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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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In both cases the actions are taken against the underage child to maintain law and order and peace....(In essence to prevent casualties and to protect the population at hand).....

Well clearly the actions taken our not protecting the population at hand......otherwise 45 people would not have died. Furthermore If the rioter are so bad....has there been a casualty in the Indian Paramilitary forces.
Irelevant mobs hiring kids:rofl:
ISI pays 500 rs
ISI sends heroine
Grow up!

Ill keep doing my part to stop the spread of lies and use of false victimization to malign my country on an international space....

I dont expect rational arguments from you.....

What you believe makes no difference to me or any other Indian....
What are you....The Taliban recruitment co-ordinator? How do you know the recruitment methods of Taliban vs a Kashmiri mob?

Enough with nonsensical arguments you cant prove....

I have provided you with a very simple comparison and you are unable to digest it....so you resort to unsubstantiated flights of fantasy....

Ur arguements are flawed my friend its not a secret tht taliban kidnapped children and brainwashed them. On the other side we see the opposite and we see 47 plus stone throwin youth killed by indian occupiers.

Accept the truth it makes a man bigger.
Well clearly the actions taken our not protecting the population at hand......otherwise 45 people would not have died. Furthermore If the rioter are so bad....has there been a casualty in the Indian Paramilitary forces.

The rioters were fired at because they violated a curfew....a curfew set for their own safety and the safety of public property.....

Dont break the law....you wont get hurt...how hard is it to understand?

Yes....Paramilitary forces were injured....
What are you....The Taliban recruitment co-ordinator? How do you know the recruitment methods of Taliban vs a Kashmiri mob?

Pakistan: Taliban kidnapping boys for ?jihad? - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan - msnbc.com

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Pakistan 'rescues' child soldiers

I don't see Kashmiri children kidnapped and forced into protesting against India.....tsk try again next time. And also Pakistani' families have not been subjected to rapes and Killings by the Pakistan armed forces.....unlike what Kashmiri's face.
Ur arguements are flawed my friend its not a secret tht taliban kidnapped children and brainwashed them. On the other side we see the opposite and we see 47 plus stone throwin youth killed by indian occupiers.

Accept the truth it makes a man bigger.

Right....so brainwashing is a trait known only to the Taliban? All Kashmiri children were there based on their own will....the knowledge of which you know because you held a one on one interview with them before they entered the mob....

Cmon...Gimme a break...you're diggin your own grave with these lame arguments.
Pakistan: Taliban kidnapping boys for ?jihad? - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan - msnbc.com

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Pakistan 'rescues' child soldiers

I don't see Kashmiri children kidnapped and forced into protesting against India.....tsk try again next time. And also Pakistani' families have not been subjected to rapes and Killings by the Pakistan armed forces.....unlike what Kashmiri's face.

Read my response to Pakistani Nationalist on the same issue...

Anyways....my point stands....these kids broke the law....if they ended up dead...it was due to violation of law, their violent acts and being in the wrong place at the wrong time....
Yes....Paramilitary forces were injured

Oh they were injured.....not killed.....what a brave bunch of Paramilitary soilders you have......that forced them into such a situation that they killled 45 people.........bravo.
Who are you to question wheather someone is making a rational argument or not.

You're accusing my country....Im defending my country....

I think you know the drill...

Im here to prevent misinformation from spreading...
Oh they were injured.....not killed.....what a brave bunch of Paramilitary soilders you have......that forced them into such a situation that they killled 45 people.........bravo.

Thanks....India is a country full of brave people....

FYI....Theres a billion of us....

Kashmiris holding a Pakistani flag during a protest in Srinagar - Occupied Kashmir
Right....so brainwashing is a trait known only to the Taliban? All Kashmiri children were there based on their own will....the knowledge of which you know because you held a one on one interview with them before they entered the mob....

Cmon...Gimme a break...you're diggin your own grave with these lame arguments.

Yeah and the so call mob with no name kidnapped 20 year olds and brain washed thousands of em right under the nose of almost a million soldiers in worlds most militarised area?

Thats conveniant.

By the way the children taliban kidnapped werent above 17,18 even younger then tht and they had made special camps in wasiristan area where there was no military presence... i dont think its the same case in indian occupied Kashmir?
This thread is not about Pakistan so stick to the topic......as you are an Indian its your responsibillity to defend your goverements action..... what Pakistan does wrong or right is another question, that can only be answered in another thread.

No...if you have ever studied law....you will notice that a lawyer always refers to previous cases or instances to build his/her case....

In this particular instance....you're accusing my country of a crime which it really isnt....hence Im giving you the relevant instance

Im comparing one situation to the other to show you the similarities in the events and how your hypocrisy and Pakistani origins tend you to align yourself to the Pakistani POV under the guise of neutrality....
Thanks....India is a country full of brave people....

FYI....Theres a billion of us....

If you guys were brave you would not entangle yourselves in a game of Russian Roullette with a small country like Pakistan over a territory you know damn well was supposed to come to us in 1947. India would have reached great heights by now if her manpower was not consumed with containing and suppressing Kashmiri freedom movement. You guys are still running around with a large malnourished and uneducated population with the same problems Pakistan has.
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