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KILL CONFIRMATION: Pakistani security forces have killed key commander of banned terrorist outfit Ba

Behead them, and put up their headless bodies in the areas where khusRAW is active.
Good riddance if true...
The enemies thought that if they increase pressure on our eastern border, our attention will be diverted but we did operation against the kidnappers and freed Irani guards (it was funny that Soleimani was threatening Pakistan though his guards cannot protect themselves from the kidnappers & smugglers :) ) and now we dispatched this BRA rat to hell to enjoy the company of his RAW masters..some of which are already there while rest will be joining them soon.
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We are Pakistanis.

But I agree in terms of treating dead bodies respectfully, even if not respecting the terrorists themselves.

So being a Pakistan takes you away from being a Muslim? Or do you want to claim being a Pakistani is supposed to be something more than being a Muslim?

And Pakistan did not teach me morals and how to treat people in war.|
Islam did.
Pakistan did not tell me how to spend my life and how to uplift my character and behavior.
Islam did.

So you can be whatever you want. But I'm a Muslim and so is almost the whole of the nation I live in. What we do is what Islam has taught us.
It's good but also sad that we reached that point that we had to kill our own people . They were lured by enemy but still they are our own.
I hope things will get better and we will be hard or impossible to lure.
So being a Pakistan takes you away from being a Muslim? Or do you want to claim being a Pakistani is supposed to be something more than being a Muslim?
Pakistan has Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Atheists, Agnostics. ... A plethora of beliefs.

So when you describe EVERYONE in Pakistan as ‘we are Muslims’, you are wrong.

That’s why I corrected you and said, ‘we are Pakistanis’.
Pakistan has Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Atheists, Agnostics. ... A plethora of beliefs.

So when you describe EVERYONE in Pakistan as ‘we are Muslims’, you are wrong.

That’s why I corrected you and said, ‘we are Pakistanis’.

Yes Pakistan does have all of those people and the varying beliefs.
But what we do as a "nation" is what Islam has taught us. Because, we are a nation that was demanded, created, and should be nurtured to practice and promote Islam.
That includes how we treat those other religions and people.
But what we do as a whole, is what we are supposed to do as Muslims.
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