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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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ISLAMABAD: The authorities in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) have directed the cable operators of Jammu district to stop telecast of 12 channels within two days, 11 of which are being broadcast from Pakistan and one from Dubai.

According to a report issued by the Kashmir Media Service, a notice had already been issued to multi-system cable operators to stop the broadcast of 12 channels. app

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

This goes about proving that till date the Pakistani channels were allowed in India.

So another Pakistani propaganda busted the we don't allow your channels. :wave:
The affected families in Kashmir, and all others, should be compensated by an end to Indian occupation and subjugation of Kashmir, by being allowed to exercise their right of self-determination.

These are not COIN operations, they are operations to enforce occupation and subjugation, and thousands killed by Indian security forces were innocents tortured and massacred in pursuit of the subduing of the people of Kashmir, and not just 'accidental collateral damage'.

Let me quote what a local villager said in the news report:

Locals said in the early hours of Saturday an ambush party of the Army fired on three timber smugglers at Chawan Shopian mistaking them for militants. “The three persons were fired at by the Army when they were moving in the area. One villager died on the spot, while two others sustained bullet injuries in the shootout. Two horses with them also got killed in the firing,” Showket Ahmad, a villager told The Sunday Express over phone.
This clearly shows that these three people were involved in smuggling timber late at night. The Army was running patrols and would have challenged them thinking they might be militants and fired upon them. They were not protesting against "IA occupation" at midnight. This is not how subjugation of the masses is done.

This was a COIN related operation going on were safety patrols are dispatched during the night. I don't really want to bring Pakistan into this but just for comparison, PAF recently bombed using fighter jets and that resulted in 50+ civilian deaths in a single strike. AFAIK, IAF has never been deployed to "suppress the masses" or more accurately even against militants to keep the civilian casualties down.

Even before we talk about assessing what the people want to say, we have to demilitarize that area. We have to have a society that is not under siege and threat of militants striking out against anyone who opposes their ideology. The security forces can be removed only when militants stop coming across the border.
Until beginning of this year army was gradually being withdrawn regularly for the last 4 years and almost 40,000 troops have been withdrawn and a similar number of para-military forces as well. But now this withdrawal has been halted thanks to a increase in militant infiltration.

In fact, you can check out what the locals are doing in this documentary video reported by Suhail Bukhari who is regularly reporting from various parts of J&K. Many local journalists have access to J&K to report on the situation there and there is vibrant local J&K media as well.
Defending LoC documentaryl
Well it looks that it was a fake media report. Most likely fabricated by separatists to rile up the locals.

"No ban on any channel”
Srinagar: Refuting the reports that government has banned airing of some religious channels in Jammu, a renowned cable network proprietor today said that there was no such directive.
“We read the news in some newspapers but have no such orders or directions from the government,” owner of Cable Network Jammu and Director JK Channel told a local news agency, KNS.
He told KNS that these channels were on the air and no one has asked ‘us to stop their telecast.’
“I don’t know where from the news has come but I too read it in newspapers,” he said.

It is pertinent to mention here that several separatist organizations had condemned the banning of these channels and Syed Ali Geelani had assured Jammu Muslims that his Hurriyat was ‘with them.’
Commenting on these statements, the Director of JK Channel said: “Fact of the matter is that we have not received any such directions from any government agency and the said channels are on air.”
“Furthermore, let me say, Kashmir Muslims are 300 Kms far away from Jammu Muslims and let all know that we and our Muslim brethren in Jammu are one,” he said.
Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Lillah!

Indian tyranny will soon come to an end, Insha Allah!

Kashmir is a part of Pakistan, and the 2/5 of Kashmir that has been illegally occupied by the Indians must be handed over to Pakistan, as it is a part of this Pak sar zameen!

May God help Pakistan, our brothers/sisters in Indian occupied Kashmir, and all the Muslims. Ameen!

Nice dream!! keep it up.....
Unfortunately your dream will not come true in this millennium..:D:D
god bless them people in kashmir . the irony is that its not just kashmir where people are suffering but tis whole india. where cops and politicians are opressing poor people.

the only problem with kashmir is that voice doesnt go out, people who live in india think that everything is fine in kashmir. because they have their own family and friends earning in big $ and driving their expensive cars so same goes on in kashmir.

crpf need to be kicked out kashmir and local police should be given responsibilty of kashmir.

People have to understabd kashmir will never be seprated from india and if it is that will be too costly. it will cost two countries. so the best way is : indian people raise their voice and give support to kashmir people, not for love of country then atleast for humanity.
god bless them people in kashmir . the irony is that its not just kashmir where people are suffering but tis whole india. where cops and politicians are opressing poor people.

the only problem with kashmir is that voice doesnt go out, people who live in india think that everything is fine in kashmir. because they have their own family and friends earning in big $ and driving their expensive cars so same goes on in kashmir.

crpf need to be kicked out kashmir and local police should be given responsibilty of kashmir.

People have to understabd kashmir will never be seprated from india and if it is that will be too costly. it will cost two countries. so the best way is : indian people raise their voice and give support to kashmir people, not for love of country then atleast for humanity.

Good jod your not incharge of kashmir affairs in india otherwise pakistan would lose the kashmir "war".
Keep the common sense to yourself:cheers:
The affected families in Kashmir, and all others, should be compensated by an end to Indian occupation and subjugation of Kashmir, by being allowed to exercise their right of self-determination.
The question of self-determination arises only when a territory in question is said to be occupied. Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and as such forms a state of the Indian Union. Only in Pakistan is it known as "Indian occupied Kashmir" and variations thereof.

When Pakistan decided to ignore the initial draft of Resolution 47 (withdrawal of troops for UN and India to conduct a plebiscite), it set a precedence for ignorance of future revisions of this particular resolution. Anyhow, this resolution was under chapter VI (non-binding) as opposed to chapter VII (mandatory).
India legally annexed J&K and so it now forms a state in the Indian Union. Any untoward incidents in the state is now an internal law and order matter for the government and it is up to the government to enforce the constitution and laws in the state. India claims the whole state as its territory and enforces the govt.'s writ in the state, unlike some countries which claim territories but cannot constitutionally control the areas and have to resort to unholy deals with entities to ensure safety of other areas.
These are not COIN operations, they are operations to enforce occupation and subjugation, and thousands killed by Indian security forces were innocents tortured and massacred in pursuit of the subduing of the people of Kashmir, and not just 'accidental collateral damage'.
In lieu of the above context, it becomes the imperative of the Indian and the J&K state governments to ensure safety of the population from nefarious elements who in the name of religion and "freedom" have unleashed a reign of terror in the state. Such operations are known as COIN - a term which I believe you are very familiar with including its ROEs. And so, the operations carried out by the forces can be termed as COIN ops. Collateral damage in such cases is very much an unwelcome but unavoidable reality.
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Nothing new in IOk. Something very common by the frustrated Indian security forces. Let's see how much India is capable to continue this circle of tyranny.

Whether this particular story is correct or not has little to do with my larger point.

The larger ' point' actually is a perception.

If the facts in Pak are any different than what is known then this would be mirrored in other international news channels as well.

Not that I am suggesting that all is bad in Pak but after seeing things as they have emerged over the last decade, those Indians who have the time & inclination to think of Pak generally agree with the perceptions of GOI.
Indian Army is committing a genocide and they will tried - if not today, surely tomorrow.

This is 21 Century and crimes against humanity cannot be hidden.

Media will expose and conscious will prick.

Offenders will sing and will be dealt with...................................
do not interfere in our internal matters

Do not interfere? When was Kashmir officially yours. As far as I know, it is still a disputed area be it PhK or IhK we have a right to know what is happening there in Kashmir, and lend support to them diplomatically and morally!
Indian Army is committing a genocide and they will tried - if not today, surely tomorrow.

This is 21 Century and crimes against humanity cannot be hidden.

Media will expose and conscious will prick.

Offenders will sing and will be dealt with...................................

HAHA makes me laugh when pakistanis use the word "genocide" lol rememeber 1971?? 1971 is second only to the "holocaut" which happend in europe.....
Pakistan 'army air strike kills dozens of civilians'

At least 73 civilians were killed when an army jet bombed a remote village in Pakistan's tribal region of Khyber, a local official has told the BBC.

He said the incident took place on Saturday but news was slow in being reported because of the inaccessibility of the region.

The jet was involved in operations against Taliban militants in the nearby Orakzai tribal region.

Officials have reportedly already paid compensation to families of victims.

The military insists most of those killed were militants, but local sources say many civilians have also been killed.

Many people have died in air strikes in the area over the past 18 months.

Villagers say another strike - by a US drone missile - killed 13 people on Monday.

Gagging order

Military spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas told Associated Press news agency on Monday that those killed in the Pakistan army air strike were attacked because it had intelligence that militants were gathering at the site.

He denied civilians had died and said the victims were initially reported to be suspected militants, AP said.

The BBC's Orla Guerin says an official claims that 73 civilians were killed

Those on the ground gave a different version of events.

"All those killed were innocent civilians," the local administration official told the BBC.

"The dead include women and children. Dozens of people were also injured."

The official said he could not speak on the record as the military had put a "gagging order" on him to limit the fallout.

He said that initial information suggested that the jet had strayed away from the conflict zone and mistook the village for a militant compound.
Local officials have paid compensation amounting to more than $100,000 (£65,000) to the families of those killed, an unnamed official told the Associated Press news agency.

The BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad says this is a strong indication that local authorities, at least, believe a tragic mistake has been made.

The injured have been moved to hospitals in the nearby city of Peshawar. They are being treated under strict guard.

Police prevented a BBC correspondent from interviewing the injured at the Hayatabad medical complex in Peshawar.

Other reporters have also been denied access.

Correspondents say that the army is under heavy pressure from the US to move forcefully against Taliban and al-Qaeda militants in the north-west.

The army regularly reports killing militants in air strikes, but consistently denies it is responsible for civilian deaths.

Relief agencies say the offensives against militants in Pakistan and in neighbouring Afghanistan have displaced more than one million people

this was the same thing that happend in J&K
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