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Keran operation ends; now it’s gunsmoke and unanswered questions

The point is that Indian constitution does not discriminate against people based on their belief's.

The article you pointed out - what about it? It does not discriminate against people.
The Constitution of India rightly points out that SC/ST's have been discriminated against for centuries - due to that reason they lag behind in every social and economic parameter and thus need affirmative action to succeed in the modern society.

And that is what the Constitution does.

I hope you understand the difference between discrimination and affirmative action. There is widespread sociological literature on the difference between the two.

I gave article because your fallow was saying that your constitution don't talk about casts,

Anyway - It's good that India has taken affirmative action by making it integral part of constitution - but on other hand it has solidified cast system and ensured that casts will remain there for political use.
I gave article because your fallow was saying that your constitution don't talk about casts,

Anyway - It's good that India has taken affirmative action by making it integral part of constitution - but on other hand it has solidified cast system and ensured that casts will remain there for political use.

Yeh badhiya hai... agar kuch karo to problem... na karo to problem...

Now Pakistanis are going to teach us about how to run a country ..
If you can't waste your time in reading constitution of India ... then you have no right o cry over anything falling under purview of Indian Constitution.

And the article you posted states that Scheduled Cast and Scheduled tribes are weak so the need help to move forward... where does it claim that Constitution of India enforces Caste system.

LOL!!! You said that your constitution don't talk about casts - now don't take U-Turn and by the way giving extra privileges (even in good spirit) is not discrimination with others?

Yeh badhiya hai... agar kuch karo to problem... na karo to problem...

Now Pakistanis are going to teach us about how to run a country ..

I made my point & why i should be worried about cast base politics in India - from my side give more benefits and increase quotas of SCs :pop:
I gave article because your fallow was saying that your constitution don't talk about casts,

Anyway - It's good that India has taken affirmative action by making it integral part of constitution - but on other hand it has solidified cast system and ensured that casts will remain there for political use.

Caste and religion factor in India won't go away as all parties use it with impunity
The article points to that point, every one has their opinion. The terrain is tough one, Hilly with forests, any one can sneak across LOC but crossing the fence is difficult.

So Militants holed up in ghost village. They got supplies from Pakistanis side.

IA has to squeeze these supplies to end the operation and kill them.

Anyway, I hope the terrorists enjoy their time in hell.

They have got their promised rewards... ;)
LOL!!! You said that your constitution don't talk about casts - now don't take U-Turn and by the way giving extra privileges (even in good spirit) is not discrimination with others?

Spin it the way you want...

I made my point & why i should be worried about cast base politics in India - from my side give more benefits and increase quotas of SCs :pop:

Yes we will..unlike Pakistan..we don't create blasphemy laws and let radicals use them to kill innocents....
Yes we will..unlike Pakistan..we don't create blasphemy laws and let radicals use them to kill innocents....

Comparing worlds largest secular democracy with Pakistan shows that you don't have any reasoning left.
I gave article because your fallow was saying that your constitution don't talk about casts,

Anyway - It's good that India has taken affirmative action by making it integral part of constitution - but on other hand it has solidified cast system and ensured that casts will remain there for political use.

Constitution does talk about casts. I believe that person implied that the Constitution is secular - very very clearly so. And it has been deemed as a 'Basic Structure' of the Constitution by the Supreme Court. This tag implies that no amount of majority in the Parliament can ever change it.

Secondly, you are right that it has solidified the caste system and ensured that casts remain for political use.
There are costs to every action. At the time Reservation was enacted, it was meant to be run for 50 years. The Government at the time assumed that within 50 years, the SC/ST's would be uplifted to compete on equal field with everyone else. That has not happened and caste has become a big vote bank with political patronage.

The only way out now is Education and Urbanization.
Literacy rate is now 78%. In a couple of decades it would be 100%.
Caste Discrimination is almost dead in the Cities but still prevalent in the countryside. And most of India is still rural.

The anathema in the old generation regarding inter-caste marriages is dying.
There were greater than 2 times the inter-caste marriages in 2000-2010, as there were from 1990-2000. The young generation does not give a lot of importance to caste's.

On the other hand, there is greater communal polarization among the young generation. The Hindu kids are more aware of being Hindu, more willing to fight(not always a good thing).

I cant understand why this is though. In the last decade - since 2000, there has been a very strong revival of religion in India.
Constitution does talk about casts. I believe that person implied that the Constitution is secular - very very clearly so. And it has been deemed as a 'Basic Structure' of the Constitution by the Supreme Court. This tag implies that no amount of majority in the Parliament can ever change it.

Secondly, you are right that it has solidified the caste system and ensured that casts remain for political use.
There are costs to every action. At the time Reservation was enacted, it was meant to be run for 50 years. The Government at the time assumed that within 50 years, the SC/ST's would be uplifted to compete on equal field with everyone else. That has not happened and caste has become a big vote bank with political patronage.

The only way out now is Education and Urbanization.
Literacy rate is now 78%. In a couple of decades it would be 100%.
Caste Discrimination is almost dead in the Cities but still prevalent in the countryside. And most of India is still rural.

The anathema in the old generation regarding inter-caste marriages is dying.
There were greater than 2 times the inter-caste marriages in 2000-2010, as there were from 1990-2000. The young generation does not give a lot of importance to caste's.

On the other hand, there is greater communal polarization among the young generation. The Hindu kids are more aware of being Hindu, more willing to fight(not always a good thing).

I cant understand why this is though. In the last decade - since 2000, there has been a very strong revival of religion in India.

I know he was talking about being secular but my point is that if segregation is not based on religion than it's based on cast (not question the intent of this) -

IMHO - Politicians will never let go this as it's their roozi rootti, And i doubt that it will be easy to remove this from constitution even everyone is educated - who will be happy to lose extra entitlements & privileges. Anyway that's going off topic.
I know he was talking about being secular but my point is that if segregation is not based on religion than it's based on cast (not question the intent of this) -
I wont call it segregation. That is a wrong word to use for this.

IMHO - Politicians will never let go this as it's their roozi rootti, And i doubt that it will be easy to remove this from constitution even everyone is educated - who will be happy to lose extra entitlements & privileges. Anyway that's going off topic.
Again, I agree. Politicians would not like to remove this even when the SC/ST's become equal.
But there is just one hope - there are movements from time to time in India when the electorate demands things from the Government of the day. in many cases, the Government has had to bow.

There is hope in one sense. The reservation is limited to Government jobs only. At the time of reservation, Government employement was the biggest source of jobs and prestige in India. Since the last few decades, Government jobs have increasingly lost their luster and the share of the total jobs available - as a very vibrant private sector has come up.
So the reservation is not as important as it used to be. As it gets lesser and lesser relevant to the young in the coming decades, it might be enough to demand scrapping it.
@Bang Galore .. was not praveen swami from the hindu.. did not know he will write such hawkish piece....

Was earlier, now with Network 18 (First Post, CNN-IBN). Probably one of India's best writers on strategic affairs. His sources & access to information are very, very good. Won't say this is hawkish, what he said is pretty much to the point. MMS is no Vajpayee, even if both wanted to make peace with Pakistan
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Every time your politicians go to polls, Pakistan's policy regarding India is a must for them to convince the public about their intentions.

A little behind times , aren't you ? Actually , it looks more true for India now , seeing what happened in New York recently and by extension , in India regarding it . Jingoism , emotions and taking a hard stand was a must for the otherwise peaceful Manmohan Singh - since the elections are near , he needs to do this to increase chances of victory . The Indian media is obsessed with Pakistan , its not the other way around . Neither Zardari nor Sharif won elections in Pakistan by putting any policy or making any promises regarding India , the latter actually spoke of improving the relations with New Dehli , if you aren't already aware of it . So maybe times have changed and you dont even realize it or maybe dont like to admit it .

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