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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israel the created country by super power may disappear following collapse of the backend, maybe it's too late learn how to live friendly together with its neighbors.
If collapse of the superpower occurs (unlikely any time soon), Arabs will start unending wars among themselves.
If collapse of the superpower occurs (unlikely any time soon), Arabs will start unending wars among themselves.
Arabs won't genocide Arabs themselves, but maybe Israel getting the chance will. The general Israeli people are as kind as ever peace lover in the world I don't doubt it. The problem is Israel government and war-monster is puppet obviously by its creator.
Arabs won't genocide Arabs themselves, but maybe Israel getting the chance will. The general Israeli people are as kind as ever peace lover in the world I don't doubt it. The problem is Israel government and war-monster is puppet obviously by its creator.
Israeli government is not different from the people. They consider Palestinians to be human animals who should be slaughtered down to their children and domestic animals. They don't even allow Palestinians in the West Bank to collect rain water! A very small minority of Israelis are humane and anti-Zionist.

Arabs are somewhat better, but they are no humanitarians. They commit genocides such as in Sudan with UAE inolvement going now, Darfur (twice), Yemen (by Saudi Arabia/UAE), and in Syria. Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria, and Somalia wars were horror shows. Plenty of massacres in Egypt.
Arabs won't genocide Arabs themselves, but maybe Israel getting the chance will. The general Israeli people are as kind as ever peace lover in the world I don't doubt it. The problem is Israel government and war-monster is puppet obviously by its creator.
Lol, you're mistaken about us, we want Gaza destroyed

Netanyahu pretended to be a democrat desperately searching for peace. 22 years later the goal of Israel/Zionism is the brutalization and extermination of Palestinians which was always their intent. This was made possible because of normalization effort made by non-democratic Arab regimes.
Netanyahu is weak, he's still a democrat.
We could have ended this whole fiasco a hundred times and empty Gaza out.

Overwhelming majority of Israeli society does not disagree with him in principle. The West deters them for now, but there are powerful leaders in America who wouldn't hold back Israel in the least.
It's not the west that deters us. West doesn't deter the general population. It is only the weak government that cares about outside opposition to crushing the terrorist population of Gaza
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