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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa decides to withdraw army from Malakand

I think this is bullsh!t. Security is the prerogative of the Army. If the threat perception is high, the army will continue to operate in the area. A civilian dispensation especially at the state level, has no jurisdiction over the army in operational matters.
Swat people were feeling more comfortable having army there as it had brought back peace to an extent that we had seen music galas there recently.

anyway its bit peaceful so may be thats why but we must be careful to the return of the terrorists who are under patronage of Afghanistan the famouse mulla of Swat .They are still hosted by Afghanistan and they refused to hand them over to us.

They will try to use them again.
Exactly, because I remember (pls correct me if I am wrong) that army had withdrawn once from swat after operation but militants reemerged. Locals of swat would need lashkars to counter talibans which has its own implications. I think KPK govt should first chalk out a plan of strengthening the local security infrastructure so that local law enforcement may have the ability to thwart any potential invasion from TTP. Plus Swat was one of the active tourism destinations so ensuring peace here is vital to domestic economy too.
wasnt it called in to aid the provincial govt by the provincial govt itself ?

yes that is true when Army liberated the area from talibans, but later the army presence itself was troublesome for the locals. many issues arose.

however, the intelligence presence should remain there so to monitor any terrorist activity, unlike previous times when mullah radio kept airing without an check.

Wasn't this much beyond IS Duty /In Aid To Civ Power? Here the state has been attacked and even invaded by forces external as well those mustered internally. COIN is really not IS Duty.
withdrawing the army from the area before making a proper arrangement for civilian rule and without proper planning with be very dangerous
Yes when army is called to aid the provincial government as in this case, it can terminate the services too...

@nuclearpak any guess why would a awami govt do this? the only reason is because the military presence was a great nuisance for the locals and they were fed up of military presence and unnecessary quarrels.

@Pukhtoon @AstanoshKhan bhai this !!

withdrawing army from civilian areas is the need of the hour.

Yes they should call army back from swat malakand But not from Lower and Upper Dir ,, Bajour and other near areas of the border... As for as swat ... its heaven again...
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Police job is to patrol and shot down trouble makers , let them do their job give them better weapons and tools
What couldbe expected from a traitor govt secretly financed & planed by the goldsmith Jew firm, well it was expected in the intell circle?
All Of efforts Are To Give Power To Mullha FM, By JI & PTI?
Thats The ultimate End Of stupid Politics of Extermism?
PTI+JI+TTP= Destruction Of The Nucks Of Pakistan The Ultimate Target?
Actually swatis were getting uncomfortable with continued presence of army despite of peace. They were asking "operation tou khatam hogaya hey, taliban bi nahi hain, yey fauji jatay kyun nahi".....

Lets be honest civilians become uncomfortable with presence of so many "alert" faujis in the area, kashmiris feel the same in india.

But there is another point....swatis are non-traditional pakhtuns, no tradition of jirga and lashkar, notion of warrior race doesnt apply to them....they easily went into the hands of Mullah fazlulah men, most of taliban were outsiders....then army had to rescue these teddy bears, and after military operation i have seen them whining about damages inflicted on their swat by army operation....they can not take care of themeselves so a small army cantontment need to built in swat.
@nuclearpak, @Leader
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Actually swatis were getting uncomfortable with continued presence of army despite of peace. They were asking "operation tou khatam hogaya hey, taliban bi nahi hain, yey fauji jatay kyun nahi".....

Lets be honest civilians become uncomfortable with presence of so many "alert" faujis in the area, kashmiris feel the same in india.

But there is another point....swatis are non-traditional pakhtuns, no tradition of jirga and lashkar, notion of warrior race doesnt apply to them....they easily went into the hands of Mullah fazlulah men, most of taliban were outsiders....then army had to rescue these teddy bears, and after military operation i have seen them whining about damages inflicted on their swat by army operation....they can not take care of themeselves so a small army cantontment need to built in swat.
@nuclearpak, @Leader

Yes all The Sawati S Want Mullaha FM, The Khalifaa,e Sani Back To Kill More Mallala,s?
What A Funny Perception, JI & Extermists Using PTI As Thier Golden Horse?
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i am for more prem cantonment in northern areas and FATA

and in Baluchistan for sure..
Problem is being created in Baluchistan because of its massive mineral/natural resources like copper, gold, gas and much more. Government need to treat Baluchistan on priority as any development of country, when it comes, will be on credit of our Baluch province. we haven't exploited its true potential.
Provincial govt can do that ??? :blink:

provincial government called army in aid of civil power and they can take their request back on purpose is achieved. They should have called back much early but ANP government failed to put civil administration in place and army had to stay there. Now if PTI government thinks to bring back things to normal by bringing back civil administration they should be appreciated.
Actually swatis were getting uncomfortable with continued presence of army despite of peace. They were asking "operation tou khatam hogaya hey, taliban bi nahi hain, yey fauji jatay kyun nahi".....

Lets be honest civilians become uncomfortable with presence of so many "alert" faujis in the area, kashmiris feel the same in india.

But there is another point....swatis are non-traditional pakhtuns, no tradition of jirga and lashkar, notion of warrior race doesnt apply to them....they easily went into the hands of Mullah fazlulah men, most of taliban were outsiders....then army had to rescue these teddy bears, and after military operation i have seen them whining about damages inflicted on their swat by army operation....they can not take care of themeselves so a small army cantontment need to built in swat.
@nuclearpak, @Leader

no need for such local state within the state systems. Swat has always been peaceful land of very upright people, the State system is enough to manage the affairs.

withdrawing army is a right decision by the KPK govt. however intelligence network should remain vigilant to monitor any terrorist activity or movement so to give civilian authority an extra eye.
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