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Kashmiri Pundit : What was done to them by Kashmiri Muslims


LeT and JeM are terrorist organizations and even banned by Pakistan. They were founded and supported by Pakistan before they gt banned.

They are like Al-Qaeda Wannabes.

Indeed they are banned in Pakistan I wonder what evidence do we really have for their involvement in Kashmir & at that the intensity of that involvement !

As for extra-judicial killings, aren't Pakistan Army and ISI doing it Pakistan, so why single out Indian Army. Of course, in conflicts , these things happen. Is it a big surprise for you ?
And spare me Holier than Thou Pakistan Army. You know why Mukti Bahini formed.

Because the issue is Kashmir not Pakistan & because I wasn't accusing the Indian Army of anything...I just said that I won't be surprised if that were found to be true when I look back at History & we do know why Mukhti Bahini was formed & that too is a part of the same discourse on opinions, exaggerations & omissions taken for incontrovertible history instead of an honest to god, neutral commission to determine what really happened in '71 & whether the figures quoted & those accused are rightly so or is it all just a farce whipped up by the other side.

The same applies to Kashmir....I'm not trying to convince you because without facts we can say nothing & the fact of the matter is that there are no facts...only opinions ! You, on the other hand, have created this thread & have maintained the discourse that you have to further what you believe really happened therein & who was responsible for it - I'm required to give you the space to express yourself but I'm also well within my rights to ask for evidence if I am to believe it ! Or was the intention of this thread just to think out load & not discuss the issue ? In that case I will say no more.

It has to be done for official purpose. But they accept this article to put it on their website. Disclaimer is always put on such articles.

BTW Did you read the article ?

Oh please they accept this article & yet explicitly mention that they don't endorse it ? I've read disclaimers in the past & I know what an article or a research paper is & what an official report is after conducting a proper fact finding mission.

Yes I did read the article & I did note the chronic dearth of any references mentioned therein or any attempt to explore the veracity of basic assertions instead of taking them on face value.
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It's so simple Krait - why exasperate over it? the remnants of the mujahadeen from the Afghan war were directed towards Kashmir in 89 - Indian forces fought a bloody battle against these Pak sponsored terrorists. As you say more than 70,000 people were killed due to Pakistan sponsored terrorism. I still remember the peaceful Kashmir from the movies of the 60's and 70's and Pakistan destroyed it. Kashmir is limping back to normalcy and these Jihaadi's are @ss burned to see that and openly calling for terrorist actions in Kashmir again. There is just one solution for all this - the decimation of the land of terrorists - very sorry to say that.
@illusion8 this thread is for all the Indians who are targeted over Godhara, Babri, Kashmir, etc. We can't have a Moderator, which I also don't want. But we can talk with facts, and neutral sources. :D

When you don't have upper edge, you solidify your position with solid foundation. :triniti:
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@illusion8 this thread is for all the Indians who are targeted over Godhara, Babri, Kashmir, etc. We can't have a Moderator, which I also don't want. But we can talk with facts, and neutral sources. :D

When you don't have upper edge, you solidify your position with solid foundation. :triniti:

How does it matter Krait? millions of Hindus have died at the hands of Muslims over the centuries, our properties, our kids, our women have fallen prey to them but still we feed them and look after them as our brethren and you are bothered about some stand on PDF? Everyone knows the pyshe and tendency of the individual religions...don't really bother ...it's not worth it.
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@KRAIT it seems to me that you are making unnecessary discussion here.

There is no use, the first three four replies themselves should make it clear to you the result. The war isn't here it is some where else.

The hypocracy is very much evident, however why cry on others when our own are found needing. Our govt has completely failed in protecting the Kashmir Pandits and even today we are more worried about the plight of minorities and secular credentials of India which means protecting everybody other than Hindu interests.
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@illusion8 @indushek Buddy, I am not that concerned. Why will I think about Pandits of Kashmir when Hindu homes are torched in West Bengal.

My point of this thread is that few Indians should know history. Many people who say things about Indian Army and so called secular parties, the yputh have to know it.

For centuries we didn't learn from history.

As they say, Those who don't learn from history, relives it.

Its for many guest Indians who lurk on this forum. Just a freedom of expression.
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@illusion8 @indushek Buddy, I am not that concerned. Why will I think about Pandits of Kashmir when Hindu homes are torched in West Bengal.

My point of this thread is that few Indians should know history. Many people who say things about Indian Army and so called secular parties, the yputh have to know it.

For centuries we didn't learn from history.

As they say, Those who don't learn from history, relives it.

Its for many guest Indians who lurk on this forum. Just a freedom of expression.

True but the fact is that in India what runs on mainstream politics and media is pseudo secularism. Don't expect anything better.
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How does it matter Krait? millions of Hindus have died at the hands of Muslims over the centuries, our properties, our kids, our women have fallen prey to them but still we feed them and look after them as our brethren and you are bothered about some stand on PDF? Everyone knows the pyshe and tendency of the individual religions...don't really bother ...it's not worth it.

Very true!! I second to that. People who blame Hindus killing Muslims need to refresh their knowledge that If any Hindu mob had tried throwing Muslims out of their house or state in Pakistan like some fundamentalists did in Kashmir with Kashmiri Pandits, how would Muslims in Pakistan reply to them? India has Hindus in majority still some people displaced 300000 Kashmiri Pandits from their home. This itself tells everything.
@illusion8 @indushek Buddy, I am not that concerned. Why will I think about Pandits of Kashmir when Hindu homes are torched in West Bengal.

My point of this thread is that few Indians should know history. Many people who say things about Indian Army and so called secular parties, the yputh have to know it.

For centuries we didn't learn from history.

As they say, Those who don't learn from history, relives it.

Its for many guest Indians who lurk on this forum. Just a freedom of expression.

I personally know the plight and the sufferings of Kashmiri Pandits and many Indians do, and believe me it is not worth discussing here - you are just undermining it.
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True but the fact is that in India what runs on mainstream politics and media is pseudo secularism. Don't expect anything better.
Do what ? Leave it ? Look what protester in Delhi brought. There is a change happening. Slowly but yes. People were laughing at those protesters. Now we have law changes and govt. has to allocate more money for women protection. Even for votes, they have to do something. If 10% is effective, those protesters may have saved thousands of potential rapes.

Vote and Social media gives you something to do. Our older generation kept silent, so we have this type of situation. Do you want our new generation to ask same question from us ?

If each educated person helps in swinging vote from religion/caste based politics to development/justice based politics of JUST 1 person. Your work is done.

There was a research done in US about to measure Social sentiments and vote swings based on Tweeter Feeds. I know how Social media can change the entire political system.

If you want, I can send you link of my published journal article.
And the most disgusting thing here is the video clearly shows that the locals themselves were involved in this, the Pakistani representative there tried his best to make it look like some how its was politics that made it so from Pakistan and India but the Pandits have clearly shown that their own neighbors never came to help them when needed the most.

Even worst is that the one person says that it was announced Mosque loudspeakers that the kaffirs should leave their woman and run!!!!!! what is this fixation with women :sick:

Yasin Maliks role is clearly shown here, he calls himself Gandhi it seems :omghaha:

I have left lot of things unsaid here as i don't want to get affected with hatred.

Very true!! I second to that. People who blame Hindus killing Muslims need to refresh their knowledge that If any Hindu mob had tried throwing Muslims out of their house or state in Pakistan like some fundamentalists did in Kashmir with Kashmiri Pandits, how would Muslims in Pakistan reply to them? India has Hindus in majority still some people displaced 300000 Kashmiri Pandits from their home. This itself tells everything.

Dear have u seen the video, the Pandits are clearly saying that this wasn't new or started by certain fundamentalists it has been so for a long long time. Every time some thing happened in Pakistan Pandits were targeted it seems.

Do what ? Leave it ? Look what protester in Delhi brought. There is a change happening. Slowly but yes. People were laughing at those protesters. Now we have law changes and govt. has to allocate more money for women protection. Even for votes, they have to do something. If 10% is effective, those protesters may have saved thousands of potential rapes.

Vote and Social media gives you something to do. Our older generation kept silent, so we have this type of situation. Do you want our new generation to ask same question from us ?

If each educated person helps in swinging vote from religion/caste based politics to development/justice based politics of JUST 1 person. Your work is done.

There was a research done in US about to measure Social sentiments and vote swings based on Tweeter Feeds. I know how Social media can change the entire political system.

If you want, I can send you link of my published journal article.

I never said u to leave it in India in the real world, i am talking about this site only.
Do what ? Leave it ? Look what protester in Delhi brought. There is a change happening. Slowly but yes. People were laughing at those protesters. Now we have law changes and govt. has to allocate more money for women protection. Even for votes, they have to do something. If 10% is effective, those protesters may have saved thousands of potential rapes.

Vote and Social media gives you something to do. Our older generation kept silent, so we have this type of situation. Do you want our new generation to ask same question from us ?

If each educated person helps in swinging vote from religion/caste based politics to development/justice based politics of JUST 1 person. Your work is done.

There was a research done in US about to measure Social sentiments and vote swings based on Tweeter Feeds. I know how Social media can change the entire political system.

If you want, I can send you link of my published journal article.

You are very right. The point is ' bring things in notice' do not let it go. Because if once it is not attended, it will become a habit. Same way the suffering of Kashmiri Pandit is a major issue of Kashmir. What they faced was a planned genocide.
@indushek Actually, what I discuss here also helps me to convince people in real world. I forwarded this video to a senior of mine who didn't knew this. Now he is too moved and a chain reaction is going to start.

I discuss it here because you know it, @illusion8 knows it because we all exchange these information but people that I know in real world don't give a sh!t about national interest, don't know the reality of Gujarat and Kashmir, and when we transfer these information in Social media, it might make few persons to really think about it.

For a fair and better election and government, we need informed voters.

See, no media is covering West Bengal riots. But every one went on nuts during Godhara. The plight of Muslims is seen by every one, what about those of Sikhs and Hindus ? Of Dalits ?

We have good minds on this forum which give both sides of the story. I am now more ready to talk to Pakistanis for peaceful settlement than some other random guy in real world who says nuke Pakistan.

You are very right. The point is ' bring things in notice' do not let it go. Because if once it is not attended, it will become a habit. Same way the suffering of Kashmiri Pandit is a major issue of Kashmir. What they faced was a planned genocide.
Share this on Social Media, tweet it, upload on Facebook. After all rest of the India don't know about many aspects of Kashmir issue especially the Youth, which are in majority.

This allow extremists and Malik like people and JLF a breathing space.
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@indushek Actually, what I discuss here also helps me to convince people in real world. I forwarded this video to a senior of mine who didn't knew this. Now he is too moved and a chain reaction is going to start.

I discuss it here because you know it, @illusion8 knows it because we all exchange these information but people that I know in real world don't give a sh!t about national interest, don't know the reality of Gujarat and Kashmir, and when we transfer these information in Social media, it might make few persons to really think about it.

For a fair and better election and government, we need informed voters.

See, no media is covering West Bengal riots. But every one went on nuts during Godhara. The plight of Muslims is seen by every one, what about those of Sikhs and Hindus ? Of Dalits ?

We have good minds on this forum which give both sides of the story. I am now more ready to talk to Pakistanis for peaceful settlement than some other random guy in real world who says nuke Pakistan.

Share this on Social Media, tweet it, upload on Facebook. After all rest of the India don't know about many aspects of Kashmir issue especially the Youth, which are in majority.

This allow extremists and Malik like people and JLF a breathing space.

Will accept till informing Indian voters, talking to Pakistan is another issue.
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Will accept till informing Indian voters, talking to Pakistan is another issue.
I didn't know this video before @Black Widow mentioned me and told about it. Similarly may be few Indian lurkers or guests will also read this thread and pass it on.

Online Word of Mouth is damn important these days. Proven by research.
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