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Khadim Rizvi under house arrest

Tell me what is so bad about this?

is a political philosophy held by people who strongly believe in the principles of liberty and equality for all. ... Some examples of liberalism principles supported by advocates include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, civil rights, and gender equality.
Liberalism in its purity is a great ideology but not when it is combined with rest of leftism, as we are witnessing in Western countries. Over time it becomes a destructive force, destroying free and liberal countries from within.
Tell me what is so bad about this?

is a political philosophy held by people who strongly believe in the principles of liberty and equality for all. ... Some examples of liberalism principles supported by advocates include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, civil rights, and gender equality.

Sorry, Gender equality?
Against mullah values!


Freedom of Speech?
How dare you allow such freedom that goes against the islamic values!
Freedom of religion? There is no religion but islam!


Your own military put your pm to the gallows because the turkish republic was in jeopardy. How many coups did you not have? So let us no go there . Fact is ,most seculars regime work on the payroll of the west ..fact is where ever some muslim party comes to Power its ppl are killed and jailed by seculars who mostly are soldout . Who follow foreign narratieve when it comes to islam.

Most of what you wrote here is just your own paranoia...
I Mean. Look at yourself! Who would want to take over you lol

You're just overestimating your importance, lad.

Man, It seems like you just want to live in caves.
International community is a thing. and EVERYONE needs one another to survive in this era.

Its the era of economic prosperity which the padri's dont want the country to have.
Liberalism in its purity is a great ideology but not when it is combined with rest of leftism, as we are witnessing in Western countries. Over time it becomes a destructive force, destroying free and liberal countries from within.
For example liberalism has a humanist agenda that we should help refugees and migrants in need. Which is great of course. But then they have another agenda that arriving refugees and migrants have a right to "keep" their brought religion (freedom of religion) and culture or traditions (multiculturalism). That's where liberal agenda becomes from a great idea to the biggest disaster for host countries. When we right wingers point out this fallacy, leftist liberals cry we are evil human beings. We are not. We care about pure liberalism. Just not their leftist globalist agenda.
@Indus Pakistan
I am a muslim first and pakistani sec.. i do believe in ummah chummah but not at the Costa of my own nation
That is bs,there are 1,7 billion Muslims in the world.
If you say ''Im a Muslim''.
Most dont care about you,some see you as slaves and some hate you.
If you say ''Im a Pakistani''.
Most dont care about you,some see you as slaves and some hate you,but the difference is that some respect you and even love you.
That is the importance of identity,if you cant see that then nothing else to say but,good luck.
I am a eclectic mix. At the personal level I strongly believe Islam can make me a better human being, provide discipline and meaning to life. Furthermore it provides a pro family value system which I believe in strongly. I am firm believer in gender equality but also accept there are differances and we have to take account of these but without discrimination to either sex. In my family most females wear the hijab primarily as a shield against being objectified and not as some tool to shove religion on to others.

However I expect the state to to keep measured distance from religion or dogma. It must give equal space to all faiths. That is secularism. What is my faith is between me and the almighty. I do not expect the state to intrude into that private space.

I am a liberal because I believe society has responsibility to look after all. The weak, the poor or those in need irrespective of their religion. I also do not believe in punishing people who make choices differant from majority. So much as I don't like gays I would be against them being punished in any form. I expect them to have same rights as me. I am also ideally against corporal punishment. But do understand that there might be extentuating times when it is needed etc I also am a pro very strong nationalism.

Now what is so wrong with this Libtard?

When we right wingers point out this fallacy
AS I said before right/left are on scale. We need balance. Too much of one thing is extremist. For instance I agree with you that unbridled liberalism can be disaster but trust me rampant right wing conservatism can be a right b*itch as well. For start if that lot got it their way you would be toasted in Norway. We all know about Anders Breivak, right?
Your own military put your pm to the gallows because the turkish republic was in jeopardy. How many coups did you not have? So let us no go there . Fact is ,most seculars regime work on the payroll of the west ..fact is where ever some muslim party comes to Power its ppl are killed and jailed by seculars who mostly are soldout . Who follow foreign narratieve when it comes to islam.
Well,my country is secular,never killed religious people,your claim is wrong.

Again,never killed anyone for his or her belief,dont make things up.
Now what is so wrong with this Libtard?
AS I said before right/left are on scale. We need balance. Too much of one thing is extremist. For instance I agree with you that unbridled liberalism can be disaster but trust me rampant right wing conservatism can be a right b*itch as well. For start if that lot got it their way you would be toasted in Norway. We all know about Anders Breivak, right?
Of course both left wing and right wing has its extremes. I agree with you here. Also liberalism and its values are great as long they make society progress and not the other way around.
I am a liberal because I believe society has responsibility to look after all. The weak, the poor or those in need irrespective of their religion. I also do not believe in punishing people who make choices differant from majority. So much as I don't like gays I would be against them being punished in any form. I expect them to have same rights as me. I am also ideally against corporal punishment. But do understand that there might be extentuating times when it is needed etc I also am a pro very strong nationalism.

I consider myself to be more of Nationalist than a Liberal I really cant label myself and no I dont think F,..gs should have rights to promote their crap openly to anyone even towards little kids my big problem with Modern Yankee land and Western Europe is that ((Liberalism)) and ((Cuckservatism)) have been hijacked by Zionists to create a fake divide, Liberals promote degenerates, Cuckseravatives provide stupid type of nationalism by creating a boogey man(China,Russia,Syria,Iran) and wolfing down Israeli balls as for F.,,gs keep them in the closet I dont care what they do in the bedroom as long as in public they keep mouth shut
Well,my country is secular,never killed religious people,your claim is wrong.

Again,never killed anyone for his or her belief,dont make things up.

I cant wait when Real Turkish Nationalists kick out the Erdogonaits bastards from power and put real Kemalists in power not the Pro EU F..g CHP in power

I am a liberal because I believe society has responsibility to look after all. The weak, the poor or those in need irrespective of their religion. I also do not believe in punishing people who make choices differant from majority. So much as I don't like gays I would be against them being punished in any form. I expect them to have same rights as me. I am also ideally against corporal punishment. But do understand that there might be extentuating times when it is needed etc I also am a pro very strong nationalism.

I consider myself to be more of Nationalist than a Liberal I really cant label myself and no I dont think F,..gs should have rights to promote their crap openly to anyone even towards little kids my big problem with Modern Yankee land and Western Europe is that ((Liberalism)) and ((Cuckservatism)) have been hijacked by Zionists to create a fake divide, Liberals promote degenerates, Cuckseravatives provide stupid type of nationalism by creating a boogey man(China,Russia,Syria,Iran) and wolfing down Israeli balls as for F.,,gs keep them in the closet I dont care what they do in the bedroom as long as in public they keep mouth shut[/QUOTE]

Yeah I mean that but they are the same thing Liberals and Cuckservatives are all zio hijacked movements these days
Yeah I mean that but they are the same thing Liberals and Cuckservatives are all zio hijacked movements these days
Well Zionism is also a nationalist movement. If you truly are nationalist you should have no problem with Zionists
Yankee land and Western Europe
To be honest American politics is so skewed that it barely resembles what we have in UK or Western Europe. American Democrats would barely fit with Conservatives in UK. The American political continuum is jigged so far right that Labour in USA would be called 'commie bas*tards'.

If you truly are nationalist you should have no problem with Zionists
I disagree. Zionism is just a Jewish form of extremism and akin to Al Qaida and thuis religious fundamentalism.
The way maulvis like Khadam Rizvi is using Namoose Risalat for his own political gains and destabilising the country, he should be charged for blasphemy and ridiculing the Namoos e Rislatat. This bastard should be hanged before Govt of Pak hangs Asia Bibi.
For example liberalism has a humanist agenda that we should help refugees and migrants in need. Which is great of course. But then they have another agenda that arriving refugees and migrants have a right to "keep" their brought religion (freedom of religion) and culture or traditions (multiculturalism). That's where liberal agenda becomes from a great idea to the biggest disaster for host countries. When we right wingers point out this fallacy, leftist liberals cry we are evil human beings. We are not. We care about pure liberalism. Just not their leftist globalist agenda.
@Indus Pakistan
You will like my system,

A planned democrasy.
Secular 100%
liberal in accordance with the national culture,example;be gay but dont provoke.
Migrants if accepted need to participate/blend in,not assimilate or isolating them selves(Europes biggest mistake,getto forming led to discrimination to radicalism) from society.
You guys need to stop defining yourselves ONLY by others values. There is nothing compelling you to be exclusively a nationalist, socialist, conservative, liberal or whatever.

We'll only mature politically as a nation, if we define our political identity by our own values; including our culture, religion and social circumstances.

By other people's values I'm a Pakistani nationalist who is also a Liberal islamist with an appreciation of secular society. That's nuts - but it's not. I love my country, I want my faith to be a cornerstone of its identity, but I want a society where everyone is free to do as they please as long as there isn't harm to individuals or society as a whole.

You can have your own crazy mix. Don't limit yourselves.
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