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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa decides to withdraw army from Malakand

What couldbe expected from a traitor govt secretly financed & planed by the goldsmith Jew firm, well it was expected in the intell circle?
All Of efforts Are To Give Power To Mullha FM, By JI & PTI?
Thats The ultimate End Of stupid Politics of Extermism?
PTI+JI+TTP= Destruction Of The Nucks Of Pakistan The Ultimate Target?

You missed rothschilds and rockefellers. They have also financed PTI heavily.

You missed rothschilds and rockefellers. They have also financed PTI heavily.


dont know about them bt goldsmiths are the surest thing ?
never been investigated but if investigated, surly could find many in the dinners aranged in canada, US?
wana try?
shouldbe re written in the headings that its the surrender of kPK to TTp 2013 by JI+PTI?
It's about time. These areas have been ready for handover for quite some while. Normality needs to be restored and for that you need to take out the military and install competent civil institutions. I'm sure a reasonable force will remain there for quite a long time, if not permanently.

wasnt it called in to aid the provincial govt by the provincial govt itself ?

yes that is true when Army liberated the area from talibans, but later the army presence itself was troublesome for the locals. many issues arose.

however, the intelligence presence should remain there so to monitor any terrorist activity, unlike previous times when mullah radio kept airing without an check.

Not quite. It was more to the sense of not wanting to be ruled by an iron fist, as is the case with every military. However peaceful, military rule doesn't really let you be as much at ease as you'd like to be.
Not quite. It was more to the sense of not wanting to be ruled by an iron fist, as is the case with every military. However peaceful, military rule doesn't really let you be as much at ease as you'd like to be.

u r saying the same thing as I.
Ah, ok then. Thought you were hinting that problems arisen there between the locals and the military due to the later's presence.

and how what you said is different?
and how what you said is different?

Oh yar one is serious the other is very normal and not a big deal. You know, being uneasy with someone vs having a problem with someone. Like my friend is uneasy around his dad but he doesn't have a problem with him.
Oh yar one is serious the other is very normal and not a big deal. You know, being uneasy with someone vs having a problem with someone. Like my friend is uneasy around his dad but he doesn't have a problem with him.

... :) I didnt say that they have a problem with The Army, its obvious that the later's presence is uncomfortable for the locals, especially when it acts imperialist. bad dad !
... :) I didnt say that they have a problem with The Army, its obvious that the later's presence is uncomfortable for the locals, especially when it acts imperialist. bad dad !

Haha. Yeah, especially with the Swati temperament for interpersonal intricacies ;D
well then make it at undeveloped areas, far away from civlian facilities, and not occupying locals' land.

Cantonments are always made far away from population but in Pakistan the city's development starts moving towards the cantonment.
what next Ik will be dining in with TTP as qaim ali shah with liyari gansters !!

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