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Kerala, Tamil Nadu face off over Mullaperiyar dam

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You wont have seen any more sanity if it was from any other state than kerala...................

You know what happened with kauvery river and how kannadans responded with pride..........There it was for water..............

But here it is our life that is at stake........I am working in UAE and i am very much concrened about my family back home satying only 200 meter from periyar .......................
it is not only life that is endagered but every thing that we made up in our life that is going to be destoyed............you still ask for sanity from us............

Since that guy's family or he himself doesnt come under any threat on life , its easy to comment behind the PC screens while people here live i fear.

Already the water level has gone up beyond recommended levels and need of hour is to bring it to 120 ft.
We doenot care ant treaty or contempt of court here ....what we are to so is get our basic right gauranteed by country..........right to live

Since that guy's family or he himself doesnt come under any threat on life , its easy to comment behind the PC screens while people here live i fear.

Already the water level has gone up beyond recommended levels and need of hour is to bring it to 120 ft.

Just sensationalism and mass hysteria.

As rightly pointed out in the article the Idukki dam being capable of holding 7 times as much water as Mullai periyar will make sure no 2012 happens, as is being alleged by Kerala Govt.
It can be rectified without violating the Agreement he signed with other state.

Other states can't be held responsible for his mistakes.

Yes rectification is build new one..

You still expecting dam to survive whole 999 years , which even builders called having just 50 years life span????

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

Just sensationalism and mass hysteria.

As rightly pointed out in the article the Idukki dam being capable of holding 7 times as much water as Mullai periyar will make sure no 2012 happens, as is being alleged by Kerala Govt.

Yup mass hysteria, when its not threatening you. Lets just take chances with people's lives, right?

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

Fine you believe what your Govt says, let me believe what my Govt and the Engineers say.

Your govt says it will last 999 like a chiranjeevi... all parties gets vote on that.
Yup mass hysteria, when its not threatening you. Lets just take chances with people's lives, right?

There are no one taking chances.

Facts are there which proves even if the dam gives way the Idukki dam 50 km forward will absorb the water and prevent any further casualties.

I see no use arguing.

If Kerala Govt feels their interests are best served by capturing the control of the dam,demolishing it and building it..please go ahead and give your best shot.

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

Your govt says it will last 999 like a chiranjeevi... all parties gets vote on that.

I request you not to dictate to me what to believe in and what not to. It's my choice.
Kerala Could moblise a movement against Endosulfan why not for Mullaperiyar..............
There are no one taking chances.

Facts are there which proves even if the dam gives way the Idukki dam 50 km forward will absorb the water and prevent any further casualties.

I see no use arguing.

If Kerala Govt feels their interests are best served by capturing the control of the dam,demolishing it and building it..please go ahead and give your best shot.

What about the people in between those areas , if i agree Idukki dam will withstand the waters ( just 18.4 ft more to overspill water in Idukki as we speak).. Dispensibles????:what:

Yes there is no point in arguing when u urself knows what ur state is doing is a crime to humanity and good gesture.
What about the people in between those areas , if i agree Idukki dam will withstand the waters ( just 18.4 ft more to overspill water in Idukki as we speak).. Dispensibles????:what:

I guess the in between area is heavily forested and not much people live there , especially on the river banks. Not definitely the purpoted figure of 3 million.

Yes there is no point in arguing when u urself knows what ur state is doing is a crime to humanity and good gesture.

Kerala Could moblise a movement against Endosulfan why not for Mullaperiyar..............

ALready the movement is getting masses. All TN will do is block goods through flaming up that retarded Vaiko.

---------- Post added at 12:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 PM ----------

I guess the in between area is heavily forested and not much people live there , especially on the river banks. Not definitely the purpoted figure of 3 million.


You guess.. yes wen it breaches it will flow quietly missing all habitats and reach idukki and say safe ...

LOL .. to sheer ignorance and stupidity.

Sensationalism as long as u are away from any risk.:lol:
Fine you believe what your Govt says, let me believe what my Govt and the Engineers say.

I know what your enginners and govt is busy with building more canal & tanks for looting water whaen our river like bharathapuza is getting dried.........

If somethink happened to our people or our property it will be end of TN getting water from other states...........

After that no staes will be ready to give you water..........every body will remeber what you did to people who gave you water and living........
ALready the movement is getting masses. All TN will do is block goods through flaming up that retarded Vaiko.

All the best.

You guess.. yes wen it breaches it will flow quietly missing all habitats and reach idukki and say safe ...

LOL .. to sheer ignorance and stupidity.

Sensationalism as long as u are away from any risk.:lol:

I still believe that there are not much people living in that area as it is heavily forested. Sensationalism because all the figures/threats are exaggerated and not borne out of facts/reality. Nothing to do with living there or not.

---------- Post added at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

I know what your enginners and govt is busy with building more canal & tanks for looting water whaen our river like bharathapuza is getting dried.........

If somethink happened to our people or our property it will be end of TN getting water from other states...........

After that no staes will be ready to give you water..........every body will remeber what you did to people who gave you water and living........

Ok. All this if Kerala's accusation is true. Our Engineers say it is not true & I chose to believe it.
I guess the in between area is heavily forested and not much people live there , especially on the river banks. Not definitely the purpoted figure of 3 million.


3 million is qouted if idduli dam breaks as an after efffect..........

But mullaperiayer failure will kill 75000 people in idukki on the down stream.......................And you are manner of speaking as if 75 000 is noting is too inhuman...............its not your family that is going to drown it is ours..................so we canot expect any feeling from you.........
3 million is qouted if idduli dam breaks as an after efffect..........

But mullaperiayer failure will kill 75000 people in idukki on the down stream.......................And you are manner of speaking as if 75 000 is noting is too inhuman...............its not your family that is going to drown it is ours..................so we canot expect any feeling from you.........

Anyway I guess this is just like a Kashmir argument.Each side clinging to their side of the argument and going in a circular manner.

I rest my case. All the best to Kerala in whatever step it takes.
All the best.

I still believe that there are not much people living in that area as it is heavily forested. Sensationalism because all the figures/threats are exaggerated and not borne out of facts/reality. Nothing to do with living there or not.\

---------- Post added at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

Ok. All this if Kerala's accusation is true. Our Engineers say it is not true & I chose to believe it.

you know you have been looting our water (getting more water than deserved) by contruction of new cannels & dams ..................You still want to loot by connecting our rivers with you........................Stop a minute & reflect what you do is justifed...........keep hand on your hearts and say loudly.......................
you know you have been looting our water (getting more water than deserved) by contruction of new cannels & dams ..................You still want to loot by connecting our rivers with you........................Stop a minute & reflect what you do is justifed...........keep hand on your hearts and say loudly.......................

. .

Anyway I guess this is just like a Kashmir argument.Each side clinging to their side of the argument and going in a circular manner

I rest my case. All the best to Kerala in whatever step it takes.
There are no one taking chances.

Facts are there which proves even if the dam gives way the Idukki dam 50 km forward will absorb the water and prevent any further casualties.

I see no use arguing.

If Kerala Govt feels their interests are best served by capturing the control of the dam,demolishing it and building it..please go ahead and give your best shot.

What about the 75,000 people living in b/n both the dams. Are their lives worthless?

Also Idukki dam absorbing the water from Mullaperiyar is just an assumption. If its raining and waterlevel at Idukki is at its highest, the sudden influx of water from Mullaperiyar will result in the failure of Idukki Dam.
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