans suffering endlessly. Your government claims that it is for the people and for the poor, but how can you see so much injustice and pain in a fellow-Communist country? All the money you might send in aid straight goes into the pockets of the Kims who fatten on international luxuries while their people have to be grateful for two square meals a day.

I don't know how Il Sung was, but Jong Il and his sons are definitely sick; torturing their own people like this daily.

Right now, ONLY your government has enough leverage to replace the Kims with someone more reasonable and empathetic to his countrymen. So do something.

You see, the people of India have a far more severe than in North Korea, or even that there is a revolt, but the Indians still feel high for his democracy, so what can we do?
How does that justify the insane regime right now? It is like saying that in the past the people were living in glory days but since that they have gone through, a little torture won't matter much.

However, I just compared the North Korean economy and India, I have no comparison with other, we hope attention to this point.

Well, I agree that North Korea is a crazy regime in some respects, but in fact, he's crazy just start form 1990s, and in the 50s-80s, South Korea is even more crazy.

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