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Khadim Rizvi under house arrest

No they have kept their kanjars kuttay paalnewala where they belong! in jail or in exile and let the mullah islam rule prime in their borders and thats why they have stability Unlike our nation where every kutta billa currupt moocherh comes in and makes the nation more poorer before Giving out.
Do you live in the Netherlands?
@Indus Pakistan @BHarwana @Horus @war&peace @koolio
Presstitute (Sahafati Tawaif)


An example of a sold out man trying to destabilize the country for the benefits of the opposing party....
In sunni Islam the authority was the Khalifah (or the sultan pulling his strings). Since the Muslim kingdoms fell, the mullahs have been freestyle. Doing as they please pretty much, especially in our part of the world.
You can also say seculars have been free styling, doing what ever they want in this part of the world?
Do you live in the Netherlands?
Often what will happen is we get country bumkins hiding under trucks and then reaching places like Netherlands where they claim asylum. Many will hold retrogressive mindsets [as you can see here] and therefore struggle to adapt in their host societies. Bitter and angry they develop even more insular and extreme views. The best exposition isuber hatred for liberals and even a form of inverse racism where 'white' also becomes a disparaging term. This might be because of failure in wider society in the west is converted into hatred for the white majority, the liberal norms and or anything to do with the west. The extreme point on this spectrum is when they go blow themselves or drive a truck at their fellow citizens fired by some misplaced notion that they are righting wrongs and giving Palestinians freedom.

These type of people need culling because they provide the fuel to the right wing like Gert wilders etc.
No idea who has told you 'western' think every Muslim is a terrorist. In some towns in UK there are mosques on every street corner. So much for your claim. While I agree with you the name 'Mullah' should not be used but the problem is anybody can use it and often do. We do not have a certification body for Mullahs. For doctors, dentists, lawyers we do.
Ahaan then why in USA there is a different type of checking pattern for Muslims at the airport then any other religion and why we always pray that if there is ever terrorist attack happen in UK, USA it should not be Muslim or Pakistani. Hope you will get the idea what I was talking about.

If we don't have certification then don't call by their look? call them by their name simple rather than calling them mullah which includes all those who have beard.
Creatures like him should be banned from the West.
And creatures like you should be from pakistan because then we can go there and live in safety that no moocherh kanjer will black mail us by kidnappings, rishwat etc etc... I am sure mullah dont take rishwat of kidnap Child Unlike our begairat moocherhs.
Thanks buddy for tagging me, didnt know this troublemaker is under arrest, great going this idiot was already going to create mischief a few days later, its good to see GOP flexing its muscles and stop these goons who think they are above the state.

As for stupid Talat who is a pet of Godfather will never be happy with GOP, I dont take him seriously.
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You can also say seculars have been free styling, doing what ever they want in this part of the world?
Absolutely, 100 times more than mullahs. No mullah has damaged Pakistan in the way our secular politicians and military dictators have.

Of course that doesn't mean we have a binary choice. We can choose a third path.
Waarom ? Wil je de aivd inschakelen?
Nee,je hoeft niet bang te zijn,ze zullen jou heus wel in de gaten houden.
Ik vind het alleen raar dat radikalen zoals jij nog in NL wonen,is het geen Sodom en Gomora voor jou?
Vraag me af hoe je het uithoud hier.
Why? are you saudi troll? Nobody is iranian but I have great respect for how they deal with kanjars in their nation and have kept the nation stable Unlike our where our own moocherh sell everything for few buks at then Cost of losing countless lifes in the process
What do you know about Iran?
How corrupt the mullahs are?
The extreme point on this spectrum is when they go blow themselves or drive a truck at their fellow citizens fired by some misplaced notion that they are righting wrongs and giving Palestinians freedom.
Leftist liberalism is a mental illness where the victim lives in a constant state of victimhood. I diagnosed it long time go. Unfortunately like many mental illnesses it has no cure.
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