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Khadim Rizvi under house arrest

Ahaan then why in USA there is a different type of checking pattern for Muslims at the airport then any other religion and why we always pray that if there is ever terrorist attack happen in UK, USA it should not be Muslim or Pakistani. Hope you will get the idea what I was talking about.
To begin with they target certain countries. Bosnian Muslims for instance are not on the list, Turks also get okay treatment. Pakistan and some other countries get the shafting and the reason is because in last 17 years these countries have a problem with terrorism. And this is nothing to do with the west. Why not try use your Pakistani passport in China, Japan, Singapore and watch your a*ss will get hauled to face strict checks.

Back in 1980s/90s in UK the Irish used to get harassed by police because in those days all terrorists in UK were Irish from groups like IRA. The UK security agencies like MI5 never went for Pakistani's. It was Irish. After 9/11 and in particular London Bombing where British Pakistani;s were involved for the first time in terrorism that focus moved to Pakistani's etc. I hope yyou understand this.
Nee,je hoeft niet bang te zijn,ze zullen jou heus wel in de gaten houden.
Ik vind het alleen raar dat radikalen zoals jij nog in NL wonen,is het geen Sodom en Gomora voor jou?
Vraag me af hoe je het uithoud hier.
Ik weet niet waar je naar toe wilt maar als seculieren onze landen nou niet zo'n hell zouden maken , dan was hier komen niet eens nodig geweest! Hoesow radicaal? Het zou messchien beter zijn om te kijken waar seculieren regimes geen kogels hebben gebruikt tegen religieuze mensen . Dat zou antwoord geven wie wel of geen radicaal is.
I am just amazed by some Uber seculars here who want to see blood of ppl because of their beard, So hate full and then they say they are muslims and we beardos are extremist ? They know islam more then molvis? Do these ppl know kis cheez se se panga Le rahe hayn.?
Even molvi rizvi said he is not against pakistan like ttp and he never said go and do bomb last etc etc but some ppl in their hate for islam mostly say bad words about mullah, molvis which is condemable.
Molvi got alot of Power and i am afraid these kinda issue will someDay be catalyst for events which will lead to a major civil unrest. Aik molvi rizvi ko barhi muskil se sambhaal payingai ager Sarah agay to seculars ko Pakistan se bhaagne parhay ga.

At the end it comes to this , do you want islam in just mosque or in the nation and its every departement. this is a war which will be fought on til one side wins I am for islam in the nation and not just in mosque so i will support anybody who i think is religiously truthfull.
And creatures like you should be from pakistan because then we can go there and live in safety that no moocherh kanjer will black mail us by kidnappings, rishwat etc etc... I am sure mullah dont take rishwat of kidnap Child Unlike our begairat moocherhs.
Instead of Nederland why don't u live in ur peaceful and idol Muslim mullah country?

@Mods This guy is defiantly a false flagger.
@Dubious @The Eagle @Slav Defence @Zaki
Liberalism has a place in society. It is antidote to the right wing. Thus in society by having both poles we end having a balance. Take out one and the pendulum will swing to extremes.
We Pakistanis should not use these two terms 'liberalism' and 'seculariam'. These two terms are so much demonised in Pakistan that if you suggest being a Liberal or a secular you are dubbed as kafir.
I think our society can become Liberal even secular , if they are guided by the leadership. Without inciting their negative sentiments about the terms they seem to hate with all their might and compares them with not being a good and pious Muslim.
We must fight with modern ideas rather then using names of such terms which would aways be misunderstood..
Ik weet niet waar je naar toe wilt maar als seculieren onze landen nou niet zo'n hell zouden maken , dan was hier komen niet eens nodig geweest! Hoesow radicaal? Het zou messchien beter zijn om te kijken waar seculieren regimes geen kogels hebben gebruikt tegen religieuze mensen . Dat zou antwoord geven wie wel of geen radicaal is.
Nou,Turkije is seculair,nooit geen kogels gebruikt tegen religieuze mensen,dus je verhaal klopt niet.
Well,my country is secular,never killed religious people,your claim is wrong.
We Pakistanis must not use the term 'liberalism' and 'seculariam'. These two terms are so much demonised in Pakistan that if you suggest being a Liberal or a secular you are dubbed as kafir.
I think our society can become Liberal even secural , if they are guided by the leadership. Without inciting their negative sentiments about the terms their seem to hate and compares with not being a Muslim.
That is tragic. I think both terms have been wrongly translated. Secularism is not being against religion. It just means the state does not get involved in your faith leaving individuals to practice what they want.
We Pakistanis must not use the term 'liberalism' and 'seculariam'. These two terms are so much demonised in Pakistan that if you suggest being a Liberal or a secular you are dubbed as kafir.
I think our society can become Liberal even secural , if they are guided by the leadership. Without inciting their negative sentiments about the terms their seem to hate and compares with not being a Muslim.
You deserve a positive rating.:tup::tup::tup:
We Pakistanis should not use these two terms 'liberalism' and 'seculariam'. These two terms are so much demonised in Pakistan that if you suggest being a Liberal or a secular you are dubbed as kafir.
I think our society can become Liberal even secular , if they are guided by the leadership. Without inciting their negative sentiments about the terms they seem to hate with all their might and compares them with not being a good and pious Muslim.
We must fight with modern ideas rather then using names of such terms which would aways be misunderstood..
I am against liberalism as most of majority. But I am supporter of secularism. State and politics should have nothing to do with religion

That is tragic. I think both terms have been wrongly translated. Secularism is not being against religion. It just means the state does not get involved in your faith leaving individuals to practice what they want.
Tell me what is so bad about this?

is a political philosophy held by people who strongly believe in the principles of liberty and equality for all. ... Some examples of liberalism principles supported by advocates include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, civil rights, and gender equality.
Nou,Turkije is seculair,nooit geen kogels gebruikt tegen religieuze mensen,dus je verhaal klopt niet.
Well,my country is secular,never killed religious people,your claim is wrong.
Your own military put your pm to the gallows because the turkish republic was in jeopardy. How many coups did you not have? So let us no go there . Fact is ,most seculars regime work on the payroll of the west ..fact is where ever some muslim party comes to Power its ppl are killed and jailed by seculars who mostly are soldout . Who follow foreign narratieve when it comes to islam.
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