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Khadim Rizvi under house arrest

@Indus Pakistan @BHarwana @Horus @war&peace @koolio
Presstitute (Sahafati Tawaif)


he needs a treatment like Hamid mir :)
To be honest American politics is so skewed that it barely resembles what we have in UK or Western Europe. American Democrats would barely fit with Conservatives in UK. The American political continuum is jigged so far right that Labour in USA would be called 'commie bas*tards'.

I disagree. Zionism is just a Jewish form of extremism and akin to Al Qaida and thuis religious fundamentalism.

Tell about I use to work for Democratic and Republican campaigns in the past and I was the Vice Chairman of the Local Libertarian Party,Democratic Party loves degenrates and migrants so much they will legalize MS 13 to get votes Republicans **** them they wolf Israeli balls and think Israel is some deity and btw the last good American Politician was Ron Paul his son is a train wreck

You will like my system,

A planned democrasy.
Secular 100%
liberal in accordance with the national culture,example;be gay but dont provoke.
Migrants if accepted need to participate/blend in,not assimilate or isolating them selves(Europes biggest mistake,getto forming led to discrimination to radicalism) from society.

Just please get in Real Kemalists not the shitty CHP or AKP in power

You guys need to stop defining yourselves ONLY by others values. There is nothing compelling you to be exclusively a nationalist, socialist, conservative, liberal or whatever.

We'll only mature politically as a nation, if we define our political identity by our own values; including our culture, religion and social circumstances.

By other people's values I'm a Pakistani nationalist who is also a Liberal islamist with an appreciation of secular society. That's nuts - but it's not. I love my country, I want my faith to be a cornerstone of its identity, but I want a society where everyone is free to do as they please as long as there isn't harm to individuals or society as a whole.

You can have your own crazy mix. Don't limit yourselves.

I think this guy read my mind here high five practically what I think Pakistan should follow none of the Dawn Liberal diaspora crap who wants our country to be another ((neo liberal)) shithole
Hahahaha one less mullahtard. 1,000s more to go! If this is true celeb time for Libtards like me. I don't drink but perhaps you can have one for me .....

Pakistan will not dare touch him..even if he is arrested,that's for just show off...he will be released within days...Pakistani aawam and mullahs will create such a chaos in the country that no govt will date touch a mulla in near future
To begin with they target certain countries. Bosnian Muslims for instance are not on the list, Turks also get okay treatment. Pakistan and some other countries get the shafting and the reason is because in last 17 years these countries have a problem with terrorism. And this is nothing to do with the west. Why not try use your Pakistani passport in China, Japan, Singapore and watch your a*ss will get hauled to face strict checks.

Back in 1980s/90s in UK the Irish used to get harassed by police because in those days all terrorists in UK were Irish from groups like IRA. The UK security agencies like MI5 never went for Pakistani's. It was Irish. After 9/11 and in particular London Bombing where British Pakistani;s were involved for the first time in terrorism that focus moved to Pakistani's etc. I hope yyou understand this.

Bosnians are Slavs so they can pass as Poles or Russians they are kinda close to the Serbs and Croats too so no issues there, Turks only big problem is in Germany or Belgium cause all the shitty comars or gaistenbaiter ruined the Turkish image when they migrated in the 1950s,1960s,1970s and 1980s plus they were from the poorer parts of Turkey, this is why Erdogan cough cough wins cause he shores up the overseas votes in those countries while all the Turks living in Turkey who mostly hate his *** @T-123456 have their votes passed off good news the new generation of German and Dutch Turks are nothing like their parents and once the old gen dies off Folks like Erdogan will not be going to Germany,Austria or Belgium for votes no more.Pakistani passports sucks in any country since the 1980s dont use it anywhere if you are dual citizen tbh

Pakistan will not dare touch him..even if he is arrested,that's for just show off...he will be released within days...Pakistani aawam and mullahs will create such a chaos in the country that no govt will date touch a mulla in near future

STFU Ganga worry about your rape crew screwing your country over
Bosnians are Slavs so they can pass as Poles or Russians they are kinda close to the Serbs and Croats too so no issues there,
The guy I was responding was looking through the 'Muslim' prism. I just reminded him that it's not that simple. Bosnians are also Muslim but I have yet to see any issues with them. That was my point.When you 'Muslim' you include entire universe of human beings and it really is not that simple.
The guy I was responding was looking through the 'Muslim' prism. I just reminded him that it's not that simple. Bosnians are also Muslim but I have yet to see any issues with them. That was my point.When you 'Muslim' you include entire universe of human beings and it really is not that simple.

Ohh ok I see the only issues Bosnians have are with the Serbs but thats dying down
Pakistan will not dare touch him..even if he is arrested,that's for just show off...he will be released within days...Pakistani aawam and mullahs will create such a chaos in the country that no govt will date touch a mulla in near future

Nevertheless, I had to agree with you here.
I want my faith to be a cornerstone of its identity
If that is the case the identity of such a state would be the identity of 1.6 billion people spread over five continents. How do you propose to shoehorn such a diffuse identity into a geograophy called Pakistan? Is your Pakistan open to followers of 'your faith'?

Indian Muslims have in national polity of Pakistan.
No they don't. Did you pull that one out of your posterior? Give me the source or rationale for this please?
Nice one. It's going to be tough but in PM IK we have leader who has the guts to take these guys on. To be honest I felt really let down few weeks back when after he gave a warning speach the government back off. But now in hindsight all this was tactical move. PM IK had lot on his plate, what with trying raise funding etc. Now that has been sorted out. Action time.

Hope so. And in case you don't now that translates to "New Pakistan". You know Pakistan has such huge potential. But it's all subverted because of our internal problems. If PM IK can get the main ones sorted in another generation Pakistan will be rolling like Turkey today.
You are expecting too much man
Anyone noticed no media channel is reporting on this.
Yup and with good reason. I think they were explicitly told not to.

What is the latest guys? From those on the 'ground'?
Peaceful. Nothing out of ordinary, at least in Islamabad/Pindi Area. Don't buy into any chaotic news. My mother just went to Murree and younger sister to school.

I think you can help us out here....
Do you live in the Netherlands?
Not gonna lie.
Twitter is the biggest benefactor of all this facade. lmao
Peaceful. Nothing out of ordinary, at least in Islamabad/Pindi Area. Don't buy into any chaotic news. My mother just went to Murree and younger sister to school.
There is tension in the air but so far nothing its business as usual
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