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Kerala, Tamil Nadu face off over Mullaperiyar dam

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All the best.

I still believe that there are not much people living in that area as it is heavily forested. Sensationalism because all the figures/threats are exaggerated and not borne out of facts/reality. Nothing to do with living there or not.

---------- Post added at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

Ok. All this if Kerala's accusation is true. Our Engineers say it is not true & I chose to believe it.

You have any idea of how much water it will flood once waters from that height breaches the dam..

It requires just a "little brain" to understand water wont be running quietly through river downstream and will reach reservoir slowly.

So whats ur engineer's saying. are they predictng no more tremors or are they saying Dam's cracks and weakness is visual paranoia?
In the worst case of collapse of the dam, the gushing water will not wash away thousands in Idukki district. The fact is the water straightaway goes to the Idukki dam constructed by Kerala Electricity Board for hydropower generation 50 km from Mullaiperiyar. The Idukki dam’s storage capacity (70.5 TMC ft) is seven times that of Mullaiperiyar,” reasoned Mr Veerappan.

This is correct if idukki dam was empty...................taking last three yeras water stored in mullaperiyar & idukki if taken together is more than the capacity of idukki............

so if mullaperiyar fails which is at presently at its highest level to be maintained (136 ft) it will rush to idukki taking with it what all on the way with force and water in idukki & mullaperiayar combined together will create failure of idukki................
What about the 75,000 people living in b/n both the dams. Are their lives worthless?

Also Idukki dam absorbing the water from Mullaperiyar is just an assumption. If its raining and waterlevel at Idukki is at its highest, the sudden influx of water from Mullaperiyar will result in the failure of Idukki Dam.

According to our expert here, forests will cover that million metric tons of water flowing from 135 ft height.:lol:
Did I not say these arguments neither help to change my opinion nor yours ?

Anyway I guess this is just like a Kashmir argument.Each side clinging to their side of the argument and going in a circular manner

I rest my case. All the best to Kerala in whatever step it takes.

Go ahead and do what you need to.
You have any idea of how much water it will flood once waters from that height breaches the dam..

It requires just a "little brain" to understand water wont be running quietly through river downstream and will reach reservoir slowly.

So whats ur engineer's saying. are they predictng no more tremors or are they saying Dam's cracks and weakness is visual paranoia?

Dont woory may be our TN enginners will built huge canal big enogh to carry all the water safely to iddukki with out even disturbing any life............Se thay are good at building cannal & diverting water................

BTW Bhairav you imagination of water flowing tamely to idukki was hilarious.............
Dont woory may be our TN enginners will built huge canal big enogh to carry all the water safely to iddukki with out even disturbing any life............Se thay are good at building cannal & diverting water................

BTW Bhairav you imagination of water flowing tamely to idukki was hilarious.............

They will also move clouds, rains and maybe forests too.:D
waht abot the flaura & fauna & bio diversity in periyar banks..............

TN attitude of wahtever happens to kerala we only need water is to be condemened by whole india..........
waht abot the flaura & fauna & bio diversity in periyar banks..............

TN attitude of wahtever happens to kerala we only need water is to be condemened by whole india..........

All they care about is their 999 year/ RS 10 lakh per year agreement. Lives mean nothing to them.

Also was CM Achutha Menon was such a moron to validate this agreement further in 1970.What was going through his mind?

Indeed its true that Communists are experts in screwing the masses.
Just sensationalism and mass hysteria.

As rightly pointed out in the article the Idukki dam being capable of holding 7 times as much water as Mullai periyar will make sure no 2012 happens, as is being alleged by Kerala Govt.

You are a jerk if you believe in that f***ing BS. It's not the holding capacity but the amount force the dam would withstand. Anyone with a decent high school education would understand that 10TMC water running down a slope will carry huge amount of energy, mud, rock and even 75,000 dead people. The Idukki dam or any dam for that matter are not built to stop huge amount of fast gushing water even greater amount of mud and rocks that it would carry with it. The dam will break irrespective of what it's holding capacity is.
KOCHI: Revenue Minister K M Mani said the lease agreement will be cancelled if Tamil Nadu is found to have broken the conditions of the accord in connection with Mullaperiyar. Talking to reporters in the district, he said they are examining to find whether TN has violated conditions. The state government has the right to cancel the agreement and he sought centre’s intervention on the issue.

Govt to cancel agreement if TN breaks condition, says Mani

mani sir go ahed kerala is with you
mani sir go ahed kerala is with you

It is also to be noted that most of the bigwigs in Kerala have huge business interests in TN. So any move against them will be very calculated.
This is a disputes of the state governments and let them come to a writen agrement on a new Dam, I am not against a new dam and neither is any Tamil, Its the water sharing that follows, will the old agreement be nullified on a new Dam are the questions.

Guys from Karela, please do not take our stand wrongly, my question to you guys is that, in the 3rd page itself I said lets not have this discussion in this forum, yet you have continued this discussion to 16 pages and one Kerela member calling us NAZIs.
Any way, let time take its course to solve this issue.

Kindly have a comparision between Idiki(Arch Dam) vs MullaiPariyar Dam(Gravity Dam).
see which engineering structure is stable. if you guys decommision the dam in the idea of taking the water to Iddiki and not sharing the same with TN, there is a time based atom bomb that you are going to prepare at Iduki.

Kindly stop this thread here and lets not duscus our internal issue in a rival forum. If you guys want to do it do it in IDF and not in PDF
This is a disputes of the state governments and let them come to a writen agrement on a new Dam, I am not against a new dam and neither is any Tamil, Its the water sharing that follows, will the old agreement be nullified on a new Dam are the questions.
see this is the actual problem we are saying we will give water but politicians in TN saying we wont give water.... so obviously people in TN will protest....

am suggesting a open statement from 2 CM will resolve the issue..
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