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KILL CONFIRMATION: Pakistani security forces have killed key commander of banned terrorist outfit Ba

Mom batti mafia, Aurat March, and a lot of libturds in media are examples of the liberal terrorism like PTM, MQM etc. But our govt is not paying any attention to this snake while has diverted all its attention to the religious extremists. This is unfair and a big mistake and causing the society to question the sincerity and impartiality of the govt.
What is common between them? Extreme ethnic nationalism and rejection of two nation theory.
Yes, we are a predominately Muslim nation, but we are not all Muslims, so please be respectful of those Pakistanis who are not Muslim - instead of saying we are Muslim, say we are Pakistanis. Saying we are Muslims leaves out non-Muslim Pakistanis and we should not make them feel like they are not part of the country.

  • predominately Muslim nation, but we are not all Muslims
  • Saying we are Muslims leaves out non-Muslim Pakistanis
But I would add another one. When we say "we are Muslims" with referance to Pakistan you -

  • leave out non Muslim Pakistani's like PAF celebrated fighter pilot Cecil Chaudry
  • but include Afghans, BLA members, TTP, Iranians, Somalis, Bangladeshis etc etc

He speaking of us as Muslims as a nation, on a national level. He is stating an obvious fact, that this is an Islamic country so it laws and values derive from Islam, any minority people reading it will surely understand its meaning, and will not take any offense at being "left out"(unless there are some who wish to impose their beliefs on the majority;)) . So don't worry about Mr Cecil Chaudry feeling left out and disrespected anytime soon, as i am sure he has the common sense to realize what such comments really mean.

An Islamic country, or "Islamic Republic", is a nation whereby civil and common laws are based strictly on the Islamic Sharia code, and imposed forcibly on its citizens. All matters relating the economic, religious and cultural matters are handled through an appointed Mullah or an elected council of Mullahs. Personal independence of individuals is significantly curtailed in these countries and consumption and sale of alcohol, idol-worship, western clothing, blasphemy and apostasy would be considered illegal. Such countries that mimic this concept include Saudi Arabia and Iran.

ALL states apply the law by force, hence enforcing the law:woot:. That's just the way it is. As for "Mullah", that depends on how you define a mullah. If by personal freedom you mean things such as consumption and sale of alcohol or "blasphemy", then yes, there may be certain curtailments, which doesn't make it bad, if applied properly.
Minorities have always had the freedom to live by their religion and traditions, that is also part of Islamic law.
Minorities were allowed to live in Madinah, under the peace and protectorate of the muslims. That does not mean that it was a secular state.

Some of my family migrated from India on the basis of Islam, they also left East Pakistan as it became Bangladesh on the basis of Islam. They did not do it to live in some secular coalition of ethnic groups who used Islam as a motive to break away and manufacture a state, and then discard Islam as soon as thousands of lives were lost in the process to create this state.

Ironically, the nation at that time of split was as secular as you can get. The Bengali's had no reason to stay under the boundaries if there was no Islamic governance uniting the two wings together. Having one or two ethnic groups dominate all corridors of power did not help either.

Moment you throw the deen out the window, you stop the razor thin thread preventing Punjab & Sindh from going back to India and KPK from joining Afghanistan. Take lesson from already-secular Baloch fighting for independence. You want to know what one of the "establishment" strategies is for national cohesion in Balochistan? Maulvis!

Back to the thread, I think the country is approaching a dangerous point as government is solely targeting religious fringe groups while allowing ethnic (PTM) and liberal (whatever you can think of, DAWN, etc) groups to badmouth the armed forces. Why the double standards? Last time I checked, a completely secular, ethnic-based movement split Pakistan in two.

KILL CONFIRMATION: Pakistani security forces have killed key commander of banned terrorist outfit Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) named Asad Yousaf including his three friends in an intelligence-based op (IBO) in Balghtar area of Balochistan's district Panjgur.
Lets get a resolution in UN for banning BLA members to see the hypocrisy of certain countries...

So being a Pakistan takes you away from being a Muslim? Or do you want to claim being a Pakistani is supposed to be something more than being a Muslim?

And Pakistan did not teach me morals and how to treat people in war.|
Islam did.
Pakistan did not tell me how to spend my life and how to uplift my character and behavior.
Islam did.

So you can be whatever you want. But I'm a Muslim and so is almost the whole of the nation I live in. What we do is what Islam has taught us.
At what point did anyone said that?? Stop finding ways to polarize. Islam and Pakistan are not on the opposite poles. They are on the same pole.
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Yes agreed. Most of the times NACTA issues threat alerts mentioning hostile intelligence agencies even once they have confirm intel that its "Ettela'at".

Its their intelligence
hired guns.they are too brainless to be traitors. traitors are like hussain haqqani or Herbeyar Merri living in Dehli
Sir widen your list of traitors and include few more politicians and some holy cows , these are the mother cause of all terrorism,kill deep cause of disease not make the temporary healing,
Some do a gene test on this "Baluch" guy's corpse... I bet there is gonna be like 90% South Indian or Maharashtra something DNA in it.
Good keep killing those rented jabronis.
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