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Kazakhstan protests

Number of peacekeepers from CSTO members in Kazakhstan
Wish CSTO peacekeepers stabilize the situation asap, restore social and economic order!!

It reminds me of this news not too long ago: Kazakhstan, world's largest supplier of uranium, signed a mega deal with China to build a uranium trading hub along shared border, which would hold up to 23,000 tU of Kazakh mined uranium for China.


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Guys, stop replying posts from thetutle, he is not just a troll, he is paid professional to create hatre and distrust between Russians and Chinese. He is part of the neocon cyber contractor from the West.

The more you people reply him, the more credit he get from his master. Just put him on ignore list.
Kudos to Russia's effort to stabilize Kazakhstan from these foreign backed NGOs.

Russia has not stablized anything technically speaking because there was simply no job hence the protesters just died down and the CSTO deployed only 4000 to stragetic facilities not in front of protester or cities. The whole protesters were just fake and died down by itself. The Kazakh security forces gained control due to the protesters fatigued this was not gonna be another hong kong which is something I knew. CSTO invovlement is minimal to stragetic areas such as facilities. Kazakhstan has approx 200k armed forces including security forces the number reaches half mil 500k to be exactly they have the capability to control it and 4k CSTO was never gonna alter anything on their behalf but the president overracted in the get go which also kinda help settled this alot quicker then assumed
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News on US bioweapon lab in Kazakhstan, one of world biggest. Nazabayev was traitoring the country by allowing US to set up the labs, despite much opposition from all over Kazakhstan, Russia and China.

Immediately after the quelling of rebellion, Russian and Chinese media start ranting on this lab again. I bet Tokayev will close it down, as a gesture of thank you for the support of China and Russia.

Officials in Kazakhstan have denied that a controversial 'military biological laboratory' was seized in the recent unrest, which has so far claimed 160 lives since starting on January 2.

It is not clear if the 164 deaths refer only to civilians or if law enforcement deaths are included, but the number - provided by the health ministry to state news channel Khabar-24 - are a significant rise from previous tallies.

Kazakh authorities said earlier on Sunday that 16 police or national guard members had been killed.

Russian media highlighted claims that the US-funded facility near Almaty was compromised, resulting in a possible leak of dangerous pathogens.

The airport, mayor's office and secret services buildings fell briefly into the hands of rioters during a wave of protests backed by shadowy armed cells.

You are again delusioning, buddy. Vladivostok is the Russian city founded in 1860. And has nothing to do with China. There was nothing there just a inhabited land when Russians came to that place.

And the whole territory of Russian part of Manchuria was a disputed land between China and Russia since 17 century, populated by settlements of local tribes. Chinese used this territory to extort ransom from local population. So the same did Russia at that time. And that was the reason why military clashes started between China and Russia in 17 century. There was a competition between Russia and China who will get control over local tribes and take ransom from them. In 1650 Russia controlled the land almost up to the territory of future Vladivostok.
Thanks for a good laugh
Kazakh authorities said earlier on Sunday that 16 police or national guard members had been killed.
They forgot one zero at the end.
Wish CSTO peacekeepers stabilize the situation asap, restore social and economic order!!

It reminds me of this news not too long ago: Kazakhstan, world's largest supplier of uranium, signed a mega deal with China to build a uranium trading hub along shared border, which would hold up to 23,000 tU of Kazakh mined uranium for China.
We are done for with them. The country is folding in two. Anyways, since a lot of projects with them were signed in local currency upon their incessant demands, the Chinese side will only get less than 1/3 - 1/2 of original reward now. All I knew say now, it's bye bye to the country. The mode of operation now is asset recovery, and GTFOASAP.
well done Russia and kazakhstan

'peacefully protestors' cut tens policemen head in kazakhstan
while' Violent bandits' stormed US Congress and an unarmed mother thug was killed, no policemen was killed
Kazakhstan's territory is too large and its population is too small. The southern territory originally belonged to the historical Kara Khan dynasty, which is a country dominated by Uighurs. Later, it was robbed by the Russians and left to the Kazaks. I think Kazakhstan occupies too much territory of Turkic brothers. Kazakhstan should divide the south to Uighurs for independent statehood, so that China can allow Uighurs to legally immigrate to their own country.
I wrote before that all Central Asian countries have super weak governments. The only differentiating point of Kazakhstan was that it had quite some money.

The Govt there now speaks of "20000 Arab terrorists from Afghanistan," which doesn't stand the laugh test.

If it was real Taliban, they would've collapsed in less than 24 hours.

I would not preclude even neighbouring countries could've had their governments running away preemptively because economic collapse would've spread there, and if there is no economy, there is nothing to steal for regional presitators, and only risks to bear. Most of regional elites simply live abroad whole year, and only visit the country to top up the credit card, and make few televised speeches. On a daily basis, you simply don't feel that the government there exists in any shape or form.

That's why when Ghani left, and Americans did the Vietnam thing, these fellows left their countries in a hurry too, only to return few days after. Flightradar showed stream of business jets leaving Ashghabad, Tashengan, and Dushangbe in days after Taliban took Kabul. And everybody can imagine who are the only people who can afford business jets there.

What China's stake in this? Nothing really. BJ doesn't care for OBOR now — people there are close to admitting it was a flop. And I believe, BJ will only be happy now if this will keep Russia busy there, and keep it looking away from China.
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allow Uighurs to legally immigrate to their own country.

Why would the Uighurs wanna leave China? Besides why even try to accommodate them when they are the tiniest group in all of China like 9m but seems to have alot of media power in China is strange. The Uighurs are to small of minority compared to chinese 1.5 billion. If China wanted to relocate some it would be the Manchus and the southern chinese around Shenzhen and Hong Kong etc etc who seem to be large minorities.. Not one of their tiniest minority.. Besides all that land belonged to the Kazakhs before that even Russia itself belonged to the Kazakhs at some point hence there was no snatching.. The Kazakhs and Russians converged far earlier then people assume. back in the 12-13 century. The Uighurs are mainly based out of province deep inside China.. Also what is this obsession with them? Why even bring them up in an unrelated thread

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