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Khadim Rizvi under house arrest

Hai na?? Things have been on the right track for some year or so now. At times it seemed that all of it was merely an illusion but it is getting more and more real now. :)
Just a reminder, there will be set backs and events presented as set backs. Again, need to keep faith and hope and move forward.

Waz, its a house arrest for now. But i will say again, things have MashAllah started to take shape now and we may well finally be at the corner of a new, better and prosperous era.

i see the new babaylon being build in pakistan====lazerus himself decended from helll to chip in extra hours with idiot imran at helm ON U=TURN CHOWK
You identified the problem with mad mullahs a long time ago yourself :D

So far nothing but there is significant presence of police and rangers on all twin city choke points
Atleast this time around there are precautions.
They should stranglehold T chowk and GT road into Rawalpindi. Instead of just cordoning off Islamabad. This way we dont get screwed.
i see the new babaylon being build in pakistan====lazerus himself decended from helll to chip in extra hours with idiot imran at helm ON U=TURN CHOWK
Well, to each his own!! You see what you have been trained for :P
Ap kaa kasoor nai ap ka leaders na kahi k nahi chora ap ko :P :D
No they don't. Did you pull that one out of your posterior? Give me the source or rationale for this please
My argument was if Indian Muslims have a right of national home in Pakistan, why can't Jewish Palestinians have the same right in Israel? Both Israel and Pakistan are born out of nationalist movements of religious people.
Rangers, water canons and guard dogs all over Faizabad
Any chance of pictures. Media seems to have told to observe blackout for obvious reasons. This does look like begining of change. If TLP leaders face due process and are found guiltry it will be a great day for Pakistan. Certainly message to the world will be Pakistan is a functioning democracy with rule of law. Rest of world are going to have to eat their predictions not long ago of "failed Pakistan".

Just to clarify those of us who are celebrating are not doing it because we are against Islam. Far from it. We are merely sick of people who under the guise Islam use it for their own political agenda. What is so Islamc about burning Pakistan because you disagree with Supreme Court of Pakistan.? We can't have a society that whenever the courts make a decision people don't like, they end up burning Pakistan. What is so Islamic about that?

Let's get one thing clear. For nearly 100 years up till 1849 marauding Sikhs ruled most of what is now Pakistan. Lahore saw it's mosques being dismantled and stone being used to build Sikh gurdwara's. Then the Sikhs fought with new face on the land at Battle of Gujrat in 1847 to see who was going to be our new master while our ancestors just looked on. Then the English Raj took over from the Sikhs for next 98 years. Somebody please tell me how can Islam be in danger today when we have our own Pakistan with nearly 97% Muslim majority?

If Islam could survive for nearly 200 years of Sikh and British opression clearly it shows we don;t need any self declared guards of Islam today. Islam is bigger then any of us and will be here long after our mortal remains have perished which only have fragile existence of max 90 odd yeas of life yet some of us in that short time begin to think Islam rests on our shoulders. Remember when the Sikhs or English ruled us there was no TLP etc.

If that's the case then you can expect good times ahead for Pakistan.

Short term of violence and instability will be followed by long term peace where you can focus on improving your nation. Totally worth it. Chinese did that and had great success. Bangladesh did it on a much smaller scale. And enjoying some success.
Indeed. We hope Pakistan also has turned a corner and is now facing the demons that it should have faced long time ago before they wrecked Pakistan. To be sure Pakistan is also under threat from secular groups like BLA but one look at the last 20 years exposes the ugly reality that the so called religious groups have most blood on their hands. When the world issues travel warnings about Pakistan the biggest percieved threat is the Islamists and not secularists. We must also note that this is not a western thing but equally eastern as well. It's not like the Chinese, Japanese or Koreans feel safe either in Pakistan.

And I coulfd not possibly sum it better then our Turkish member here -

This guy's a representative of the imported fake Muslim identity which is ideologically and physically fighting the Pakistani state. The state, however, is what is making Pakistan Pakistan and shielding and protecting its people from Hindu dominance. In other words, this guy is threatening the very existence of Pakistan. Getting rid of him means that the self-regulating forces of Pakistan are working.

The coming days and weeks may get heated but fever isn't a sign of illness; it's a sign of healing.

Naya Pakistan starts today. Better late than never.
Any latest news? The last I heard 1600 of TLP workers got arrested and the life everywhere is normal again..

I expected a bit of strong showing by TLP, not that I wanted it. But I guess, TLP k gubaray se bhi hva nikal gye...
Times like these i almost have a soft corner for the likes for Merine Le Pen
Sometimes I feel of dying from shame when I see how two faced these folks are, living in the West and then cursing at them. He's probably employed there, has friends there and has a brighter future there than most of his compatriots, yet he chooses the way of violence not only against the Dutch but his fellow Pakistanis as well.
My argument was if Indian Muslims have a right of national home in Pakistan
You know they don't. If they do please cite me the law?

Both Israel and Pakistan are born out of nationalist movements of religious people.
Pakistan was born out of a pseudo-Islam and merely use of religion to secure economic interests. This process led by default to making of Pakistan as much as British attempt at running a trading company to make profit led to making of India.

This can't be compared to Israel which is a genuine Jewish state and I can cite 'Aliya' in Israeli constitution which gives right to any Jew from and part of the globe to migrate to Israel and recieve automatic citizenship. Does Pakistan have similiar 'Aliya' right open to Muslims? If not please stop comparing.


"The State of Israel's Law of Return gives Jews and their descendants automatic rights regarding residency and Israeli citizenship."
I have to travel out of city on monday on official business and need to get back the same day, r things normal on gt road or motorway

On a
You know they don't. If they do please cite me the law?
Pakistan was born out of a pseudo-Islam and merely use of religion to secure economic interests. This process led by default to making of Pakistan as much as British attempt at running a trading company to make profit led to making of India.
This can't be compared to Israel which is a genuine Jewish state and I can cite 'Aliya' in Israeli constitution which gives right to any Jew from and part of the globe to migrate to Israel and recieve automatic citizenship. Does Pakistan have similiar 'Aliya' right open to Muslims? If not please stop comparing.
"The State of Israel's Law of Return gives Jews and their descendants automatic rights regarding residency and Israeli citizenship."
I am not talking about current laws but ideological roots that led to establishment of both Israel and Pakistan. The narratives are strikingly similar. Jews were oppressed in the world so they sought after a national home closer to their ancestral roots, that is Jerusalem.
Indian Muslims were oppressed too, so they had similar demand. Both nations were born only a year apart. And they have been in constant conflict with their neighbors ever since.
So Muslim nationalism in India = Pakistan movement = Pakistan
And Jewish nationalism in Palestine = Zionism = Israel
Both nations have equal rights to exist
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