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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Amit12 you shouldn't get too emotionally calm down its a public forum.

Bad education,lots of hatred and bad family background make one abusive like tht.

Shame but true.
Report his post and move forward.
I dont think so.Such uprisings have occured earlier too and resulted in nothing.

If such uprisings have happened before....then why has your goverment not tried to resolve the issue at hand. The Indian Paramilitary forces have killed 45 Kashmiri's.....as a result it will create another generation of Kashmiri's who would hate India......not a very smart move by the Indian goverement.
Taliban dont have children even if they have they r used as suicide bombers and are mostly 18 and above to 23.
And on the otherside u kill youth armed with STONES OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

Pathetic comparison.

Ok...first off...we all know that Taliban recruits children....whether they recruit them for suicide bombing or for armed operations....that is irrelevant....

Lets just assume....that PA shoot a potential child bomber before he takes several lives and destroys a building.....
The PA is justified in doing so since it the aim of this child is to cause mayhem and destruction....

Similarly....the children being recruited by these mobs are violating direct orders (shoot at sight) curfew orders and destroying public property, pelting state forces and burning down shops etc.....
If in the process of anti-riot action, if a child is injured or killed as part of a mob (remember they are not being directly targeted)....the police force is not to be blamed....

In both cases the actions are taken against the underage child to maintain law and order and peace....(In essence to prevent casualties and to protect the population at hand).....

I think you guys are showing major double standards....
Whats all the fuss about.:what:
Female protestors? Use female riot control police or female paramilitary units.:coffee:

Ok...first off...we all know that Taliban recruits children....whether they recruit them for suicide bombing or for armed operations....that is irrelevant....

Lets just assume....that PA shoot a potential child bomber before he takes several lives and destroys a building.....
The PA is justified in doing so since it the aim of this child is to cause mayhem and destruction....

Similarly....the children being recruited by these mobs are violating direct orders (shoot at sight) curfew orders and destroying public property, pelting state forces and burning down shops etc.....
If in the process of anti-riot action, if a child is injured or killed as part of a mob (remember they are not being directly targeted)....the police force is not to be blamed....

In both cases the actions are taken against the underage child to maintain law and order and peace....(In essence to prevent casualties and to protect the population at hand).....

I think you guys are showing major double standards....

Irelevant mobs hiring kids:rofl:
ISI pays 500 rs
ISI sends heroine
Grow up!
Children in the Taliban = Children in the mob in Kashmir

No it does not....children in Pakistan are force to join the Taliban and be suicide bombers.....however Kashmiri children are not forced, as they bravely come out onto the street with there families to fight for there freedom. Pakistan army did not rape there own people....but India is doing that in Kashmir as a result you have a backlash of hatred towards the Indian goverement ....other wise we would not have these protests.
Bullets will give rise to more strifes. The brutality and ugly face of India can be seen from the fact that India refuses to use the force in own territories against militants But do so in occupied country Kashmir because there they kill Kashmiris not bhartis

The Khalistani movement was just as bloody as the Kashmiri movements and was crushed as will Kashmir....

India has shown an even handed hard approach against any insurgency...

PS: Please refer to all people from India as Indians....Bharati or Bharatiya is a term only Indians can use for other Indians....India is the official name of our country as far as you're concerned...
Pakistani army operations casulaties resulting in Talibani Childrens death = Indian Police operational casualties resulting in death of children in mob

This thread is not about Pakistan so stick to the topic......as you are an Indian its your responsibillity to defend your goverements action..... what Pakistan does wrong or right is another question, that can only be answered in another thread.
Perhaps the Naxalite situation will bring some appeasements out of Delhi regarding Kashmir. Otherwise it is quite possible that India be en-strangled in a vice grip of insurgency from one end of the country to the other.

Khuda na Kare.... we ever face what Pakistan is facing at the moment......
You show a major bias and hypocricy when you criticize the Indian Police for their actions but not the Pakistani army for a crime against a "child" when both are doing it to maintain peace and order in their respective countries...

Well if you make another thread about Pakistan and its wrongdoings...then I will be happily to discuss it with you in another thread. However this thread is about India.
The Khalistani movement was just as bloody as the Kashmiri movements and was crushed as will Kashmir....
India has shown an even handed hard approach against any insurgency...

PS: Please refer to all people from India as Indians....Bharati or Bharatiya is a term only Indians can use for other Indians....India is the official name of our country as far as you're concerned...

Khalistan movement was crushed by killing sikhs raping women not to forget bombing Golden temple.
But there is a big difference in 47 sikhs JOINED INDIA while KASHMIRIS DIDNT.
Its been more then 6 decades while u have killed 150000 kashmiris raped countless women and still wats the result?
The youth born after 87 are on the streets killing by indian occupiers r going strong and Kashmir is still under conflict?the biggest hurdle is tht Kashmiris even after 63 years calll themselves KASHMIRIS not indians and india has failed!

And history is witness no freedom struggle of any NATION has gone in vain.

Kashmir will get its Freedom Inshallah.
I think you guys are showing major double standards....

When Pakistan Army does kill children......it is wrong......however what India does is worse in my opinion, simply because Pakistan has a hidden enemy, and it can't distingush bewteen who is the bomber....or where the attack is coming from, so mistakes are made.......But I accept it is wrong. However Indian paramilitary forces are murdering people that are in clear view of them. And tell me what made a policeman shove a baton down a 8 year old throat......could he not subdue him.....if not then his ineffcient to be a policeman.
No it does not....children in Pakistan are force to join the Taliban and be suicide bombers.....however Kashmiri children are not forced, as they bravely come out onto the street with there families to fight for there freedom. Pakistan army did not rape there own people....but India is doing that in Kashmir as a result you have a backlash of hatred towards the Indian goverement ....other wise we would not have these protests.

What are you....The Taliban recruitment co-ordinator? How do you know the recruitment methods of Taliban vs a Kashmiri mob?

Enough with nonsensical arguments you cant prove....

I have provided you with a very simple comparison and you are unable to digest it....so you resort to unsubstantiated flights of fantasy....
Khuda na Kare.... we ever face what Pakistan is facing at the moment......

Peshwa I would ask you to eat some humble pie and look at a map of the Maoist and Naxalite insurgency, and your "internal" Kashmir problem. Then tell me the exact area in square feet of land that is being exploited by insurgency or militancy in both Pakistan and India. The parameters I will keep defined very loosely (as Kashmir is a freedom struggle and the Maoists are right too but that's my opinion). When you have the answer...slap yourself in the face for me. :tup:
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