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Khamenei wants Iran to carry out direct reprisal rather than relying on proxies

I don't understand why we are fighting with one another? and @Maarkhoor why you have asked that "is Pakistan included in US alleys?" why unnecessarily bringing Pakistan in this issue?
I agree with @Alternatiiv on all other points that yes we didn't take revenge and Musharraf was the most stupidest general and president. like when US bombed madrassa in Bajaur and 100s of children died there, this scumbag has taken responsibility on him and thus we made the families of those children become terrorist.
Back to the topic in my opinion Iran too will be very fool to directly engage US as it will be like a suicide but still will be far better than us as we have really sunk very low.

However, the point is, this thread is all about Iran response and is between Iran and US. why we are bringing Pakistan into this? and why are we bringing sectarian things here. I will pray for every innocent people that would be affected by this skirmish and Muslims too irrespective of their sects.

Brother, he is paid for this. Here at this forum he calls himself an ISI Officer lol. While hes just a freelance propagandist sitting at home and bringing up Pakistan as an enemy to Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei calls for direct attack on American interests and head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard vows to 'set ablaze' US allies in revenge for Qassem Soleimani's death
  • Khamenei wants Iran to carry out direct reprisal rather than relying on proxies
  • The supreme leader wept over Soleimani's coffin at his Tehran funeral yesterday
  • Revolutionary guard chief Hossein Salami vowed revenge at another procession

PUBLISHED: 10:45 GMT, 7 January 2020 | UPDATED: 10:47 GMT, 7 January 2020

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called for a direct attack on US interests in revenge for the death of Qassem Soleimani while the head of Iran's revolutionary guard vowed to 'set ablaze' American allies.

Khamenei has ordered Iranian forces to carry out a direct retaliation rather than relying on Tehran's proxies in the region.

The supreme leader, who wept in public over Soleimani's coffin in Tehran yesterday, has vowed 'severe revenge' for the drone strike which killed the general.

Meanwhile the revolutionary guard chief Hossein Salami told mourners at Soleimani's funeral today that Iran would hit places supported by Washington.


Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (pictured in Tehran yesterday) has called for a direct attack on US interests following the death of Qassem Soleimani

Salami made the pledge before a crowd of thousands gathered in a central square in Kerman, where a deadly stampede later broke out.

'The martyr Qassem Soleimani is more powerful... now that he is dead,' the revolutionary guards leader told mourners today.

'The enemy killed him unjustly. We will take revenge. We will set ablaze where they like,' Salami said, drawing cries of 'Death to Israel!'

He also praised Soleimani's exploits as leader of the guards' expeditionary Quds Force, which had backed Yemeni rebels and militias in Iraq and Syria.

Khamenei made a rare appearance at a meeting of the Iranian National Security Council on Monday to plot Iran's response, The New York Times reported.

In a sign of Iran's fury, Khamenei wants Iran to carry out reprisals itself rather than relying on its proxies in the region as it has frequently done in the past.


Khamenei has ordered Iranian forces to carry out a direct retaliation against US interests after an American drone strike killed military commander Qassem Soleimani (pictured)

Tehran says it has worked up 13 sets of plans for revenge for Soleimani's killing, but has not provided details.

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, said that even the weakest among them would be a 'historic nightmare' for the U.S.

'If the U.S. troops do not leave our region voluntarily and upright, we will do something to carry their bodies horizontally out,' Shamkhani said.

American forces are braced for retaliation and the US-led coalition against ISIS said in a statement that it was pausing its fight against the jihadists to shore up its own defences.

One official said the US anticipated a 'major' attack of some type within the next day or two.

There are also fears that Iran will harass shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, which is critical to the world's oil supply.


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (fourth from right), Iranian president Hassan Rouhani (fifth from right) and others mourn over Soleimani's casket in Tehran yesterday


Iranians carry the coffin during the funeral ceremony of Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Quds Forces, who was killed in a US drone strike in Iraq

Donald Trump has threatened a 'disproportionate response' targeting cultural sites if Iran strikes, brushing off claims that such an action could be considered a war crime.

The president said America had lined up attacks on 52 targets 'important to Iran and the Iranian culture', representing the number of Americans held hostage at the US embassy in Tehran after a raid in 1979.

Iran's parliament has meanwhile passed an urgent bill declaring the US military's command at the Pentagon and those acting on its behalf as 'terrorists.'

The measure appears to be an attempt to mirror a decision by Trump in April to declare the Revolutionary Guard a 'terrorist organization.'

The US Defense Department used the Guard's designation as a terror organization in to support the strike near Baghdad airport that killed Soleimani.

Iranian lawmakers hurried the bill through with a special procedure today while some chanted 'Death to America'.

The vote also saw lawmakers approve funding for the Quds Force with an additional £170million.

US forces on high alert for possible Iranian drone attacks, and intelligence shows Iran moving military equipment

Washington (CNN)US forces and air-defense missile batteries across the Middle East were placed on high alert overnight Monday to possibly shoot down Iranian drones as intelligence mounted about a threat of an imminent attack against US targets, two US officials tell CNN.

The alert reflects the heightened tensions between the US and Iran in the wake of last week's US drone strike that killed a top Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani. US officials have claimed the strike against the general was carried out to prevent an "imminent" attack in the region that put American lives at risk, but have so far declined to provide further details.

"There were indications that we needed to monitor the threats" even more closely than is already being done, one of the US officials said. The second official described it as "all Patriot batteries and forces in the area on high alert" against an "imminent attack threat."

Iran has put missiles on its drones that have been used in other attacks, including a significant attack on Saudi oil installations last year. While forces have already been on high alert for several days, they were even more vigilant Monday night, both officials said.

Based on the intelligence, the US was watching for potential attacks specifically against US locations in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan.

US intelligence also has observed Iran moving military equipment, including drones and ballistic missiles, over the last several days. US officials said the movement may be an Iranian effort to secure its weapons for a potential US strike, or put them in positions to launch their own attacks.

Tuesday morning, national security adviser Robert O'Brien said the US had intelligence leading to the Soleimani killing that American diplomats, facilities and military personnel were at risk of attack.

"He was plotting to kill, to attack American facilities and diplomats, soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines (who) were located at those facilities, correct," O'Brien said during a gaggle with reporters at the White House.
O'Brien would not provide additional details on the threat, only saying the US had "strong evidence and strong intelligence."

Pressed as to whether there continues to be an imminent threat, O'Brien said, "I think the Iranians are talking about retaliating every day in the open sources and we're monitoring it and we're taking it very seriously."
CNN's Betsy Klein and Joe Johns contributed to this report.
US allies??? Seriously?? The US airforce kills ur top celebrity general and after all the tall rhetoric and chest thumping you will take revenge on a US ally?
I think Muslim scholars should issue fatwa that any attack on Muslims hurting civilians will be considered as national actions (religious action of one religion on another) and can be avenged in the same way. For example if India kills our civilians we kill their civilians. If US kills Iran's civilians Iran kills civilians in the Europe. If any Palestinian gets martyred then civilians die in Israel. This will make Christians realize who are the criminals of humanity that are using them as human shields.

We as Muslims must solve this problem we just cannot be always afraid of Nukes falling on our civilians and let humanity suffer.
Iran won't retaliate right away, no against a super power like the USA. They will do it in phases 1) diplomatic (i.e. exerting influence on the Iraqi government to pass laws banning US troops in Iraq, exiting from the JCPOA, designating the US as a terrorist organization LOL, and other diplomatic efforts in the region and the world to put more pressure on the US. 2) Eventual kinetic confrontation via proxies such as small attacks across the region, IEDs, sniper, mortar, etc. 3) potential but unlikely direct confrontation by targeting US assets and persons in the region via long range missile strikes. The later will most likely happen a long time from now if things continue to escalate.
I think Muslim scholars should issue fatwa that any attack on Muslims hurting civilians will be considered as national actions (religious action of one religion on another) and can be avenged in the same way. For example if India kills our civilians we kill their civilians. If US kills Iran's civilians Iran kills civilians in the Europe. If any Palestinian gets martyred then civilians die in Israel. This will make Christians realize who are the criminals of humanity that are using them as human shields.

We as Muslims must solve this problem we just cannot be always afraid of Nukes falling on our civilians and let humanity suffer.

Islam isn't Christianity or Judaism where scholars can go against Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saww) and people believe them.

Fatwas are also issued on issues that are vague that a layman wouldn't know. Not on issues that Allah has clearly ordered how to proceed. Fatwas are also not on whims and desires of one scholar for some country rather they have a specific procedure and must be agreed upon by the majority. ISIS has also issued fatwas, why don't you join their fight and follow through on their fatwas?

You want to gain victory? Do what Islam teaches you. Muslims have abandoned Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saww) especially our leaders and we expect victory?
Sounds boring when the talks of revenge is for an elite commander that has been blown into pieces by your staunch enemy

Hold your horses! If this happened to Bajwa (some may argue it happened to Zia ul haq) you think we would have done something by now, matter of fact we would have taken the blood money and shut up.
US Created Al-Qaeda and ISIS to Destroy Islamic Countries and Security of I$rael

The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history.

The CIA first aligned itself with extremist Islam during the Cold War era. Back then, America saw the world in rather simple terms: on one side, the Soviet Union and Third World nationalism, which America regarded as a Soviet tool; on the other side, Western nations and militant political Islam, which America considered an ally in the struggle against the Soviet Union.

The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan, General William Odom recently remarked, “by any measure the U.S. has long used terrorism. In 1978-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the U.S. would be in violation.”

During the 1970’s the CIA used the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a barrier, both to thwart Soviet expansion and prevent the spread of Marxist ideology among the Arab masses. The United States also openly supported Sarekat Islam against Sukarno in Indonesia, and supported the Jamaat-e-Islami terror group against Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan. Last but certainly not least, there is Al Qaeda.

Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the 1980’s. Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, told the House of Commons that Al Qaeda was unquestionably a product of Western intelligence agencies. Mr. Cook explained that Al Qaeda, which literally means an abbreviation of “the database” in Arabic, was originally the computer database of the thousands of Islamist extremists, who were trained by the CIA and funded by the Saudis, in order to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.

America’s relationship with Al Qaeda has always been a love-hate affair. Depending on whether a particular Al Qaeda terrorist group in a given region furthers American interests or not, the U.S. State Department either funds or aggressively targets that terrorist group. Even as American foreign policy makers claim to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly foment it as a weapon of foreign policy.

The Islamic State is its latest weapon that, much like Al Qaeda, is certainly backfiring. ISIS recently rose to international prominence after its thugs began beheading American journalists.

Now the terrorist group controls an area the size of the United Kingdom.

In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots. The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root. America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration. The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs. Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence. Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) used to have a different name: Al Qaeda in Iraq. After 2010 the group rebranded and refocused its efforts on Syria.

There are essentially three wars being waged in Syria: one between the government and the rebels, another between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and yet another between America and Russia. It is this third, neo-Cold War battle that made U.S. foreign policy makers decide to take the risk of arming Islamist rebels in Syria, because Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, is a key Russian ally. Rather embarrassingly, many of these Syrian rebels have now turned out to be ISIS thugs, who are openly brandishing American-made M16 Assault rifles.

America’s Middle East policy revolves around oil and Israel. The invasion of Iraq has partially satisfied Washington’s thirst for oil, but ongoing air strikes in Syria and economic sanctions on Iran have everything to do with Israel. The goal is to deprive Israel’s neighboring enemies, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestine’s Hamas, of crucial Syrian and Iranian support.

ISIS is not merely an instrument of terror used by America to topple the Syrian government; it is also used to put pressure on Iran.

The last time Iran invaded another nation was in 1738. Since independence in 1776, the U.S. has been engaged in over 53 military invasions and expeditions. Despite what the Western media’s war cries would have you believe, Iran is clearly not the threat to regional security, Washington is. An Intelligence Report published in 2012, endorsed by all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, confirms that Iran ended its nuclear weapons program in 2003. Truth is, any Iranian nuclear ambition, real or imagined, is as a result of American hostility towards Iran, and not the other way around.

America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance.

By rapidly increasing both government secrecy and surveillance, Mr. Obama’s government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing its citizens’ power to watch their government. Terrorism is an excuse to justify mass surveillance, in preparation for mass revolt.

The so-called “War on Terror” should be seen for what it really is: a pretext for maintaining a dangerously oversized U.S. military. The two most powerful groups in the U.S. foreign policy establishment are the Israel lobby, which directs U.S. Middle East policy, and the Military-Industrial-Complex, which profits from the former group’s actions. Since George W. Bush declared the “War on Terror” in October 2001, it has cost the American taxpayer approximately 6.6 trillion dollars and thousands of fallen sons and daughters; but, the wars have also raked in billions of dollars for Washington’s military elite.

In fact, more than seventy American companies and individuals have won up to $27 billion in contracts for work in postwar Iraq and Afghanistan over the last three years, according to a recent study by the Center for Public Integrity. According to the study, nearly 75 per cent of these private companies had employees or board members, who either served in, or had close ties to, the executive branch of the Republican and Democratic administrations, members of Congress, or the highest levels of the military.

In 1997, a U.S. Department of Defense report stated, “the data show a strong correlation between U.S. involvement abroad and an increase in terrorist attacks against the U.S.” Truth is, the only way America can win the “War On Terror” is if it stops giving terrorists the motivation and the resources to attack America. Terrorism is the symptom; American imperialism in the Middle East is the cancer. Put simply, the War on Terror is terrorism; only, it is conducted on a much larger scale by people with jets and missiles.

Iran won't retaliate right away, no against a super power like the USA. They will do it in phases 1) diplomatic (i.e. exerting influence on the Iraqi government to pass laws banning US troops in Iraq, exiting from the JCPOA, designating the US as a terrorist organization LOL, and other diplomatic efforts in the region and the world to put more pressure on the US. 2) Eventual kinetic confrontation via proxies such as small attacks across the region, IEDs, sniper, mortar, etc. 3) potential but unlikely direct confrontation by targeting US assets and persons in the region via long range missile strikes. The later will most likely happen a long time from now if things continue to escalate.
It will. There is zero doubt about it ....
Islam isn't Christianity or Judaism where scholars can go against Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saww) and people believe them.

Fatwas are also issued on issues that are vague that a layman wouldn't know. Not on issues that Allah has been very clear on. Fatwas are also not on whims and desires of one scholar for some country rather they have a specific procedure and must be agreed upon by the majority. ISIS has also issued fatwas, why don't you join their fight and follow through on their fatwas?

Allah has set rules of killing his creation and strict rules to follow, no scholar in Islam can challenge it if he wants to be Muslim.

You want to gain victory? Do what Islam teaches you. Muslims have abandoned Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saww) especially our leaders and we expect victory?

In the past nations fought against nations. Whole Muslims fought against whole Mushrekeens. We just cannot consider civilians as those who are not fighting. They agreed on democracy, voted, payed tax to their governments and armies who kill our civilians.

I think this will not be against teachings of Allah subhan wa taala. This way we will just keep on burying our civilians and practically there will be no resistance ever.
In the past nations fought against nations. Whole Muslims fought against whole Mushrekeens. We just cannot consider civilians as those who are not fighting. They agreed on democracy, voted, payed tax to their governments and armies who kill our civilians.

I think this will not be against teachings of Allah subhan wa taala. This way we will just keep on burying our civilians and practically there will be no resistance ever.

Allah has clearly said our religion Islam is complete. The rules of warfare are clear too as it comes under way of life.

Don't let emotions get the best of you. I know it really hurts to see innocents get martyred but there's great wisdom in teachings of Islam.

That wisdom isn't always apparent to us immediately.
Nasrallah made a weird hand gesture like time out. What is that dude telling?
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