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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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India would be glad to take Pakistan's territory, but they certainly don't want 170 million Muslims. Since one cannot be separated from the other, India is not interested in taking over Pakistan. They have two parallel options that they have been working on since 1947.

(1) To make sure that Pakistan remains weak so that it is unable to challenge India's interests.

(2) More preferably, to break up the country such that most of the population is forced into a small territory, leaving the remaining area for India to control directly or through newly formed client states.

I think buddy here you are flawed... India has no interest in Pakistan's territory. Think logically what has India to gain from Pakistan's territory. Absolute nothing. So no point of having that.
A number of people have mentioned water, and there are analysts who say that this century's wars will be fought over water, not oil.

I can see water becoming a major issue of contention, maybe, but I am still hopeful that we could work it out.
I think buddy here you are flawed... India has no interest in Pakistan's territory. Think logically what has India to gain from Pakistan's territory. Absolute nothing. So no point of having that.

India has been seeking a transit route to Central Asia for quite some time, and Pakistan had denied India's request for a transit route to Central Asia via Pakistan.

Have you forgotten what Indira Gandhi said that she will throw the two nation theory down the Indian Ocean then the next thing you know India army crossed international borders and invaded Lahore in 1965.

Also Nehru was disappointed that NWFP was given to Pakistan, again because Pakistan, particularly NWFP is a gateway to Central Asia.
India has been seeking a transit route to Central Asia for quite some time, and Pakistan had denied India's request for a transit route to Central Asia via Pakistan.

Have you forgotten what Indira Gandhi said that she will throw the two nation theory down the Indian Ocean then the next thing you know India army crossed international borders and invaded Lahore in 1965.

Also Nehru was disappointed that NWFP was given to Pakistan, again because Pakistan, particularly NWFP is a gateway to Central Asia.

Same old statement...........:hitwall: Buddy do you think that risking the whole business with the rail link under Indian control in Pakistan territory is worth while when we have sea route. And how many times I have to tell you when the transportation of goods are high then sea is the cheapest route to follow because of the cost incurred. Landways are benificial when you do not have much to transport.

Indira Gandhi gave that statement after creation of Bangladesh not 1965 war and I dont want to flame but you can understand the insight of that statement..

Indian Army invaded Lahore because of Operation Gibraltor which was started by Pakistan and to release pressure from Kashmir.

If started counting the disappointment about these things then Pakistan was disappointed with Junagadh, Hyderabad etc etc.

Then Bhai! what was the Jhagra all about? :rolleyes: :lol:

Since you are a bigger country, your "dil should also be Bara"!!

You have such a huge country!!! why do you hold on to that small part called Kashmir, please give it to us since we are so small :lol: "Aap ka kya Jaaigaa"

Then we wont have a war! EVER

Thank you, I was getting tired of the usual evasive, self righteous nonsense on Kashmir.

Pakistan was never interested in 'freedom' for Kashmir...(I could link a couple Kashmir banega Pakistan quotes from other members at the forum too)

- It tried to grab Kashmir by force in '47, but of course they were non state actors (?!) fighting an 'oppressive' king to 'liberate' their 'brothers' [aggressor: Pakistan (explain the tribal insurgency in Kashmir) ]

- Then in '65, once again, Pakistan was the aggressor. Since Kashmir is 'disputed territory', if India bombs a terrorist training camp somewhere in Ak, will Pakistan treat that as an act of war or not? (hint: Pakistan's Reposte doctrine

- Then in '99, 'freedom fighters' trained in high altitude warfare tried unsuccessfully to 'liberate' Kashmir for yet another time, only this time the specter of nuclear war hung over our heads.

Pakistan could not muster the courage to accept the soldiers as its own, yet it was ready to fight a nuclear war. Nice, awesome move there, totally responsible nation like. One hand doesn't know what the others doing. perfect. Stable government? perfect. 'after kashmir' :lol:

How can any Pakistani in his right mind consider India to be the aggressor? the remarkable restraint shown by India in '99 and last year is taken to be a sign of weakness. Pakistan with a fraction of our defense budget has initiated war thrice, yet India is the bully, we're the ones with hegemonic designs, while Pakistan's policy of strategic depth is completely palatable to everyone. Pakistan's treatment of East Pakistan doesn't come into question.

Pakistan hasn't come to terms with itself, it felt cheated back in '47 and it feels cheated to this day. I favored a reconciliation, but not anymore. Pakistan has used the Kashmiris as cannon fodder, under the guise of 'freedom' they have induced decades of suffering upon the Kashmiri people.

If Pakistan never spawned an insurgency in Kashmir, things would have never come to this. If a resolution to the dispute is a pre-requisite to peace, then there will never be peace.

India can live with the confrontation, as it has for 60+ years. There will never be an 'after Kashmir', unless you meant Pakistan abandoning its hopes for annexing the region. The strategic value of the region alone ensures that India will not part with an inch of territory.

Pakistan needs to look beyond Kashmir for there to be peace, learn from your Chinese 'brothers'. After 62 years of hatred, even a miracle won't bring about a resolution, so forget about peace after.

no trust = no dice.
Same old statement...........:hitwall: Buddy do you think that risking the whole business with the rail link under Indian control in Pakistan territory is worth while when we have sea route. And how many times I have to tell you when the transportation of goods are high then sea is the cheapest route to follow because of the cost incurred. Landways are benificial when you do not have much to transport..

Its India that requested for a transit route through Pakistan to Central Asia, Middle East, and Europe. Pakistan doesn't need India.

Indian Army invaded Lahore because of Operation Gibraltor which was started by Pakistan and to release pressure from Kashmir. ..

Kashmir was a disputed territory in 1965 and is still a disputed territory today.

Lahore was not disputed and was even recognized by India as a part of Pakistan.

LOC is not International Borders.

If started counting the disappointment about these things then Pakistan was disappointed with Junagadh, Hyderabad etc etc.

After the people of Junagadh chose India in a plebisite, Pakistan did not even care about Janugadh anymore..most Pakistanis dont even know about it.

That was a disputed region before but after a plebiscite they decided to be with India and Pakistan accepted Junagadh as part of India, the same will be the case if Kashmiris choses India in a plebiscite.
Its India that requested for a transit route through Pakistan to Central Asia, Middle East, and Europe. Pakistan doesn't need India.

This is meant for small trading equations. Alternatives should always be there. Dont you know that India is already at trade with rest of the world.

Kashmir was a disputed territory in 1965 and is still a disputed territory today.

Lahore was not disputed and was even recognized by India as a part of Pakistan.

LOC is not International Borders.

So that means we should expect no retaliation from the side of Pakistan if Indians attack the terrorist camps in Azad Kasmir or Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. So We can do anything there....

After the people of Junagadh chose India in a plebisite, Pakistan did not even care about Janugadh anymore..most Pakistanis dont even know about it.

That was a disputed region before but after a plebiscite they decided to be with India and Pakistan accepted Junagadh as part of India, the same will be the case if Kashmiris choses India in a plebiscite.

I think the context was NWPF. and India does not lay claim on NWPF
I think buddy here you are flawed... India has no interest in Pakistan's territory. Think logically what has India to gain from Pakistan's territory. Absolute nothing. So no point of having that.

To suggest that India would gain nothing from Pakistan's territory is preposterous. Apart from natural resources like minerals, arable land and water, Pakistan's proximity to the oil rich Gulf is certainly of interest. Furthermore, it would provide access to Central Asia (which is also a source of energy) and onwards to Europe for trade.

Land access to the Gulf, Central Asia and Europe is a huge complement to the sea routes both for container shipping as well as oil and gas pipelines.

If you still insist that India would have nothing to gain from Pakistan's territory, I have to conclude that it is a case of sour grapes.
To suggest that India would gain nothing from Pakistan's territory is preposterous. Apart from natural resources like minerals, arable land and water, Pakistan's proximity to the oil rich Gulf is certainly of interest. Furthermore, it would provide access to Central Asia (which is also a source of energy) and onwards to Europe for trade.

India already have alternatives of these and we already have trade of 100 billion with the middle east
Land access to the Gulf, Central Asia and Europe is a huge complement to the sea routes both for container shipping as well as oil and gas pipelines.
Tell me something how many containers can you ship at a time with the land route?
And how many containers can be shipped using a single ship in a single route?
India has already done deal with Australia for next 20 years. And we already have access to middle east for the same.

If you still insist that India would have nothing to gain from Pakistan's territory, I have to conclude that it is a case of sour grapes.

If that was the India would have easily tried it which has not been a case in past 62 years. And rest you can find the replies in my previous pose.
India already have alternatives of these and we already have trade of 100 billion with the middle east

Tell me something how many containers can you ship at a time with the land route?
And how many containers can be shipped using a single ship in a single route?
India has already done deal with Australia for next 20 years. And we already have access to middle east for the same.

If that was the India would have easily tried it which has not been a case in past 62 years. And rest you can find the replies in my previous pose.

Its pointless to argue. No more posts from me on this subject.
I dont think so After Kashmir, it is smooth sailing for Pakistan/India relationship?
bec pakistan politician hv only one issue to win the election.
Do they look like prostitutes?

And how can anybody think that any professional army in the world would take a decision to have prostitutes to entertain the troops.
JAIPUR: Army chief Gen Deepak Kapoor on Wednesday said Pakistan had violated ceasefire norms recently with an intention to push in additional
terrorists to Jammu and Kashmir before the onset of winter. ( Watch Video )

The Chief of Army Staff, however, said India's troops were quite alive to such tactics and giving befitting reply to contain intrusion to the valley.

"There has been a violation by Pakistan in the last couple of days," he told media after reviewing the Mounted Parade of 61st Cavalry at polo ground in Jaipur.

"Those violations are being used as a means by Pakistan to push in additional terrorists before the winter sets in, so that there is a degree of instability in the valley and Jammu and Kashmir. Forces are quite well versed with these tactics. They are quite alive to these tactics," Kapoor said when asked if Pakistan was violating ceasefire norms.

"We have appropriately deployed the forces and they would ensure to contain any infiltration bid further," he said.

"Let me ensure, Indian borders are extremely safe. We are fully alive to any challenges to face... Nothing worrying on borders".

Asked if western borders are under scanner, the army chief said, "As the winter is approaching, there will be defence from other side to push in infiltrators. As you would have noticed, the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is peaceful for the last 7-8 months".

I think whole of India is after Pakistan right now. I think Pakistan should seriously take the 26/11. Anyways Indians dont have any personal eminity against Haffeez Saed apart from terrorism so there would be no point to name him just like that.
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Major among 4 armymen, 4 militants dead in separate encounters

SRINAGAR: A Major and three other army personnel were killed in two separate long-drawn gunbattles with militants in north Kashmir during which
four terrorists, including two top Pakistani Hizbul Mujahideen commanders, were also shot dead.

While the encounter in Bandipora district ended this evening after 25 hours, the other in a forest in Baramulla district continued to rage for the third day.

Acting on information about the presence of Hizbul commanders Pasha and Mussa in a house at Boniyari village of Bandipora, Major J S Suri and a lance naik entered the premises from the roof to take the militants by surprise, official sources said.

However, the militants opened fire killing Suri and the lance naik on the spot.

Soon after, a team of Rashtriya Rifles men stormed the house to flush out the militants but came under heavy fire.

After a night-long lull, the militants resumed firing this morning, sparking another round of gunbattle in which Mussa and Pasha, both top commanders of Hizbul Mujahideen who were active in North Kashmir for a long time, were killed.

They said the encounter also left 4 armymen, including two officers, a lieutenant colonel and a major, injured.

Mussa, a former Lashkar-e-Taiba militant, and Pasha were Pakistani nationals involved in several militancy-related incidents in the state.

The encounter in a forest in Panzla area of Baramulla, which began on Monday, has so far left two armymen, including a marine commando, and two terrorists dead and three security personnel injured.
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