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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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What about Tibet ? Does it not belong to the people of Tibet ?

This is a little off topic but is a clear indication that a super power like China has crushed the will of Tibet or any form of autonomy let alone freedom.

i think human beings are not treated equally,:pop::pop:
ISLAMABAD: The authorities in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) have directed the cable operators of Jammu district to stop telecast of 12 channels within two days, 11 of which are being broadcast from Pakistan and one from Dubai.

According to a report issued by the Kashmir Media Service, a notice had already been issued to multi-system cable operators to stop the broadcast of 12 channels. app

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
No as per Indian members there is no demand of Pakistani channels in India so they shouldn't be allowed :lol:

It is only Pakistanis who are crazy after Indian channels
Thousands protest against killing in Kashmir

Indian policemen scuffle with activists during a demonstration in Srinagar, India - Photo by AP

SRINAGAR: Thousands of villagers, angry over the fatal shooting of a civilian, rallied in the Indian-administered Kashmir on Saturday, burning two army vehicles, officials said.

The protest was sparked by the shooting death of a civilian early Saturday, and wounding of another, who trotted on horseback into an ambush the army had laid for suspected rebels in Kellar, a village about 35 miles (60 kilometers) south of Indian-administered Kashmir's main city Srinagar, said Shahid Mairaj, the area police chief.

The soldiers fired at the two men after they ignored warnings and tried to run away, Mairaj told The Associated Press.

"It was an accident," Mairaj said, but added that the army violated standard procedure by not informing local police about the ambush.

In the Saturday protest, thousands of villagers threw rocks and set two vehicles on fire, Mairaj said. Three civilians were injured in the clashes. Soldiers fired warning shots in the air to disperse the protesters who also raised posters with anti-India slogans, he said.

Mohammed Maqbool, a local resident, alleged that the soldiers fired into the protesters, wounding his son and many others. Riaz Ahmed, a doctor at a Srinagar hospital said two people were treated for bullet wounds.

According to an army statement, “A high-level inquiry has been ordered to investigate the incident.” It also said that troops exercised restraint.

Anti-India sentiment runs deep in Indian-administered Kashmir and government forces repeatedly have been accused of targeting civilians during their drive against nearly a dozen rebel groups fighting since 1989 for independence from India, or unification with Pakistan.

Skirmishes between Kashmiris and security forces are common. On April 15, villagers protested the killing of a 70-year-old civilian allegedly by the army in Indian-administered Kashmir.

More than 68,000 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in the uprising and subsequent Indian crackdown.

DAWN.COM | World | Thousands protest against killing in Kashmir
Two army vehicles torched in Kashmir

Shopian (Jammu and Kashmir), Apr 25 (ANI): Angry protesters at Keller area of Shopian District in Jammu and Kashmir have torched two army vehicles after a person was killed during an encounter with security forces.

The incident took place on Saturday morning.

Troops had laid a cordon at Chewan Keller village after receiving information about movement of militants.

"At 4.15 in the morning three people walked into a cordon. When they were challenged by the security forces they began to run, as a result soldiers fired on them. In the firing, a person was killed, another was injured and third person was apprehended," said Lieutenant Colonel J S Brar, a Defence spokesperson.

As the news of the death spread scores of villagers came out to protest.

"As the day broke out scores of civilians gathered and they started stone pelting at security personnel. The commanding officer of the Rashtriya Rifles, District Superintendent of Police and Commissioner tried to pacify the crowd during the stone pelting. Two vehicles of army, one of which was caught in slush, was torched by civilians illegally," Lt Col Brar added. (ANI)

Two army vehicles torched in Kashmir - Oneindia News
Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Lillah!

Indian tyranny will soon come to an end, Insha Allah!

Kashmir is a part of Pakistan, and the 2/5 of Kashmir that has been illegally occupied by the Indians must be handed over to Pakistan, as it is a part of this Pak sar zameen!

May God help Pakistan, our brothers/sisters in Indian occupied Kashmir, and all the Muslims. Ameen!
This is the actual incident. It was a case of mistaken identity and definitely wrong. The affected families must be compensated and apologized too. In COIN operations collateral damages do happen but minimizing it and having a zero tolerance policy for deliberate HR violations should be maintained.

Let me add as a reminder that out of the 50,000+ people killed in the conflict. More than 15000 Kashmiri Muslims were killed by militants alone. On top of the 1000+ non-Muslim civilians killed by them

Another mistaken identity: Army probes Shopian killing

The Army has ordered a high-level inquiry into the killing of a 32-year-old man in Kellar Shopian which triggered off protests in the area in which three people were injured.

Locals said in the early hours of Saturday an ambush party of the Army fired on three timber smugglers at Chawan Shopian mistaking them for militants. “The three persons were fired at by the Army when they were moving in the area. One villager died on the spot, while two others sustained bullet injuries in the shootout. Two horses with them also got killed in the firing,” Showket Ahmad, a villager told The Sunday Express over phone.

The dead civilian has been identified as Gul Mohammad Kalas. As the news of Kalas’s killing spread in the village, dozens of villagers assembled there and started raising pro freedom slogans and torched two Army vehicles. The jawans opened fire on the mob injuring three civilians.

Deputy Commissioner Shopian Abdul Majid Khanday termed the killing unfortunate and a case of mistaken identity. “The Army has already agreed that the civilian who was a timber smuggler was killed in case of a mistaken identity. The villagers got pacified when the Army admitted that it was a case of mistaken identity. The body has also been buried by the villagers.”

He said a case had been registered against the Army personnel. “Since the Army has already accepted it as a case of a mistaken identity, there was no need to hold any further inquiry,” he said.

Defence spokesman Lt Col J S Brar said on intelligence inputs from police, an operation was launched in Chawan, Abhom in Shopian on the night of April 23 and a cordon was established on the outskirts of the village where suspected militants were likely to come. “At 4 am, three persons walked into the cordon from outside the village. On being challenged, they started running, prompting the jawans to open fire in which one person was killed, another injured and the third one was handed over to the police.”
The affected families must be compensated and apologized too.
The affected families in Kashmir, and all others, should be compensated by an end to Indian occupation and subjugation of Kashmir, by being allowed to exercise their right of self-determination.
In COIN operations collateral damages do happen but minimizing it and having a zero tolerance policy for deliberate HR violations should be maintained.
These are not COIN operations, they are operations to enforce occupation and subjugation, and thousands killed by Indian security forces were innocents tortured and massacred in pursuit of the subduing of the people of Kashmir, and not just 'accidental collateral damage'.
What do you expect form a country that feeds its populace hatred laced propaganda about Pakistan 24/7?

The issue is not 'demand' for Pakistani channels, it is the fact that they only want their own distorted narrative to have primacy - you all know this, the majority of new Indian posters on this forum have over the years displayed a shocking understanding of Pakistan and the level of its development.

Go to the major Indian newspapers such as ToI and HT, and their sections on Pakistan are chock full of negative news alone. This is all part of a well thought out strategy by the GoI to brainwash its populace and inculcate hatred for Pakistan in it.
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