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Keran operation ends; now it’s gunsmoke and unanswered questions

:what: calling a Hindu a Hindu is offensive ? Godse was atheist???

secondly as far as Indian secularism is concerned well I can post many points but it will derail the thread.

the fact is Indian Secularism is a hogwash a country where even own Hindus are not given their rights in the names of cast system others specially Muslims are too far away to get their rights even under "secularism" tag.

Calling a Hindu a Hindu is not offensive but calling an Indian as Hindu is offensive especially when the other person was using the term "Indian" in his argument. You can argue as much as you want about the secularism in India but the world does see India that way unlike many Pakistanis. Forget about the Hinduism and casteism for a moment. What rights has been denied for muslims in India?
So it is proven that you are carrying fake secularism tag . You hate your Muslim Population and you killed and also endorse killing of Gandhi for NO other reason but for his voice for Muslims

Aren't you getting into a strawman argument again? Like/dislike for Gandhi has nothing to do with like/dislike for muslim population.
the fact is Indian Secularism is a hogwash a country where even own Hindus are not given their rights in the names of cast system others specially Muslims are too far away to get their rights even under "secularism" tag.

That is your interpretation & while you are welcome to it, there is no basis to assume it as a fact. We are not perfect but the consitution of India does not discriminate between its citizens based on their belief. That is as secular as you will get. Indivuduals can & probably will fail but since the constitution does not, there will always be avenues for redressal for anyone who believes they got a raw deal.
why calling an india hidu is offesive ..they live in HUDUSTAN ( "land of Hindus"..)
So according to you ... there are no Muslims in India.. since everyone who lives in Hindustan is a Hindu... and as per your statement Pakistan will stop being a godfather to any Hindu.
But i have seen many disrespecting him even on PDF where most of Indian keep themselves in control and avoid any debate on controversial topics of India- You can even see Post # 35 in very same thread

RSS and its supporters online and other wise also do not respect Mahatma Gandhi at all, when Fenku is mentioned as the mass murderer then they say India prestige is at stake what a hypocrisy
That is your interpretation & while you are welcome to it, there is no basis to assume it as a fact. We are not perfect but the consitution of India does not discriminate between its citizens based on their belief. That is as secular as you will get. Indivuduals can & probably will fail but since the constitution does not, there will always be avenues for redressal for anyone who believes they got a raw deal.

But cast system is integral part of Indian constitution.
So according to you ... there are no Muslims in India.. since everyone who lives in Hindustan is a Hindu... and as per your statement Pakistan will stop being a godfather to any Hindu.
according to meaning of the name of ur country, they are ..
Your response to him sums up what majority Pakistanis think - He was using the word Indian while you conveniently replaced the word Indian with Hindu and have started a strawman, haven't you? You guys see India as a Hindu nation though we are proud that it is a secular one unlike yours.

She don't want to see India as a secular nation, even the founders of Pakistan wanted India to be a Hindu state and officially named as Hindustan instead of Bharat/India. It never happened but delusion remained among Pakistanis.
Here is link to Constitution of India : Find me where it talks about cast system: http://lawmin.nic.in/coi/coiason29july08.pdf

I don't have time to read your constitution - If it's so than get wikipedia article fixed/removed by reporting it

The Scheduled Castes[1] and Scheduled Tribes (STs) are two groups of historically-disadvantaged people recognised in the Constitution of India. During the period of British rule in the Indian subcontinent, they were known as the Depressed Classes.

The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes comprise about 16.2 percent and 8.2 percent, respectively, of India's population (or about 24.4 percent altogether, according to the 2001 census).[2] The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 lists 1,108 castes across 25 states in its First Schedule,[3] and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 lists 744 tribes across 22 states in its First Schedule.[4]

Since independence, the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (the three categories combined constitute about 60 percent of India's population) were given reservation in India. The reservation policy became an integral part of the Constitution through the efforts of Bhimrao Ambedkar, who participated in the Round Table Conferences and fought for the rights of the oppressed and depressed classes. The Constitution lays down the general principles of affirmative action for SCs and STs.

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is why i should waste my time on reading Indian constitution when i have to the point wiki article and it's source links are Indian Constitution
The point is that Indian constitution does not discriminate against people based on their belief's.

The article you pointed out - what about it? It does not discriminate against people.
The Constitution of India rightly points out that SC/ST's have been discriminated against for centuries - due to that reason they lag behind in every social and economic parameter and thus need affirmative action to succeed in the modern society.

And that is what the Constitution does.

I hope you understand the difference between discrimination and affirmative action. There is widespread sociological literature on the difference between the two.
My point is why i should waste my time on reading Indian constitution when i have to the point wiki article and it's source links are Indian Constitution

If you can't waste your time in reading constitution of India ... then you have no right o cry over anything falling under purview of Indian Constitution.

And the article you posted states that Scheduled Cast and Scheduled tribes are weak so the need help to move forward... where does it claim that Constitution of India enforces Caste system.

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