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Khadim Rizvi under house arrest

Because he is not in jail and in his house under arrest. Please read the title. Yes conservatives are a problem but so are liberals who are trying their best to provoke a violence by poking the other side.
I think the middle ground is usually the way forward, both militants and pseudo-liberals need to understand the importance of being pragmatic, all of course within the ambit of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.Kudos bhai
I have no opinion on this I have stated the law. I have seen many trolls online trying to provoke tlp my only concern here is that my country remains peaceful. Which it will. TLP tried to pressure a court decision which was wrong because justice is not dependent on democracy but it is dependent on evidence.

Liberals are celebrating this as victory but I will celebrate this as victory for law.
Brother. I always take stand base on Islam and Pakistani Laws. Law should not be base on person but it treat everyone equal way. IK must also punish what he said and did in past and NO ONE ABOVE LAW AND PAKISTAN. Everyone must treat equally
I think the middle ground is usually the way forward, both militants and pseudo-liberals need to understand the importance of being pragmatic, all of course within the ambit of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.Kudos bhai

Yes bro we need to find a middle ground. This nation has both school of thoughts and this nation has to serve the interests of both sides.

Brother. I always take stand base on Islam and Pakistani Laws. Law should not be base on person but it treat everyone equal way. IK must also punish what he said and did in past and NO ONE ABOVE LAW AND PAKISTAN. Everyone must treat equally

If you are going to bring up past cases the lawyer made most destruction and so on. We are not doing a crack down here bro just trying to ensure a lawful country. Khadim is not in jail but under house arrest. It all will be good soon in the best interests of this nation.

Our constitution and our state is responsible for defending our religion and trust them they will defend it.
I have to say that this forum was a soothing touch when the TLP goons were burning and rioting a few weeks ago and the govt did nothing to stop them; like the Dawn.com editorial, I too was very upset with the govt then. But then some forum members, especially from the UK and elsewhere in the West, said that govts often allow such riots but only to 'tag' the rioters for a later response. Seems like Imran Khan's govt has just done exactly that.

Also, the way Mr. K.H. Rizvi went about issuing threats against the State of Pakistan, made it just about impossible for anyone in Pakistan to defend him--no one, perhaps not even really mullahs like Maulana Diesel, would really support who was an obviously illiterate person over-reaching... The State of Pakistan correctly sensed that Rizvi is not a Maulana Moudoodi.

Having said all this... I don't think a person should be tried for criticizing courts' decisions or even for inciting the military officials to commit mutiny. We liberals--and I proudly include myself into that--want free speech so long as it doesn't lead to violence or restrict others' freedoms. Mr. Rizvi is a good candidate to be tried for actual acts of violence on the roads of Pakistan. So Godspeed on those trials!!
You were doing so well until the bold part..

Incitement to kill jpudges and cheif of army staff is treason and traitors should be dealt with. This man is everything islam is against and people support this animal. Sorry but i am all for ftre speech that however DOES NOT INCLUDE ANARCHY
Yes bro we need to find a middle ground. This nation has both school of thoughts and this nation has to serve the interests of both sides.

If you are going to bring up past cases the lawyer made most destruction and so on. We are not doing a crack down here bro just trying to ensure a lawful country. Khadim is not in jail but under house arrest. It all will be good soon in the best interests of this nation.

Our constitution and our state is responsible for defending our religion and trust them they will defend it.
No, here i am showing that where we made mistakes and we must correct it no matter who.
Remember what our Prophet teach us.
This by definition will lead to violence and a breakdown in discipline which will leave the nation at the mercy of its enemies, wouldn't the Gangadeshis love Pakistani citizens to openly call for mutiny at the top of their voices as to make it an perfectly acceptable demand to debate and possibly implement,,,, my dear chap if one wishes for a mutiny in Pak army, he/she should be immediately apprehended PERIOD as their is a very thin line preventing us from complete chaos, on one side you have US/Nato/hostile Afghanistan and on the other side Gangadesh and us stuck right in the middle, a very tough neighbourhood indeed.

Your comments are frankly a contradiction, and do bear in mind the fact that the only reason these pseudo-liberlas have a high degree of freedom to express their views is due to the bravery and immense sacrifices of Pak military ever since the inception of glorious Pakistan!

We are getting off-topic and I think there should be a separate topic for that one day. But, hey, it's PDF so...

No. I stand my ground. CALLING for mutiny in the armed forces is not an act of sedition. Why should that be a threat? Are the Armed Forces of Pakistan THAT amenable to the media calls, especially by an obviously ignorant person like Mr. Rizvi? Similarly, criticizing decisions of judges is not a prosecutable offense. Are the judges angels?

A nation, which disallows dissent, goes into intellectual inbreeding. As I see it, Pakistan is well ahead of India and many countries in press freedom and intellectual discourse--Indian press often makes me PUKE! And it's healthy for Pakistan to be such...

And, no, no one granted us 'pseudo liberals' freedoms. Pakistani society has evolved. People like General Musharraf--a very liberal person at heart-- clearly saw that General Zia ul Haq's era was over. Musharraf let the evolution continue. So the freedoms in Pakistan are natural: They have come to fruition because of the evolution of the Pakistani society. I will, however, remain grateful to the Pak Armed Forces for their sacrifices in tackling terrorism.
Article 6 is long overdue for Punjabi Sufi Muhammad wanna be
They should let him know in no uncertain terms that if he wishes to further destabilize the nation that their will be severe consequences for him and his family, they should whisper in his ears the story of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, what happened to their leadership etc, I am sure this money obsessed charlatan will suddenly become pro-Pak as they get:lol:

CALLING for mutiny in the armed forces is not an act of sedition
My dear chap I beg to differ!!!!...This is not Switzerland we are living in, but a nation that is fighting a war, a "fifth gen war" and folk like you are playing into the hands of the enemy (who needs enemies when we have folks like you among us), BTW as a Pakistan patriot I absolutely detest your comments, have a good day!!!!!
so are liberals who are trying their best to provoke a violence by poking the other side.
How so? Please do elaborate?

Similarly, criticizing decisions of judges is not a prosecutable offense. Are the judges angels?
No. But inciting murder of judges or anybody is.

CALLING for mutiny in the armed forces is not an act of sedition. Why should that be a threat?
Please read -

noun: sedition; plural noun: seditions
conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
synonyms: incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, rabble-rousing, fomentation (of discontent), troublemaking, provocation, inflaming; More

Awaiting your opinion on above. We must do the same and no one above the law
Did PTI ask for murder of anybody or implore the army to mutiny against GHQ?
We are getting off-topic and I think there should be a separate topic for that one day. But, hey, it's PDF so...

No. I stand my ground. CALLING for mutiny in the armed forces is not an act of sedition. Why should that be a threat? Are the Armed Forces of Pakistan THAT amenable to the media calls, especially by an obviously ignorant person like Mr. Rizvi? Similarly, criticizing decisions of judges is not a prosecutable offense. Are the judges angels?

A nation, which disallows dissent, goes into intellectual inbreeding. As I see it, Pakistan is well ahead of India and many countries in press freedom and intellectual discourse--Indian press often makes me PUKE! And it's healthy for Pakistan to be such...

And, no, no one granted us 'pseudo liberals' freedoms. Pakistani society has evolved. People like General Musharraf--a very liberal person at heart-- clearly saw that General Zia ul Haq's era was over. Musharraf let the evolution continue. So the freedoms in Pakistan are natural: They have come to fruition because of the evolution of the Pakistani society. I will, however, remain grateful to the Pak Armed Forces for their sacrifices in tackling terrorism.

Asking for a violent rebellion with the focus on killing high profile leaders such as COAS, or even the Judge, does not come under freedom of expression, and is considered a threat as well as an action of severe and extreme sedition, in ANY sane state, even in the Democratic west. Pretty sure it's common sense that it is a clear threat.

Also, the following is the definition of sedition.

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
synonyms: incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, rabble-rousing, fomentation (of discontent), troublemaking, provocation, inflaming; More
How so? Please do elaborate?

No. But inciting murder of judges or anybody is.

Please read -

noun: sedition; plural noun: seditions
conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
synonyms: incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, rabble-rousing, fomentation (of discontent), troublemaking, provocation, inflaming; More

Did PTI ask for murder of anybody or implore the army to mutiny against GHQ?

This guy is paid piper of PML-N. But be that as it may and I detest him he has not killed anybody or led a mob to burn Pakistan. He is just indulging in partisan politics against PTI government. Leave alone asking for army to mutiny against GHQ.

And please tell me how is he provoking TLP?

Have I justified khadim any where? I am saying the sick of both side and I am well justified in it. Why cannot both sides rest their agendas and let this country roll?

One will come with umma chuma and other will come for Israeli chuma. Where should we common Pakistani's go?

Only way forward is to shut them both.
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