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Kazakhstan protests

Ask me.

KZ was way, way better off than Central Asian countries south of it.

The ruling family was mostly buying off locals with huge welfare spending like subsidies for everything.

The moment they ran out of money for that, boom!

That's why I was saying TB can just walk over most Central Asian countries. Very, very weak governments, akin what were in Kabul.
Why is it "way, way better off"? Beause the ruling family had money to buy off locals while its Central Asian countries in the south didn't?
So you talk like this to instigate bad blood between China and Russia and the day that China fights Russia, you’re going to jump on the China hate bandwagon and talk about the yellow peril so all western nations can bomb China once it senses weakness again. Lol

The reality is that there is one force incessantly attacking China and smearing the Chinese people today, day in and day out, and it is very clear who it is. Russia today is not an expansionist power but it will fight to maintain its sphere of influence and the interests between China and Russia today coincide and both want peace and stability for the continent, I don’t see how this big picture will change far into the future.
Historically, US, UK, France, Germany were arch sworn enemies
You can see exactly the same rhetoric in some Bulgarian forums, China and the RF cant be allies and they will go to war soon or later. It only shows that the Sino-Russian alliance is their biggest nightmare.
The Eurasian world island is the worlds biggest fortress so as long as China and Russia are allies, this is impenetrable and protects both countries. This is why there is so much propaganda to try to divide the two. But China didn’t get to where it is by being low iq, neither did Russia so it’s not going to work.
I be very doubt unlike our Chinese friends on here, Beijings reaction will be whole lot different in private, seeing putin seizing oil mineral rich Kazakhstan be under Russian influence for good
You are delusional, buddy. The land you are talking about - small region near Khabarovsk, almost meanigless except for some fish - was taken by force by China some 1000 years ago, then the same was done by Russia, and China agreed with it signing the peace treaty with Russian Empire. Since when it is Russian land.

Some small area? hmmmm. During the opium wars Russia ganged up against china and invaded an area of 600,000 sq kilometres. And china was forced to accept it under the treaty of Aigun.

And then 2 years later The Treaty of Peking gave a further 400,000 sq kilometres of outer Manchuria to Russia.

As a part of the treaty, Hong Kong and Kowloon was given to British forever. Just like Manchuria was given to Russia forever.

thats 1 million square kilometres taken by Russia and not given back yet.

China is not going to go to any war with either West or especially with Russia, stop your wet dreaming.

Well if china is happy with its borders, thats fine. I hope they don't go to war. But given that chinas GDP is 10 times that of Russia and in our life will be 20 times a big as Russia, I just think its inevitable they will demand from Russia what they demanded from UK. A reversal of that unfair treaty. You might be right and they might let Russia keep it. its up to them I suppose. It does not bother me,

China in alliance with Russia will contain, isolate and turn the West and its vassals into 3rd world hole. That is what going to happen.

right, ok.
Borders of all countries expand and contract over time, it's normal. As for Hong kong's case, Hong kong is undisputed Chinese land, not in the border regions where only ethnic minorities predominate, besides, you sound like UK voluntarily gave Hong kong back to China... this is a extremely stupid remark, UK didn't but Dengxiaoping didn't give Margaret Hilda Thatcher other options, do you seriously believe UK was in any postition to say no to China?

1842 Treaty of Nanking gave Hong Kong Island to UK forever.
1860 Treaty of Peking gave Kawloon to UK forever
1860 Treaty of Peking also gave Russia Outer Manchuria. (1 million square kilometres)

UK didn't have to give it back, and all of NATO would have supported them, but they gave it back.

Russia has not given it back and has no intention of giving anything back. China can happily accept this. I have no problem with Russia keeping the spoils of the opium wars. It makes zero difference to my life.
So you talk like this to instigate bad blood between China and Russia and the day that China fights Russia, you’re going to jump on the China hate bandwagon and talk about the yellow peril so all western nations can bomb China once it senses weakness again. Lol

I would not take Russia's side in any war between them and China, In fact I think land in Asia, belongs to asians and not Europeans as a matter of principle.

The reality is that there is one force incessantly attacking China and smearing the Chinese people today, day in and day out, and it is very clear who it is. Russia today is not an expansionist power but it will fight to maintain its sphere of influence and the interests between China and Russia today coincide and both want peace and stability for the continent, I don’t see how this big picture will change far into the future.

Russia is expanding right now and currently occupies outer countries. So it is an expansionist country. Its borders are regularly increasing.
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Russia today is not an expansionist power but it will fight to maintain its sphere of influence and the interests between China and Russia today coincide and both want peace and stability for the continent, I don’t see how this big picture will change far into the future.
Fair points. I don't think we dispute that. You could also argue that Japan today is not an expansionist power as well. China should make peace with Japan and make concessions on that silly small barren rock/island spoiling relations between you and Japan. A silly rock that has been used by CCP now for decades to Stoke nationalism when it sees fit.
If China could make peace with Russia and recognise Russian sovereignty over former Chinese territories bigger than the whole of Japan, why can't you guys do the same with Japan over a small barren rock? 😁
Fair points. I don't think we dispute that. You could also argue that Japan today is not an expansionist power as well. China should make peace with Japan and make concessions on that silly small barren rock/island spoiling relations between you and Japan. A silly rock that has been used by CCP now for decades to Stoke nationalism when it sees fit.
If China could make peace with Russia and recognise Russian sovereignty over former Chinese territories bigger than the whole of Japan, why can't you guys do the same with Japan over a small barren rock? 😁

China and Russia signed a border treaty settling things once and for all back in the 90s, it set a foundation for a good relationship after.

Japan is a vassal state of the US and is often involved in anti-China alliances, so there is no incentive to hand over Diaoyutai to Japan.
Some small area? hmmmm. During the opium wars Russia ganged up against china and invaded an area of 600,000 sq kilometres. And china was forced to accept it under the treaty of Aigun.

And then 2 years later The Treaty of Peking gave a further 400,000 sq kilometres of outer Manchuria to Russia.

As a part of the treaty, Hong Kong and Kowloon was given to British forever. Just like Manchuria was given to Russia forever.

thats 1 million square kilometres taken by Russia and not given back yet.

Well if china is happy with its borders, thats fine. I hope they don't go to war. But given that chinas GDP is 10 times that of Russia and in our life will be 20 times a big as Russia, I just think its inevitable they will demand from Russia what they demanded from UK. A reversal of that unfair treaty. You might be right and they might let Russia keep it. its up to them I suppose. It does not bother me,

right, ok.

Not really. Even though those areas are far larger than what the British took, they were remote lands inhabited by Siberian tribes. They are not part of the Chinese core. And China and Russia already settled the border permanently. Both countries would rather live in peace with one another like they do now.

Hong Kong had to be returned to China because it is a city full of 7 million Han Chinese, it is part of China's core. Same reason why China will never let Taiwan go. A more similar situation would be if Russia held on to Dalian, which it once colonized, and it was now a city of 5 million Han Chinese, China would definitely demand it back. But as far as the Siberian border is concerned, China has accepted the current borders and are fine with it.
China and Russia signed a border treaty settling things once and for all back in the 90s, it set a foundation for a good relationship after.

Japan is a vassal state of the US and is often involved in anti-China alliances, so there is no incentive to hand over Diaoyutai to Japan.
Lool Dude the dispute of that barren rock is between you and Japan. If China gave up its claims and recognised Japan sovereignty over that barren rock relations with Japan would have been totally different from what they are today , since that disputes creates alot of enmity between both sides and stokes nationalism and hatred often between both sides. For one Japan wouldn't have been overtly hostile to China today and wouldn't join any alliances against China (especially not openly).
This has nothing to do with the US. And no Japan is not a vassal of the US per se. Else they would do everything the US tell them and they would never have joined the RCEP in the first place since the US was vehemently against them joining. So you using the word vassal her is deceiving and an oversimplification of what it is.
If you guys can be so lenient with Russia who has caused far more long term loss of vast territory permanently from China, then why can't you let go of a small barren rock in the middle of nowhere to have good relations with a far important economic and technology power like Japan?
If I was a Chinese leader that will be a logical thing to do. Lol Nothing much to lose, more to gain. 😁
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Lool Dude the dispute of that barren rock is between you and Japan. If China gave up its claims and recognised Japan sovereignty over that barren rock relations with Japan would have been totally different from what they are today , since that disputes creates alot of enmity between both sides and stokes nationalism and hatred often between both sides. For one Japan wouldn't have been overtly hostile to China today and wouldn't join any alliances against China (especially not openly).
This has nothing to do with the US. And no Japaan is not a vassal of the US per se. Else they would do everything the US tell them and they would never have joined the RCEP in the first place since the US was vehemently against them joining. So you using the word vassal her is deceiving and oversimplification of what it really is.
If you guys can be so lenient with Russia who has caused far more long term loss of vast territory permanently from China, then why can't you let go of a small barren rock to have good relations with a far important economic and technology power like Japan?
If I was a Chinese leader that will be a logical thing to do. Lol Nothing much to lose, more to gain. 😁

In the past, Japan used to be backward and inferior to China, they sent emissaries to China to learn culture and technology from China. After that, they began to repeatedly try to attack Korea and China, organize groups of bandits to raid the Chinese coast, invade China's interior.

By the 19th century, Japan began to learn from the West and became rich and civilized. The Japanese began the policy of expansion, attacking, pillaging, massacring China, and finally attacking and provoking the West.

World War II, Japan was defeated by the US, deprived of many territories, they were humiliated and raped by the Americans. Japan is very patient, they are learning from the Americans. The United States is their master now, but they will behead America if they have a chance to rise again.

Japan is a combination of GouJian and Lubu. Patience, calm and betrayal.
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